How DARE you, SIR.
>I can't hear you over the sounds of your s()y slurpingI'll have you know I'm allergic to s○y! The doctor says I have a special digestive system for a special young lad!
>and the noises your wife and her boyfriend are making.WHY, I've never so much as seen a boob in all my life! The sheer audacity of your claim that I would tarnish my soft pure virginly-ness by taking a wife are unthinkable and insulting.
>Now put your Nintendo Switch down.I am homeless my fine GENTLEMAN, you think I'd subject myself to the wagie-cagie lifestyle? Hohoho, you naive fool.
>I hear the delivery guy,Oh fuck I'd better hide, I get anxious around people, thanks for the warning.
>who is bringing your shipment of Funkopops. You have to put the Funkopops away........No. I shan't be doing that. Dumbledore stays.
>before your wife's 27th abortion.Well obviously I support abortion, when you look at how the women feel about it. My own mother regrets not having one herself, in fact.
>Be sure to feed your fur babies before heading out!How did you know I was a furry?
I would NEVER DO this!!!!