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- >What is this thread about? This thread revolves around stories about ponies getting bathed and pet.
>Can you elaborate more? Sure! SPG (Slave Pony General) is mostly about characters dealing with the actual implications of the horrifying thing that is chattel slavery. It's more looking at how people with modern sensibilities deal with the ownership of another sentient being, and how most people aren't total cunts.
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Bedmare don't feel like it, but knows her place.
Dash just entered into her teenage years. Expect a lot of rebellious things from her!
>>39104902 Oh really? Well Dashie can expect some good quality time over my knee getting her little blue butt lit up with my hairbrush until it's red as a beet. So shape up, missy!
>>39105099 that type of discipline dont always work
>>39105305 Maybe not always, but for sassyness and being a little brat? Light that tushie on fire. She'll learn, or she'll get her bottom blistered. Plain and simple.
one day.... rehab is gonna be back.... someday....
>>39105336 What if she enjoys being spanked?
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>>39105552 Then deny her the spank, of course. This ain't difficult.
>>39105497 Stay strong, anon.
picunrelated Anonymous
>>39104717 That's a little smile on her muzzle. She absolutely enjoys it.
>>39106364 Or she fakes the smile for her master.
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>>39106723 She's either a master at faking contempt or she's into it. You're free to interpret it however you like
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>>39106359 Horse juice is her favorite ^-^
AspiringWritefag !!Ojw0rGjSZOI
Today will have to be a postpone day, I'm afraid. I've had parents over for a first time visit in this country since Sat and in addition to walking a cumulative ~30km, I am also missing some cumulative 48h of sleep. I'm hoping to recover by the weekend to produce at least some kind of an update over the weekend. I have new and profound respect for tour guides now.
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>>39107312 Postponing instead of poni posting :(
Its bring your filly to work day, what happens?
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>>39107958 >kirinfilly gets to watch me fix machines in the factory might be fun? dunno
>>39107958 >filly gets to watch me wage and kill myself chainsmoking on my break and lunch Anonymous
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>>39108003 i hope at least the money is enough to buy more fillies
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>>39107958 >Filly gets to stay at home Nothing?
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>>39107312 Based family Tourguide. Would you train your pone on the local traditions and history?
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>>39108675 Rarity is for spanking
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>>39107958 Current job is boring, let's go back a while. Filly gets to watch grown men throw a temper tantrum over the requirement to card them before they can buy alcohol or tobacco.
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>>39107958 >Pony gets fawned over by all the coworkers, resulting in me getting fuckall done >Pony insists on cleaning and rearranging my cubicle, because it's an absolute fucking mess >Pony sneaks into the development lab and gets hair all over the sensitive electronics >Pony does not like the production test room; the noise of the machinery, things move suddenly, and there's sirens >Pony does like conference rooms; it's quiet, and the big chairs are comfy and good for snoozing in >Pony makes puppydog eyes at anyone who makes popcorn until they give her some Anonymous
Pony has gone half an hour without getting cuddled and the cravings are setting in
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>>39107958 >Assembling IKEA furniture with your mare for eight hours a day Sounds kinda fun
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>>39104710 I just read Trash Panda and it seems incomplete, even though it was listed as complete.
Why do you do this to me
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>>39109852 She has to wait some more. I work for ten hours a day.
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>>39109355 She seems well behaved
>>39113271 The mute scaled ponies are a very naughty subspecies. Who even buys these things?
>>39113312 whoever needs a bonfire on demand
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Silly idea. You buy a pony from pony protective services, where they rescue ponies from abusive owners. The pony you end up with was owned by some kind of crazy bdsm fetish club, and so the pony has been conditioned... to really like punishments, as well as having other really awkward personality quirks. And its really difficult to say no to bed time blowjobs every day, especially when she gives you that look like she did something wrong if she's not allowed to drain your balls every night. So now its up to you to help this pony recover, whatever that may mean.
>>39114373 The safety extinguisher is bigger. That's the punishment extinguisher.
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>>39114470 Make sure kirin get plenty of snackies.
The tend to grump when hungry.
Congratulations! Ponies are now granted human rights in most major countries. What new laws, regulations, or contractual agreements are passed to keep them effectively enslaved, but technically free?
>>39116524 Wasn't sure if she was wearing leggings or those were here actual colors.
>swibble never got her much-deserved cuddles Vega this is an absolute travesty that you need to fix
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Morning safetybump
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>>39118043 Those *are* leggings, but they're covering up her identically shaped and colored coat markings.
Nobody is quite sure if that counts as lewd or not.
>>39118652 Two thirds done with the next bit, but I've had too much of a fever these past few days to finish it. Had Saturday set for writing, too.
So the answer is as soon as I get better!
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>>39120142 Fug dats cute. Hope you feel better, though. Here's a cute Coco to help.
>>39118061 I miss the OG slave sweetie story where she hid under the sink
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>>39120569 >TFW this artist just stopped posting altogether >Never arted for another story here Anonymous
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Bump before bed.
>>39116602 Full human rights? Human slavery is a big no-no in most modern law systems so I'm not sure if actual equivalent, innate rights would allow any loopholes. Some declaration of rights is usually enshrined in some "higher" set of laws, like a constitution, which would be very difficult to change and which normal laws wouldn't be able to override.
I guess some places like the UK don't have anything like that (the UK parliament is sovereign, and the "unwritten constitution" can be changed simply by passing a new law to change that one aspect) but then the UK holds precedent and procedures to be sacred and stability of things like human rights is ensured by making changing them to be political suicide (and an instant free win for whoever restores them).
Anyway, a better solution would be to give them the path to get human rights conditionally. For example, a slave has to pass some exams that demonstrate maturity, intelligence and basically the competence to live independently and take on responsibility as a member of society. An easy way to ensure that ponies remain slaves in practice is to then prevent them from learning the necessary information and skills to pass the test: after all, before passing it they're still property, and you can control them however you want, so there's no obligation to actually let them prepare for the test at all. For public perception and rhetoric, the only requirement might be that slaves must be allowed to TAKE the test (else it's kinda useless, so there has to be at least some nominal rights). This can be fraught with obstacles too, such as being limited to at most once a year (or more? once every five years?) without the master's explicit approval. Also, obviously, of the pony fails the test there's nothing stopping the master from then punishing it severly for having tried at all.
Bonus points if the test is needlessly obtuse in some areas to make sure it actually requires studying specifically for it, and you can't pass by just being intelligent, mature and responsible. Bonus bonus points if there's official study material for the test and it's illegal to sell it to slaves: so the only way for a pony to get at one is to either have their master support them and buy one for them, or to somehow steal a copy or obtain one through legally grey means.
The rights could even be revocable, for example criminal punishments could, instead of putting ponies in prison, instead deem them unfit to be independent citizens and strip their rights. Incidentally: if there's no protection against prosecuting free ponies for slave crimes, then a pony who steals official material to prepare for the test and gets caught, there's no sense in prosecuting a slave, but they'd have to wait years and years for the statute of limitation for a chance to actually be free: else they can get prosecuted for theft, and have their newly acquired rights stripped, pretty much immediately upon passing the test.
