>"Uncle Nonny!"
"Hey there, lil' squirt!"
>Kneeling down, you spread your arms while the little alicorn barrels into your chest, nearly knocking you off your somewhat unsteady feet
>It's all in good fun, though, and you laugh as you wrap your arms around her slender back, you can feel her hooves somehow hold onto you as you heft her up off the ground, her back legs dangling as you stand to your full height
>"Seems like someone's happy to see you!" Cadance calls out cheerily, her husband not far behind straining to magic over several suitcases that look absolutely near bursting.
>You'd offer to help Shining, but you took a bet you could beat Gummy at hide-and-seek last night
>You didn't sleep last night
"Hey, always good to see my favorite niece!" you respond, trying your best to keep your bearings as you bend down to gingerly place her down, Flurry's wings flapping in annoyance, obviously not wanting to separate from you that quick
>Shining finally lets the cases go, one falling to its side with a heavy thud as he can finally look your way to speak
>"Anon, thank you so much for doing this for me Cadance," he says, to his credit only barely wheezing. "We know you always have to travel pretty far to watch my little girl."
"Ahhh, nah man," you're quick to diffuse. "You know I'd always stop by to help you and the family."
>Flurry wraps her front legs around your shin, staring up at you and flapping her wings while you focus more on her parents
>Shining's been a good friend of yours since the time at that stupid friendship banquet where Twilight got her horn stuck in that oboe, even if you just did what anyone would he was still really grateful, and you'd been sure to stay in touch since
>Including watch out for his kid sometimes, while he and Cadance take some private vacation time
>She's taken quite the liking to you, and you try your best to be the coolest uncle you can be