>Be Anon
>Faggotte supreme
>You open your eyes to greet another bright morning, and roll over to find-
>A pony.
>A white, pink-maned princess who is currently staring directly at you like you're some kind of specimen.
>"Good morning, weird monkey creature!"
>Oh shit, it talks.
>Of course it talks.
>Her eyes brighten with excitement as you sit up in bed, scrunching the sleep out of yours.
>"I was wondering when you'd wake up. You snore really loud."
>Ignoring her comments for now, you grab your med bottle from the bedside table and check for horse hallucinations on the side effects list.
>Huh, not there.
>This must be real then.
>"I am Athena! Protector of the three kingdoms, I have travelled here from far, far away to seek help in my most crucial quest to-"
>She tilts her head.
>"What are you doing?"
>You peer down, and were so distracted by her voice that you overlooked the fact you have just whipped your cock out from under your sheets and started jerking it.
>"What's that?"
"It's, uh... my magic longstaff."
>She leans in close, takes a sniff. Her eyes roll around in her head.
>"Looks more like a shortstaff to me..."
>You continue fapping, she doesn't seem to mind though she casts curious glances down at your schlong every now and then.
>"Anyway, weird monkey creature, time is of the essence! We must away to my magical chariot to-"
"Yeah, yeah, just give me a second. Hey, could you turn around for me?"
>She raises a brow, but obliges.
>You swipe your hand out and grab her tail, yanking it up to reveal her pristine princess pussy underneath, and soft supple white ponut.
"Don't mind me, just gotta... ughh... just gimme a few seconds and we'll go."
>The warm smell of it drifts up to your nostrils.
>Holy shit is smells good, like candyfloss tempered with clean, bright summer meadows and beams of sunshine.
>Along with a gentle brush of horse musk.
>Still stroking, you mash the head of your cock around in her mushy outer labia, collecting some latent marejuice to help you lubricate.
>"Is this some kind of customary earth greeting?"
>"Well, strange hunched, staff-rubbing monkey creature, while we wait I have something to take care of myself!"