>>39122535 tl;dr: with this system ponies would effectively only be able to get freedom with support from their masters. If the master doesn't want it, nominally any pony can be free provided they "qualify" for it (they don't even need to "earn" it or anything like that! just prove they're fit to be independent citizens!) but the roadblocks are big enough that there's essentially almost no way forward.
Even better would be if there's some easy ways for a pony to get their rights stripped even if their master doesn't sabotage them (again, without being TOO obviously bullshit). Maybe have it contingent on "breaking the law" in general, so if they do so much as get a speeding ticket or get caught drinking in public or something, bam it's over for them. Aaand maybe introduce some clearly discriminatory anti-pony laws, like intentionally confusing zoning for pegasus flight, retarded limitations on unicorn magic, etc.?
With enough effort, it could be made such that even if a master wants their pony to be free, the easiest way to achieve that is to simply treat them as a free companion and otherwise retain legal ownership, else trying to get them to obtain actual human rights is such a bother and there's such a big risk of having them stripped back - and the pony potentially going back on the market to who knows what kind of horrible master - that it's really best to just stay owned.
Mr Rogers buys a pony, what happens?
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>>39123807 He'd likely immediately free said pony.
Pony becomes a regular cast member on the show.
Children love Pony.
Then he and the pony go for a "swim" on his show to protest against slavery and segregation.
Slavery ends within 10 years.
>>39121938 Even the best mares have their off days.
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>>39124167 aww. she's a good girl.
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Bumpan Board be fast today
>>39124167 Does anyone else have a reluctant but consensual sex fetish or is it just me?
>>39125152 Slightly different take. Not reluctant, but not into it, but also never against it. Not indifferent to sex, but not saught out or denied. Like, she has no problem letting you use her body, and she enjoys it, but she doesn't actively participate.
Completely defenseless. It is time to bully the snoozing cuddlebug.
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>>39126290 Put a clothes pin on one of her snaggle tooths so she can't close her mouth.
>>39128163 Are we sure this is a pony and not a bird?
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>>39128832 Bird ponies were a thing.
Although there isn't much difference between a pegasus and one.
Its 3am and your bathorse wants to play
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>>39129637 >i must do the thing Anonymous
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>>39129637 Lock it up in the laundry room and go back to bed
Horse gets really excited over the weirdest things
>>39130645 Have we had any crystal pony stories?
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>>39131092 Liquid Crystal in the op bin, and there were a couple in CYOS but they didn't have major roles
>the cheerimac thing never continued
>>39130595 Kinda, but with slave under tones? If that makes any sense.
Are there any casual sex slave greens?
AspiringWritefag !!Ojw0rGjSZOI
>>39131092 One of my early works had a crystal pony in the main role, but fair warning: it's a bit of a sad story and not too good, it being one of my first greens. It freaks with stuff like depression and hopelessness and
suicide attempt , all without first-hand experience, which means it's probably misrepresented.
S'called "Break" on ponepaste if you still want it, should have a link in the 'all stories' bin.
AspiringWritefag !!Ojw0rGjSZOI
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>>39133323 freaks=deals, thanks to me trying to save time with this swipe-typing thing
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>>39132989 I think there was some discussion way back when in cse, but I doubt it ever spawned a green.
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>>39122535 >>39122550 I like the way you think, anon.
Spooky day is getting closer How do you dress up your pony?
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What if humans learned that pony meat is delicious, and ponies learned human meat is delicious, and that medical ponies have regenerative healing spells?
AspiringWritefag !!Ojw0rGjSZOI
>>39081865 > Mayor Mare wandered aimlessly for a while, until she found herself at the stream. She didn't feel particularly thirsty, but drank anyway out of sheer habit. There was no one to accost her, so she headed back to the camp. > She still needed to fetch her clay pots and take water for Darga and Salki, but she didn't think she could face the nomad boy, not yet. > First she had to process the incident in her own mind. She felt numb, as if it hadn't happened to her, personally, but that was because the full implications hadn't yet worked their way through her shock. > It didn't *sound* like her. > Surely she would never, even if she were drunk, do something like that? It was not what a pony - any pony - would do. It was inequine! > For a while Mayor tried blaming it on the beer, but she kept remembering the eager thrill of anticipation when she'd realized she could get drunk the previous day. Then, she had told herself it was to dull the disappointment after the traders hadn't had any news of Rainy Day, but that was just another excuse. > She'd wanted to drink because she liked how it made her feel. For a few hours the world wasn't completely bucked-up. "Only because I'm just as... as [fucked up] as the world," she murmured to herself.
> It still wasn't her fault, not completely. She'd been taken from her home, again her will, and made a prisoner of these people. Sure, she liked some of them more than the others, but they had still foal-napped her. > Ever since she had been brought to this unfriendly world she had had to see things that no pony should have to see. > Blood, and violence, and cruelty, and a cold disregard for life and justice, even for the most basic decency. The nomads had rudiments of civilisation, but they were little more than animals. > Was it really that strange that they'd dragged her down? Could any pony stand up to them and retain her ideals, remain a true Equestrian, in this dark, dismal, brutal place? > Drinking was a coping mechanism. She did it to keep from going insane. > It didn't excuse... *using* Saule, but maybe it helped explain it? > Mayor imagined saying those words to Darga, or to Intor, or even to Mitra, Saule's daughter. Would they understand, or would they punish her? > What were nomad punishments like? Mayor had seen beatings, but those mostly applied to children. She hadn't seen any of the adults being punished. What would happen to her? > She wasn't even one of them, maybe the nomads would decide that she was just too dangerous and unpredictable. If they could no longer trust her, maybe it would be easier to just kill her for the meat, or send her out into the wilderness alone. AspiringWritefag !!Ojw0rGjSZOI
>>39137148 > Mayor's legs began to tremble and her breathing quickened as she remembered that fateful night she and Rainy Day had tried to run from wolves. She wouldn't survive long on her own, and the end would be gruesome. > If that were her choice, she would prefer they just ended it quickly. An image of a knife, slowly sliding across her throat made the mare shudder and groan in fright. > There was no way she could face either of those fates! > She remembered the thought she'd had when she was running out of the camp, some hours prior. Maybe she could avoid the worse punishment if she acted quickly! > Mayor suddenly had an important goal and she hastened her hoofsteps back to Saule's tent. After a few moments she broke into a gallop, suddenly afraid that she was already too late. "Please, don't tell your Mom yet, plase!" she whined under her breath.
> If she could reach the girl soon enough, maybe she could strike a deal. Her and Salki. Mayor would atone, as best she could, as long as it didn't include her having to die. > She dashed around campfires and missed nomads by inches. Sometimes she didn't quite make it and her side smacked against a thigh, or a rump, so her progress was marked by an occasional angry shout or yell of pain. > Mayor knew she was knocking some of the nomads to the ground, but they would live and she didn't have any time to spare. > She shouted apologies, but didn't spare any more breath to say where she was going or why. The only piece of luck was that none of the nomads came after her, either through curiosity or through anger. For that, Mayor was grateful. > Saule was still tending the fire outside of her mother's tent, but now she had a leather pot of soup stretched on a tripod. It smelled of meaty broth, but Mayor simply ignored it as she stopped in front of the girl. > She was panting and her entire body was trembling, but luckily she could still speak. "[Quick! Saule, did you say to Mother? Did you say- about me? Last night?]" Mayor demanded.
