>You decide to play a game with Scoots.
>Your children back home used to love this.
>You bend over and pick the small pegasus up.
>"Hey Anon, what are you doing?"
>She's surprisingly light; she weighs less than your youngest.
/Dis gun be gud/
>You bend back over, nearly setting her down again.
>Then you snap upright, flinging Scootaloo into the air with as much force as you can muster.
>She gasps in surprise.
>You stand poised to catch her, but she instinctively sticks out her tiny wings, and surprisingly begins to glide away from you.
>You watch her go as she giggles nervously, slowly drifting closer to the ground.
>Her landing is not worthy of the name.
>She touches down with her forehooves first and pitches forward into a very awkward faceplant.
>This crash-landing causes you a lot of concern.
>You hope you haven't hurt her.
>Suddenly she pops up and races straight at you.
>Bouncing up and down in front of you with giddy delight, she exclaims, "AGAIN!! Do it again!"
>You grin.
"Sure Scoots!"
>You bend over and pick her up again.
"Whoops-a daisy!"
>Her landing is better this time.
>She keeps you at this activity until the sun starts to set.
>Today was a good day.