>>37754496She was raised to propriety in a civilized and frankly haughty unicorn milieu, and no doubt bore the weight of all sorts of high-societal expectation she would struggle to fulfill.
She attended CGSU and was likely poised to be a successful musician in Canterlot, but ultimately decided to give up all that milk and honey on a platter to move to Ponyville for a simpler, free life in the country. To that end, she finds herself one with nature, having decidedly been on the animal team during Winter Wrap Up. It’s not in any conversant sense, though. She would much prefer not to know or worry for what's ahead, to instead let herself get lost in the world's natural splendors. She's curious, adventurous, and young at heart - the kind of mare to go exploring Equestria with.
Most of these traits also lend themselves to her sillier, carefree aspect that comes through in her day-to-day life in town. You might see her bouncing around effervescently, cracking jokes and playing pranks with her pals, or even chasing butterflies. She's entirely friendly with the ponies of the town, who know her for her purity of heart in all she does. For instance, as a regular busking sight and a dedicated member of the Ponyville Choir, she'd take the time to play her lyre or sing just for (You) to brighten your day. It’s not “music” by rote from a manuscript, but rather songs that come from the heart. She lives to bring the gift of music into ponies' lives, both literally and figuratively; it’s not surprising given her name.
Perhaps most importantly, through it all, she retains the wisdom to understand and practice moderation in her ways. It's the perfect balance in her temperament that truly sets her apart from the archetypal character. Even her colors reflect this, with them being bright yet tonally soft within the prettiest aesthetic blend ever to grace a mare's look. For gold are her eyes and gold is her heart that, despite how energetic she can be, she wouldn't ever hesitate to slow down and enjoy quieter moments both alone and with company. She knows how important it is to embrace our sentimental aspect, and that there should be no shame in taking the time to appreciate life and beauty. Whether it be sitting on a bench, lazing under a tree, or laying beneath the stars, nothing to her is time wasted - she’s an embodiment of “stopping to smell the roses”.
Of course, she would humble herself whenever she could to her own perfections; hers is a soul not wanting in any way. She never desires much for wealth or admiration, and is content to simply be a presence in the background making ponies smile, living life by the whims of the day. To all this, Lyra is not just the prettiest mare there ever was, she's a paragon for idyllic living - beautiful on the inside and out.