> Her sudden appearance and the question were strange enough that Saule replied before she could remember her grievance. "[N-No? Why? What is this?!]" > Mayor threw herself on her knees, partly out of exhaustion, and partly as a sign of humility. "[Please! Please no tell anyone! I am saying please! I pay, I promise. You, Salki- you take me and beat me, okay? Punishment, yes. Beating. I will pay, but please no tell anyone! They will kill me!]"
> The mare wasn't entirely certain about that last part, but she wasn't taking any chances and would play on any heartstrings she could to save herself. > The nomad girl looked stunned and didn't seem to know how to answer her. "[Wha- What? What are you talking about? Beating?]" AspiringWritefag !!Ojw0rGjSZOI
>>39137152 > Mayor crawled closer to the girl and lifted her forelegs out of the mud in supplication. Some other nomads had gathered around, so she would have to watch her words, but other than that Mayor didn't care what they saw or thought. "[Yes! Please, I did wrong and you can beat me. How much you think, I will not fight it. I am really sorry, I will prove it! Just no tell anyone!]"
> That last she said in a lower voice, otherwise the brighter of the onlookers might start guessing at more than Mayor would have liked them to. There were some murmurs, but they were too faint even for her pony ears. > Meanwhile Saule had stood up, but she wasn't backing away, which Mayor took as a good sign. "" "[Punishment. I deserve punishment, no? I want your punishment, not your mother, or Darga. I did it to you, it should be you. Maybe also Salki, but you first!]"> They were near enough so that there was little chance now of anyone overhearing. The nomads kept their respectful distance and some left, now that the commotion of her crazy arrival seemed to be over, but a few still hung around, curious. > Saule looked around and seemed to notice their audience for the first time. Her face went beet red and she glared at the mare. "[What are you doing?! I don't want a scene, not after- not today! Get away from me!]" > She was losing her and Mayor had to force her forelegs into stillness, before they wrapped around the girls legs in a desperate hug. Talking became harder as new fear flowed through her. > If Saule insisted on telling the adults and left the punishment to them, all the horrible things Mayor had imagined would come to pass. "[Please, please, Saule! I am your friend, we can fix this! I'm sorry! I'll go away, just promise: no tell anyone and you punish me, no one else. Promise! I will go, okay? I will wait, we will talk later.]"> Maybe she got through to the girl, or maybe she just wanted the public scene to end, because Saule threw her arms up in defeat and growled: "[Bah, fine! I'll beat you if you insist. I won't tell anyone, just go!]" > The relief was too much and Mayor reached out a hoof to snag the edge of Saule's coat. She kissed the animal fur and smiled at the nomad girl. "[Thank you! I'm sorry, thank you! I will wait. We will make it right, I promise. Thank you!]"> Before the young woman could change her mind Mayor crawled a few steps away and got to her hooves. She was filthy with mud and her coat was caked in it, but all of it was less dirty than she felt inside. AspiringWritefag !!Ojw0rGjSZOI
>>39137155 > She did what she had to do to survive, but she didn't feel particularly good about it. Mayor Mare kept her smile in place and her ears firmly down until she was out of sight of Saule, then she went to search for Salki. With luck he hadn't told anyone either, and he might be easier to convince now that Saule was on board. > Mayor had meant every word: she would pay with every lash. She would let them them beat her until she was blue, just so long as she didn't have to die for her mistake. Maybe she'd never regain Saule's friendship, but she would at least try to get her forgiveness. > It wouldn't be pleasant, but, the mare thought to herself, the nomads may underestimate how tough her earth pony hide was. Maybe the beating would be quite as as she imagined. > Even if it was, it would be a thousand times better than feeling one of those jagged stone knives slice into her flesh. A million times better than wolf fangs tearing her belly open. > She hobbled on three legs for a few steps so she could place a hoof over her midriff. The mere thought made her queasy. > One of the nomads she had run over in her earlier rush approached and asked something, but Mayor wasn't paying them any mind. > She blurted out something which hopefully sounded noncommittal and hurried off in search of Salki. > ~~~ > The two young nomads actually did it. Salki had found a long, thin, supple branch somewhere and they'd beaten her. Not too harshly, but the whip had left lines of fire across Mayor's rump. > She'd tried to bear it stoically, but before long she was whimpering and squeaking at each blow. Yet when Saule asked if they should stop, Mayor had shaken her head. She wanted to make things right, so she'd told the girl to continue. > If anything, Saule's lashes were stronger than Salki's, but that made sense. After all, Mayor had involved her directly, while the young man had only watched the scene. > She wanted it to be a punishment. It had to hurt, so she would remember, so she could square it away with herself. It was how the nomad world worked; on punishment and pain and misery. Mayor was a part of it now, and the sooner she adapted to their ways, the easier it would be for her. > Despite her stubborn, earth-pony insistence, she was still glad when her friend proclaimed the beating over. Her legs were weak and trembling, and her muzzle was wet with tears. She was covered with fresh mud from the time her limbs had buckled after a particularly strong lash and she'd flopped down into the dirty slush. > Perhaps the only saving grace of the whole affair was that they'd done it out of sight of the camp. Mayor had taken her two friends far enough so no one would conceivably come across their unusual activity and ask problematic questions. AspiringWritefag !!Ojw0rGjSZOI
>>39137157 > It was done and she was left trembling and breathing heavily. An occasional moan drew itself from her muzzle as her back panged with remembered pain. She raised her eyes to Saule, who seemed worried of all things. > "[Are you okay?]" the nomad girl asked quietly. "[Yes. Thank you. I am sorry, you believe now? I prove I am sorry?]"
> Upon mention of her beating Saule looked away, unwilling to meet her eyes. "[You didn't have to do this.]" "[No, no. What I did yesterday- that was wrong. You had- I had to be punished. Okay? Now it is done and we do not need to tell others.]"
> This last came as a bit of a surprise and Saule looked at Salki in confusion. "[Why would we need to tell anyone else?]" "[You will not tell Mother? Salki not tell Darga? I am afraid- if Mitra and Darga know, maybe they punish worse. Maybe they say 'Meyermer, you leave and not come back!' Maybe they kill me for meat.]"
> Mere mention of it was enough to make Mayor Mare shudder anew. She had seen a few times how such slaughter was done and the panicky, fear-filled, gargling braying of the donkeys was the stuff of nightmares for her. > Again both young nomads with her seemed completely bewildered. "[They wouldn't do that,] Salki said, at the same time as Saule blurted out: "[Why would they kill you?]" > Mayor looked from one to the other and tried to come up with an explanation. It was distasteful, especially with her limited language, but she had to explain it. "
"> The girl was still lost and she shrugged her shoulders. "[You just took my hand and made me touch you. I was angry because you didn't ask and you made me, but no one else would care. This happens.]" > She thought about it some more, but Salki seemed to understand a bit better. "" he started and spread his arms in uncertainty. "[Sometimes, some man fucks a woman- a young woman who doesn't want it. If the woman's family, if her brother or father find out, they will get the man and beat him. Is it like that?]" > It sounded pretty close and Mayor nodded urgently. "[Yes! It's bad like that!]"> This just made the two more confused and they exchanged a rapid series of sentences out of which Mayor could hardly distinguish an occasional word. > "[But- you didn't fuck me,]" Saule said and came closer so she could crouch in front of the mare and inspect her face from up close. "[You're a girl. A girl can't fuck another girl.]" "[Y-You were angry about it...]" AspiringWritefag !!Ojw0rGjSZOI
>>39137160 > To this, the nomad shrugged a little. "[Because you used my hand and didn't ask me. I would also be angry if you grabbed me and dragged me around and not let me go. What did you think?]" > It was another painful reminder of just how backward the nomad society was, Mayor realized. She vaguely remembered learning about similar sentiment in Equestria's dark, history, far before the three tribes were united. She shook her head firmly, determined to explain, and reached out to place a hoof on Salki's arm. "[It the same, you see? Even if I am girl and you are too, it is the same bad! It is wrong to do that when you say no! I am the same bad as those men you said!]"
