>>35332319Is this really a question you want to make, Whathappensfag?
I'd absolutely call the s8-s9 staff "SJWs" and I absolutely think that they ruined the show. They follow my definition of SJW: people who pretend to care about defending liberal politics to look cool, but actually don't give a fuck about what they allegedly defend.
That's why instead of showing why Neighsay was wrong, the show simply claims he was; that's why Yona, the token immigrant, is a shitty stereotype but everyone just loves her for no reason; that's why the token gay couple wasn't created as part of the show, but to brag about them during the pride month never to be seen again. The SJW writers couldn't care less about racism, immigration, or gays. They didn't bother writing episodes defending anything, because they never cared about any of those things, they simply wanted to tell everyone, "hey, I wrote an episode about how bad racism is, I wrote an episode defending gays, look how cool I am!"
Then, another set of SJWs on the social media remind you that you have to praise what their fellas wrote. It doesn't matter if you remember something defending immigrants or gays that was actually good and you know that what you just watched is terrible, if you don't praise that dull emptiness, you're a bad guy. And so, those people take over liberal media like cancer, removing any kind of actual message, leaving only memes that no one cares about. Why big corporations remove liberal writers who believed in their messages and replace them with brainless puppets is something you should figure out.
But that's my definition of SJW. This board's definition of SJW is "literally anything that isn't 100% far-right." You ship Spike and Thorax, you like them together, not to look cool nor for any other hidden reason, ans so I would never call you an SJW, but half the board would.
Do you really think that you'll get a satisfactory reply from people who lump you together with the writers who ruined the show?