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/glim/ Usurpation edition

No.38047013 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>"All hail, Starlight, hail to thee, thane of Ourtown!"
>"All hail, Starlight, thou shalt be princess hereafter!"

>Previous Thread
Topics discussed previously:
>Charismatic cult leader or societal ideologue? High ideal vision for betterment of all ponykind or a well-intentioned but wicked drive derived from selfish reasons?
>A Friendly visit
>Starlight and Trixie and friends (and the recurring ideas of their spin-offs thrown about across the thread.)
>The beauty of Starlight's mane.
>The many sins of the latter half of FiM production and their impact on Starlight.
>Starlight's age It's 732
>More ideas of spin-offs
>Some topics cut short due to premature death of a thread.

Some glimmies kindly bestowed upon us:

I would have waited for one of the OPs to bring us a Starlight thread but my patience ran out, hence the Usurpation edition.