> At this both Salki and Saule laughed uproariously. "[Is that why you wanted us to beat you?!]" Salki suddenly understood. "[Meyermer, it's not the same! A man forcing himself on a woman, or a girl, that is bad. If a girl does it- even if it's with a boy and they actually fuck, that's nothing! No one would care! Even when it's a man, they only care if it's a young girl, and usually only her family!]" > Mayor's ears lowered and she drew a deep sigh. Part of it was relief. Even if the two had promised not to tell, something could slip out and she'd been afraid that, eventually, someone would learn her secret and punish her brutally for it. She no longer thought that would happen. > That sliver of relief, however, was almost lost in a sea of self-loathing, precisely because she felt relieved. She'd been so worried about any punishment that she'd completely lost the Equestrian way. > She had begged and pleaded with these youngsters not to tell others about her abuse. Yes, that was exactly what it was, and she couldn't hide from it any longer. She was an abuser, and a drunk. The kiss with Salki had shown it, and this thing with Saule proved it. > Even worse, she had gone to such great lengths to twist herself out of the responsibility! > What even was she, now? She surely couldn't call herself 'pony' any longer. > Mayor sat heavily down and began to weep openly. The beating, the residual pain from it, and the worse hurt right down in her heart were too much to bear. > So easily had she lost herself. A mere few months living harshly and she was just as low, conniving, back-stabbing and hypocritical as the worst of the nomads. > She felt fresh admiration for people like Xuan and Buygra, even for Saule and Salki, who became as good as they were despite living like this their entire lives. Mayor no longer thought she could do it. > It was easy being an Equestrian in Equestria. It was less easy being one here. > Maybe a stronger pony would have endured. Rainy Day probably would. AspiringWritefag !!Ojw0rGjSZOI
>>39137165 > Mayor keenly felt the pain of loss again, and she wept harder. She was hardly aware of the two sets of warm hands patting the fur on her muzzle, brushing away her tears, and of the two gentle voices saying soothing words. > She just wept. > She knew they prodded her upright and pushed her in some direction. She heart one of the hurry away and guessed it was Salki, his heavier footsteps receding on the wet grass. She looked at where he was going, but everything was a watery blur. > Finally, she just wept from sheer relief. The two wouldn't stop being her friends, even if they had every right and justification to do so. They would forgive her, and perhaps she had atoned a little through her beating. > If she got a few dozen more like that, she might even believe it herself. > She wept for her pony soul, slowly withering away in this brutal land. > Mayor didn't know how much time had passed. Even after her tears had dried, she had kept blindly following Saule until they came to the stream. The girl had taken her leather foot wraps off and had prodded the mare into the cold water. > At that point she wouldn't mind if Saule was going to drown her. > Except the girl wanted nothing of the sort. She lifted Mayor's filthy animal skin cloak from the mare and ran her hands through her mane. She lifted handfuls of water and splashed it against the mare. > It was exceedingly cold, but the day itself wasn't quite as freezing as winter. Mayor shivered, but she felt she could endure. > The girl was washing her. The icy water felt good on her lashes, even if was making her shudder violently. > "[There, there,]" Saule kept saying. "[Let's clean you up and get you back to warm up. It's going to be okay, Meyermer. I forgive you.]" > That last bit made the mare burst out in fresh tears, but this time they didn't last as long. > Saule splashed around her and Mayor saw her blurry face looking directly into her own. She ran her fingers through the matted fur around her head, then cupped more water with her hand. > She held it for a while, then brought it up and trickled it down Mayor's muzzle. > The mare quickly understood. By holding the water, Saule let it warm up from her body heat so it would be more comfortable for Mayor. > She attempted a smile. "[Thank you. I do not deserve a friend like you. I'm sorry.]"
> Mayor thought the nomad returned her grin, but it was hard to tell because the next trickle of water made her close her eyes. She remained still and let Saule methodically wash her face clean. > It felt nice and after a while Mayor forgot the chill and even stopped shivering. AspiringWritefag !!Ojw0rGjSZOI
>>39137170 > Her ear was turned back and she heard someone approach. She thought it was Salki and the young hunter confirmed it when the shifting wind brought his scent to her nose. He spoke to Saule: ["I got the cloak, come out before you both freeze to death.]" > To which the girl replied: "[It's not that cold when the sun is up! Want to come in? You stink too, you could use a wash!]" > The could laughed at each other, but Salki didn't take the offer and waited on the bank. Luckily he didn't have long to wait, for Saule wiped the majority of the water from Mayor's face and proclaimed: "[There, that's better. Now let's wrap you up and get you in a warm tent.]" > She raised her voice to speak to Salki: "[Did you make a fire in Bakar's tent?]" > "" > Saule just gave an affirmative-sounding grunt as she tugged on Mayor's mane to get the mare out of the stream. Soon they were back on dry land and the two nomads wrapped Mayor in dry, clean animal skin clothes. Soon, she knew, they would warm up with her body heat. ""> In lieu of a reply, Salki just gave her head a few pats and after a moment Saule did the same. They began their walk back, and then the girl said: "[If you make me touch you again, I *will* break your leg, okay?]" "[If I make you touch again, I will let you,]" Mayor replied earnestly.> No more drinking, she promised herself, not for the first time. This time she meant it, however. AspiringWritefag !!Ojw0rGjSZOI
>>39137173 There we go, it's moving forward. A bit of identity crisis never hurt nobody, amirite? Also, I'm taking bets on whether MM will stick to her promise not to drink anymore this time. It's bound to work sooner or later, right?
Paste: Anonymous
How does the thread feel about Hypnosis?
>>39137177 Awesome as always! Thank you for the update, I love it!
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>>39137352 Someone would probably screech about it not rigidly following the thread's theme. I'm indifferent and don't care since it's tangentially on topic, at worst I'd just filter that shit out.
But really, at the end of the day what difference is there between hypnosis and long brutal mental conditioning from Happpy Farms™? The end result is the same.
>>39137177 A (you) to let you know I read it.
