>>37925408It's difficult to rag on the Mane 6 for having idealistic views. Faust's Equestria is an idyllic and carefree world. Why wouldn't the M6 always seek the optimal solution when there is always one present in this land of dreams?
And the bad guys, Luna and Discord, are just misunderstood and only really needed a friend in their life. We'll skip over Tirek, besides the crystal castle and a flashy fight scene his impact as a major villain was minimal.
And then you have Starlight. With her political ambitions intertwined with her personal story. Tragedy, ambition, struggle, victory, struggle, defeat, revenge and finally redemption.
You mention grey area problems but they simply didn't exist in the show before it kicked up it's maturity with Starlight.
There were no complex industrialization versus agricultural development problems to resolve, the Mane 6 were simply defending the family and their land from a pair greedy tricksters.
Now here's a question, was there a way mature the Mane 6? Without Faust I think it's a pipe dream.
In any case this discrepancy between the M6 and Starlight makes Starlight look older and wiser. As if the M6 are akin to starry-eyed children without real world experience.
And, and here's a big issue, you lose our beloved Equestria. How can this fantasy land keep it's magic we felt when watching it for the first time when you're watching pony Game of Thrones?
speaking of
>>37927862>Maybe even throw in some racial tension between the earth ponies, Pegasus, and unicorns as if the kingdom was breaking down back to the old ways, balkanization.As much as I would love this as a show viewer, it's not the Equestria I want to be in. How can you have SoL when you have to resolve a serious diplomatic dispute with the yak kingdoms?
Or the growing unrest and resistance of the populace to industrialization etc. No wonder some faggots hate her and don't even know why. She marked a milestone in the show's life and disturbed their fantasies.
In theory that is, they half-ars.. the cowards didn't go all the way with Starlight and the show's growth. Everything but Starlight and those lucky to be in her episodes stagnated and then started eating it's own tail.
[write the conclusion here and don't forget to delete this]
In conclusion fuck Hasbro.