>Voices outside your cell come closer. >Keys scratch on the lock. >Suddenly bright light, as the door is thrown open. >Behind the fat store owner, a tall, skinny man enters your cell. >Haunched in the furthest corner you watch the tall man take a few steps towards you. >He kneels to meet your eye level. "You probably heard what we were discussing. It's not looking good for you, uh-" "Lithia", the fat man dares to blurt out your name.>Your eyes narrow to a fierce stare. "Lithia, huh? Well Lithia, this is your chance. I need someone to help me out." "And you are a damn cheap skate.", the store owner grumbles. "SHUT UP! Be glad someone wants her.">The thin man turns back to you. "I've heard what you did with your last owner. Do you know that they had to amputate that arm?">A smile flashes over your face. >Serves that fool right. "No one wants to buy you. Your price is cheap and I'm in need of cheap labour. Say, how about we work together, eh?">His fake sympathy sickens you to the core. >You stare at him, wishing he would just fall over and die. "Oh okay then. Just an offer.">He shrugs. "Remind me again, what will you do with her if no one buys her?" "Well, uh, then there is no use having her around anymore. Got a business to run 'ere. I'll have to sell her for parts to get some return.">You growl spitefully. You'd show them, if only these meat-bag weren't so strong. >But even your outwardly defiance can't stop the fear from creeping into your heart. "See?" the thin man says with a sugary voice. "I'm here to help.">The thin man stretch out one of his disgusting appendages towards you. >He wants you to agree to your own enslavement. That bastard! >But you are desperate. Your proud mind can't stop your fearful heart from raising a hoof to touch his hand. "Great!">The man gets up and turns to the store owner. "Now about that price, it's still way too much. I want at least another hundred off. If you don't, I won't take her.">In shock, you watch the two haggle. >You sold out your last scraps of dignity for a chance of survival, only to be betrayed. >A rage you've only ever felt once before washes over you. >The thin guy turns around to wink at you and reaches with his hand for your snout. >With nothing left to lose, you snap at his hand as hard as you can. >But miss. >As if he expected you to do this, he had quickly pulled back. >Another wink, then he turns back to the store owner. "She is clearly dangerous. No way I'm paying that much.">And the haggling continues. >Betrayed and alone, you lean back against the wall, close your eyes and wait it out. --->You have been bought, fitted with a new obedience collar and brought to your new home. >A run-down house somewhere in the suburbs. I feel awful[/spolier]
Silly idea. Ponies made themselves slaves by force. Once the portal opened, ponies came in by the thousands, buying collars and bits and all that, and then moving theirsleves into people's homes. Turns out this is just a weird kink ponies have, but everyone is happy, so why stop it?
>>39138202 >Cornered in a dark alley by a pegasus mare >You tried to run, but the quadruped could outpace you with ease, and with her flight you couldn't shake her with sudden turns as you had with other races. >Worse still, her dark gray coat shrouded her in the night. Even when you thought you'd lost her she would re-emerge mere moments later. >Making that mistake one too many times led you here, trapped in a dead end alley with the mare rearing up to pin your shoulders against the wall. >Even this close you could barely make her out. >Sapphire eyes reflected what little ambient light was present, but it took a few seconds of staring to separate the rest of her body from the black haze surrounding her. >Then you had to blink and your eyes lost what little progress they had made. >From what you /could/ tell, she was larger than most pegasi you'd seen, and with the strength to match. >Even when you tried to squirm out from under her hooves, she didn't exert herself keeping you pinned firmly to the wall. >She slowly straightened herself to bring her eyes level with yours. The lids drooped somewhat as she did, evidenced by the top of her irises disappearing in the dark. Steady gusts of cool air tickled the skin around your mouth while her breathing slowed from the chase. >You flinched when a shadowy blur suddenly appeared in the corner of your eye and gently landed on your right cheek. >It was soft. Leisurely caressing your face. After a few moments you realized it was one of her wings. >The pegasus let out a quiet giggle before she leaned forward to give you a quick nuzzle. >When she pulled back, you noticed the breath against your face was no longer cool. Her muzzle was much closer to you than it had been. >You heard a metallic clinking, and another blur stretched out from the mare's right side. >For the first time since you fled from her, she spoke. >"Collar me, Anon. You know you want to." Eh, screw it, it's bad but I had fun with it.
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>>39137352 It is so hot, why do you ask.
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Do not buy ponies from illegal poachers They arent trained and make for poor companions
>>39138009 That's a real neat setup. Are you planning to continue?
There's a lot of potential here. I'm left wondering whether the thin man is genuinely cruel, or whether he's just business savvy and genuinely wants to work together with this mare while shafting the dealer, or whether he's a chessmaster manipulator and will play off both the dealer, the mare and everyone else around him to his best personal benefit.
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>>39139520 >pone wants to be turned into a reindeer to make me feel more at home in horseland >she doesnt really know alot about christmas so keep making things up when she is around yo turn her into your personal kinky toy for the holidays And you fucking bet im gonna have her braid her tail and get a tailwrap as well as have tack that just ever so slightly spreads her asscheeks
>>39139694 I'm new to this thread. Skimmed a little through the linked stories and read the recent mayor mare update. Not sure what anons like. Cruel, hopeful, both? Smut, yes no?
Maybe you have some pointers?
But anyway, thanks for reading!
>>39140154 Thread usually leans towards comfy caring for broken ponies, or ponies caring for broken anons, but anythings basically welcome, as long as its well written.
>>39140154 I think you should write what you wanna write. In your post so far, did you imagine the thin man as any specific sort of character, or just jotted down some actions without any thought as to why he'd act like that?
If it's really malleable and you have no preference, then basically what the other anon said. Honestly there are lots of stories about being comfy and kind, but there's also some depicting much more cruel slavery, or utiliatrian slavery for profit (at the expense of the slaves).
If I had to compare /spg/ with /sim/, I'd say that /sim/ is all about the personal aspect of domination and BDSM, with a focus on the harsher/cruel side (but comfy isn't out of place there, as long as there's clear strict domination). Meanwhile /spg/ often focuses more on the logistics of life as a slave, with a focus on comfier scenarios but not necessarily. I.e. slavery as a setting, not as a fetish.
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>>39136839 Beware the spooker
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>>39140166 Glad it's not a sadistic edge fest then.
>>39140192 >In your post so far, did you imagine the thin man as any specific sort of character Cruel, but emotionally not physically. Lithia gets another source of comfort to help her through this. At least that's what I had in mind.
> slavery as a setting, not as a fetish. Interesting. I'll keep that in mind.
>all those greens that'll never be finished because the writefag died It never stops hurting
>>39138202 >>39138736 > So Equestrians are aggressively submissive, but only to humans. Otherwise, how would they be such a dominant power on their home planet?
>>39142759 They're dominantly submissive. They only submit, as long as they're totally in control of those who dominate them.
>>39142159 >Bakery Slaves >Druggie Celly >Cheerilee and Mac thing >Chrysalis and Sunbutt >Clear Skies >Landscape >Shiny and Corona Anonymous
>>39142767 I can imagine a mare just shoving a leash and a whip into Anon's hand when he's huddled in a corner and cries about not being into ponies, when she just whispers into his ear "dominate and break me you fucking tease"
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>>39143984 She's giving you a gift, you wouldn't want to be rude by not accepting it, would you?
guys, i think i bought the wrong filly
>>39145642 I dunno, she seems fine to me.
Pay extra attention to taking care of her mane and tail, tangles are gonna HURT
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>>39145642 I will pay a premium for the sun cult leader.
>>39142159 Have you tried summoning the dead?
>>39147182 I request a green about a witch femanon (faintly DC Raven inspired) trying to summon a demon slave from hell, but instead its just Twilight, who is miffed and wants to go home.
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>>39147230 That actually sounds kind of cute.
>"Look, just because I have hooves, wings, and a horn doesn't mean I'm a demon! You really have to be more particular about the parameters of your summoning invocations; there's no excuse for this sloppiness in magic this complex!" Write it, anon.
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>>39137165 > Meyermer, it's not the same! Poor mare lives in a society
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Pony gets the mail everyday It is not an easy job for pony
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>>39146122 super high maintainence filly
must be german or something
>>39107958 >combo liquor-furniture store >pony probably wouldnt be allowed on the furniture so ill probably have to leave her in the breakroom >cant help stock since its mostly glass bottles >cant operate a register because of the keyboard/touchscreens although, i could take smoke breaks out back and have her run around and shit, which would be cute
>>39149853 > >cant help stock since its mostly glass bottles Soft saddle bags could mend this
>>39147230 The summoning of Twa'lek
>The material planes groan as they part ways to form a rift in front of you. >All the careful preparation, all those books you read behind master's back, all those off-days spent studying instead of relaxing, it all pays off now. >With a powerful daemon servant by your side, you will regain your freedom and make your master pay. >Through the rift steps a purple thing with four legs and two huge eyes. >This is not what you expected a mighty daemon to look like. It looks like a cartoon pony to you, slightly cute even. >The pony does not dignify you with a single glance. >Instead, with a grim face, it carefully inspects the chalk pentagram on the floor for even the smallest of errors. >The tiniest of gaps in the lines on the floor would allow her to step over the circle and do unspeakable things to you. >But you have prepared very carefully. >The purple daemon groans with the intensity of a teenager being told to take out the trash. "Urgh... what do you want? Make it quick, my patience is limited."
"I-I have summoned you, mighty Twa'lek Elkraps, to bind you as my mighty servant!"
"Oh cute~ Am I your first summoning? It's okay, I forgive you. Just let me go back to the book I was reading on the other side, and we'll all pretend like this never happened."
>She bats her eyelashes to appear even cuter and less threatening than before. >You know too much to fall for her cheap tricks though. "Shush! Foul daemon spawn! I am your master! You will respect me!"
"Not yet you are. Go ahead filly, recite the rites of binding to me. Should you stutter ever so slightly or mispronounce a single word, I'll show no mercy."
>Fangs grow from her mouth, her eyes turn red, and her face contorts into a blood-thirsty visage. "Just give up. Let me go. This is completely out of your league."
>Your hands tremble ever so slightly. >You have practiced the rites till you could do them in your sleep, but still... the pressure is enormous. >Without paying Twa'lek any further mind, you start. >Twa'lek does her best to distract you. She makes faces, threatening gestures, and yells outlandish profanities at you. >You do not allow your concentration to slide however. After five nerve-wracking minutes, you complete the recitation of the rites of binding. >Twa'lek is now yours to command. "Why do I always get the well-prepared ones... I just want to read some books in peace. Is that too much to ask for?"
>The purple mare resigns herself to sitting on her haunches. "Twa'lek, I command you to kill my master!"
>You look at her, she looks back at you. >She does not move. >Without warning, she breaks out into laughter. "N-no way, do you not know who I am? Ha Ha Ha. First of all, call me Twilight. Whoever added me to the invocation book - shall his soul be eaten by bookworms in perpetuity - utterly butchered my name."
>You nod. >Wait. You shake your head. "I'm the master, servant! You do not give me orders and you will not laugh at me again or else!"
>>39150175 "Don't be a stubborn mule about it, jeez."
>She rolls her eyes. "How am I even supposed to know who your master is?"
"Wait, I have a picture."
"Oh great. You are prepared. Good job filly."
>You choose to ignore her heavy sarcasm and show her the picture. "Well, okay. Biggest problem is though, that I have never murdered someone before. And I would prefer it to stay that way."
"W-what do you mean 'never'? I thought you were a problem solver daemon?"
"Well, yeah I am. Just not murder problems. I deal in friendship problems."
"And all that stuff about murdering me if I screw up?!"
"I thought you were one of these lonely weirdos who summon me just to have someone they can bore to death. That wouldn't be so bad by itself, but sometimes it goes further than just talking..."
Twilight shudders.
"Bits of me will never truly be clean again..."
>She shakes her head violently. >Maybe this is all just an elaborate daemon ruse to get you to put your guard down, but she sounds earnest to you. "Being summoned for petty murder is a nice change of pace compared, actually. I'd still rather just go home and continue that book though."
Summoning mechanics shamelessly stolen from a book series. Was a fun to write. More Lithia soon, hopefully. Anonymous
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>>39149926 Good point. Might be good for the minor restocking rather than the boxes of stuff. Not sure, I guess ponies bave a reasonable amount of dexterity even without magic
Mirta !!+6KAbWwsHf3
>>38872518 ***
>Luna woke up to someone thumping up the stairs. >She felt stiff all over and would've loved nothing more than to hop off the bed and stretch her limbs. >Just imagining it made the stiffness almost fade away. >Almost. >Only for it to return twice as bad, like a boulder that rolled onto her back. >She tried and tried to twist and bend herself, but couldn't get enough strength and leverage into it to relieve the stiffness. >Anon trod into the room, clad in a thick ski jacket, matching pants, and a pair of colorful woolen mittens. >He flashed a smile and waved at Luna as she turned to stare at him. >”Hi! Don't mind me, I'm just getting us something to drink. Won't be but a minute.” >He had things to do and places to be, but maybe she could borrow him for just a moment? “Hii! You stay, OK? 'elp me. Strr-eetch. Need strr-etch.”
>Anon, with a hand reaching towards a cupboard, froze in spot for a second. >He arched a brow as he turned to look at her. >”You need help with what now?” >The sheets rustled as Luna snaked a rear hoof out and stuck it towards Anon. ”Stree-thc. Am stiff-f.”
>”Uhh...” >The mittens thumped onto a countertop as he tossed them there. >”So you want me to help you stretch?” >Luna nodded. >Her lips curled into a happy smile. >”I guess I can try. Just tell me if I don't get it right.” Mirta !!+6KAbWwsHf3
>>39150346 >Anon leaned onto Luna, pushing her rear leg towards her head. >His hands glowed in a soft blue as she guided him. “Mmnn!”
>Luna let out a moan as something in her hip popped back in place. >He took his soft if a little cold hands off her leg. >”Was that too much?” >She shook her head. “Nyaw! You do 'ood. Othh-er one?”
>She let her wonderfully light and nimble limb fall back onto the bed before wiggling her other rear hoof. >Doing just one leg left her feeling drained, so she flashed a smile at him and nodded at her hoof instead of sticking it up and at him. >Anon pulled the covers out of the way and wrapped his fingers around the leg. >The tingle of magic and a blue glow guided him as he first pulled it up and then pushed it towards Luna. >He was extremely gentle and careful and waited for the magic to pull on his hands before applying any real amount of force. >Soon enough they found the spot and a welcome pull stretched out her glute. >She couldn't help but notice that Anon wasn't having the easiest of times keeping his eyes off what was going on there. >Luna let out a chuckle. >At least some part of her was still in good enough shape to be worthy of some attention. >A soft tug of magic made him slowly ramp up the amount of force he pushed with, until- >Pop! >-her hip popped again as the satisfaction of something moving back to its proper position washed over her. “Nnmh. Thankk yoo.”
>The blue glow around Anon's hands dissipated as she pulled on the back of his head instead. >After a moment of hesitation, he let her pull him down to her and place a quick smooch on his cheek. >Luna's bright giggle filled the room as a look of bewilderment overtook his face. >She left him no time to think about it before rolling onto her stomach and spreading a wing. “Pll-eese?”
>He... >Was not very good at it. >His fingers sifted through Luna's feathers, straightened and positioned the larger ones, and picked out some of the loose ones. >But he left some mispositioned and didn't get most of the itchy loose down out. >She wanted to advice him, but the words she though up died in her throat as she realized she couldn't say all of them. >There was so much she wanted to ask and tell. >Like how the shop would manage in the snow-out, how Anon ended up with the shop in the first place, or how she befriended a roc one time but the captain of the guard told her she couldn't bring it to live in the castle. >And how Fairfeather the Roc then settled close to their castle and Luna would visit it every week. >All of the Everfree's rocs were probably Fairfeather's descendants now. Mirta !!+6KAbWwsHf3
>>39150351 >The unmistakable clip-clop of Celestia scaling the stairs had Anon pause for a second. >Luna had long since learned to recognize the combination of weight and musical rhythm that no other pony had. >The sound of hooves turned softer as the elder sister reached the top of the stairs and stepped on wooden flooring instead of the stairs' bare concrete. >”So that's what's taking you.” >Celestia had a warm smile on her face and her work overalls covering most of the rest of her as she peeked into the kitchen. >Her horn glowed in gold and she had piles of cans and jars floating around her. >”I found all the... things. Do you want these somewhere specific?” >Anon glanced at her and nodded at his room before returning his attention to tidying Luna's wings. >”Just put 'em somewhere out of the way in my room. They'll be fine as long as they don't get too cold.” “Too c-oold? Is bad?”
>He paused his preening just long enough to stroke Luna's neck. >It felt nice. >”We'll be fine. This place just isn't designed for this low temperatures and downstairs didn't have proper heating installed when it was built.” >He drew breath and held it for a second with his mouth open, but let said breath out without saying anything. >After setting another feather, he reached out to rub her ear. “Mmn.”
>There was definitely something on his mind, but Luna decided to let it be. >Bringing it up could stop the ear rubs. >”Hello, sister.” >Luna's ear, the one that wasn't held between Anon's fingers, twitched and swiveled towards Celestia's voice. >”You look like you're feeling a bit better. Such a sight for sore eyes.” >A cupboard creaked open. >Luna craned her neck to see her sister's denim clad foreleg flick the tap open and float a glass under the stream of water. “Yass. Am. Bett-urr. A bit.”
>The elder sister chugged the glass of water in one go, slapped the tap closed, and set the empty glass on the counter. >”Haah. Good. I was hoping it woul- Oh!” >She let out a surprised yelp as a bit of blue magic tugged at her chin. >”Hehe. I forgot you could do that now.” >Her lips curled into a beaming smile as she let the magic guide her to her sister. >Luna reached out and cupped Celestia's cheek with a hoof to pull her even closer. >The tips of their snouts touched. >A warm, slightly chipped and scratched hoof pushed Luna's hoof off her sister's cheek and pinned it to her denim-clad chest. >The larger alicorn leaned further in until the sisters' foreheads pressed together. >Though she was too close to see, Luna could feel the joy radiating off Celestia and let the moment continue even when an awkward feeling welled in her. Mirta !!+6KAbWwsHf3
>>39150357 >”Umm...” >Anon's voice ultimately broke the silence. >”Should I... give you a moment?” >Luna couldn't crane her neck far enough to see his face, but Celestia stared at him with a blank look on her face. >But, as it always was with her, she let her confusion only show for a split-second before breaking into a soft giggle. >”Oh, sorry, sorry. I suppose what I consider a private space has changed over the years. We were never truly alone in the castle.” “Is troo. Back home guarr-d is like furr-ni-turr-e.”
>Saying it out loud felt far worse than it actually was. “There too many err-y-where. Can not care most times.”
>To make up for usual treatment, Luna had made a habit of occasionally inviting a guard into her personal quarters for a cup of tea and a chat. >And to keep Celestia out of her mane with her requests to make more friends. >Celestia sipped at the refilled glass of water as she watched Anon's fingers sift through Luna's feathers. >”Would you mind letting me show you a few tips and tricks?” >The fingers stopped. >”Well I don't really know what I'm doing so no.” >Luna kept quiet, as much as she wanted to let out a satisfied sigh and thank her sister. >Instead, she nuzzled the pillow and let herself relax. >She'd have to come up with some way to pay them back for it. >There had to be something she could do. >Though, it'd have to wait. >She let her eyelids droop as Celestia's magic tugged at her feathers and down. >”See here, you can be a bit rougher with these. The loose ones can be tangled with the live ones and you have to get those out. You'll feel it when something isn't ready to go; try it yourself.” >Yep, that was definitely her teaching voice. >Luna felt herself drifting off at it. Mirta !!+6KAbWwsHf3
>>39150183 Was that Bartimaeus series? The summoning sounds like Nathaniel summoning him.
>>39150852 Hell yeah! Nice catch. I read that ages ago, but still remember that scene.
I thought that would make the summoning more interesting, than a simple 'she appears'
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>>39150968 Different anon, but aww yiss Bartimaeus. Good shit.
I've shamelessly stolen stuff from Stroud's other series for something I wrote in the past. Anonymous
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>>39150175 >>39150183 I would like a full story with totally not a demon Twilight and her witch owner. That could be a cute buddy comedy.
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>>39150367 >its finally back ah yiss
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The library assistant is very good at her job. Too bad she has to drag a stepstool around to reach the books.
If your pony doesn't have at least 5 handprints glowing red under her tail and a clenching butthole to keep the constantly vibrating buttplug inside, then you are not a good master.
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>>39155102 Nice.
Thanks mate.
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>>39154129 Mares need to be dominated.
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>>39139520 did this green ever got binned?
>>39107958 >Filly watches me care for the horses at the horse board Probably going to be VERY confused about why none of the reeally beeg ponies won't talk to her and why they all keep shouting.
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Be kind to Keychain pony.
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>>39157740 I need this green, pls.
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The neighbor pony is very forward.
>>39137173 >eager thrill of anticipation Yea she become an alcoholic.
>For a few hours the world wasn't completely bucked-up. This is one of the worst reasons to drink from an addiction point of view.
>It still wasn't her fault But the drinking is! Plus how passive she stayed for so far.
>would they punish her? She definitely needs some punishment for getting this drunk every time. Punishment is not letting her buy/drink any.
>Mayor's legs began to tremble Its going to be another episode of hers isn't it?
>Please no tell anyone! I wonder why is it even this much taboo. Not like these people have preconceptions about a lot of things. Mayor blows this up a lot more than it needs to be.
>What are you talking about? Beating? Not sure how she questioned the beating not the killing.
>Why would I beat you? Because Mayor is stupid. Again.
>The nomads kept their respectful distance They don't want to interrupt the entertainment.
>no tell anyone and you punish me I like how Mayor basically forced Saule to do what she wants. Now if she were this good at forcing her will onto others to her benefit...
>kept her smile in place and her ears firmly down Why would she be smiling?
>nomads may underestimate how tough her earth pony hide was And she is overestimating herself constantly.
>I prove I am sorry? Not really. She proved that she rather takes a physical punishment than correcting her drinking issue.
>I did a bad thing! Very bad thing! In Equestria? Sure. In nomadland? Not really.
>A girl can't fuck another girl. Wait a few thousand years.
>it is the same bad Teaching morals to them not really going to work.
>despite living like this their entire lives They don't really have any other perspective.
>Mayor no longer thought she could do it. Finally, some initiative!
>Rainy Day probably would Definitely not.
>Salki, his heavier footsteps receding on the wet grass He already experienced how Mayor's breakdowns are. Probably she passed the task to Saule.
>drown her Yep, Salki is experienced in this. Mayor giving up everything and just letting the river do its job.
>and even stopped shivering Another few days of under the cold coming in.
>I got the cloak Oh! That's thoughtful!
>you could use a wash Time to invent soap. And hot tubs. Mostly the later one.
>If you make me touch you again Heh.
Thanks for the update!
>got a great package deal >two luxury-grade comfort mares, 60% off >fully trained, no previous owners, already have all their shots, full paperwork to show its all legit, the whole deal Things are finally going your way. There sure where a lot of liability waivers to sign first...
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>>39159570 These little shits are up to something.
I bet they massage you into a coma with lots of happy endings, then sneak off to get into trouble.
>>39150183 The summoning of Twa'lek (Part 2)
>You give Twilight's rear a push. "I don't want to. This is stupid."
"Stop acting like you have a choice in the matter. It's super annoying daemon."
"Urgh, fineeeee."
>Twilight finally gets out of the bush and reluctantly walks up to the porch. >As she approaches the house, a black hooded cloak forms around her and a scythe materializes in her hoof. >Not long after she rings the doorbell, your master opens the door. "I've come to get-", Twilight starts.
"Wrong date, jackass."
>*blam* the door slams shut. >Twilight gives the bush you are hiding in a questioning look before ringing the bell again. "I've come to-"
"Do you know what a soul-shredder is, little daemon?"
>Master's eyes twinkle with anger. >His hands start glowing faintly, magically lifting Twilight up in the air. >Twilight's scythe clatters to the ground as she struggles to free herself, to no avail. "Put me down right now, monkey!"
"Wait a minute... Purple? Twa'lek is that you?!"
"It's Twilight, chump!"
"Twa'lek it is you! How long has it been? What have you been up to? What's this dress-up supposed to mean anyway? Got a new master?"
"LET ME DOWN RIGHT NOW! I have no clue who you are."
"Is it because of the beard?"
>He strokes his chest long gray wizard beard. "I think it looks good. I'm Anon, silly! Don't you remember me? I sure do. You were my first! I'm a great wizard now."
>Anon whirls Twilight's body around in the air, forcing her limbs to assume all sorts of funny poses. "Amazing right? You must be proud of me."
>He lets her fall to the ground. >Twilight scrambles to her feet. "I'm prouder of my hoof-clippings than of you. Can't believe I tried to help you back then despite the messed up invocation."
>Anon clenches his fists. "FINE. Be that way. I don't need you anymore anyway. Now, tell me what you want or get off my lawn!"
"I've come to get you. Ouch!"
>Something gives Twilight's mane a hard pull. "Cut that crap, Twa'lek."
"Whatever. My stupid new master has sent me to threaten you to leave the country or face death."
"And the costume?", Anon snorts.
"Well, Master has a hang for the theatrical..."
>Twilight rolls her eyes. "Hmh, is it Davos? That little shit, he wouldn't dare to."
"Look, I don't like you and I can't say much, but maybe you should take this seriously. My new master is a powerful man."
"And that's why he sent a minor friendship daemon dressed up like it's halloween to threaten me?"
"Ahem, uh... h-he obviously knew that you know me! Besides, I'm only the f-first warning!"
>Anon scratches his beard. "What is taking you so long, darling? The wax is getting cold."
>A white unicorn appears beside Anon in the doorway. "RARITY?!"
>Twilight rubs her eyes. "You were gone for years! Everyone was worried about you. Are you okay? Did *he* do something to you?"
>She turns back to Anon. "Let her go right NOW, you perverted hairless monkey!"
"Oh shove it, Twilight, you don't own me. He does!"
>>39160104 >Rarity gives Anon's leg a little bump, making Twilight's muzzle fall open in surprise. "He knows how to treat me right. Don't you darling?"
>Anon chuckles and gives Rarity a slap on the rump. "What have you done to her?!"
"Don't be such a prude darling. Return to your master and explain to him how sharing is caring or whatever. In the meantime, me and Anon have some 'corrections' left to do. I've been a *bad* mare."
>Rarity rolls her eyes and slams the door in Twilight's face. >Outside, Twilight still trembles in anger. >It takes her a few moments to collect herself again, before she walks back to the bush. "You should have told me!"
>You shrug. "I didn't know you and master had history, daemon. Worked out pretty well though. Your outburst at the end was really good. The seed has definitely been planted."
Didn't really want to continue, but came up with this scene, so I just wrote it down. As last time, I have no idea what will happen next. Heh. Someday more Lithia, before no one even remembers how that story started. ferbguy !TuoD9SvrVM
>>39104710 Amazing how this group still exists.
Where did Jingles go?
Maybe it's time to write some trash here today.
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>>39160241 >THE FERB RETURNS Jinglyman hasn't been around for a good while.
And the most insulting part of it all is its actually really tasty
>>39160119 Cute and interesting, especially bad mare Rarity. More Twilight being embarrassed by Rarity fawning all over anon please.
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>>39162414 Thanks for the encouragement! Love to see it. I was a bit torn while writing if anon actually did something to rarity or if she is just like that.
Twa'lek definitely didn't enjoy her time with anon.
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>>39162131 pick up the pony and cook with the pony, for the pony!
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>>39162131 >picky eater Catponies are a mystery.
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>>39163800 If she was mine, I'd get out the flex and round out the edges of her nose. What is this, minecraft?
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>>39160119 Poor Twa'lek is just lonely. Somebody give that mare a hug.
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>>39163800 >emotionally and physically abused orphan >spent nearly her whole life serving an idiot villain >works hard to do her bidding, hoping to get even the slightest amount of praise She's gonna cry the first time you call her a good girl and you're gonna have to hold her and give her gentle pets until she calms down.
Pony supplements her allowance by drawing commissions. She's saving up for two tickets to Equestria so she can introduce master to her parents.
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>>39166544 I'd gladly take commissions if it meant I could buy a cute mare
AspiringWritefag !!Ojw0rGjSZOI
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I accidentally nuked my browser settings, so it's taking me a bit to reconfigure my posting setup. Update inc in about ~1h. also, this will tell me if my tripcode is correctly input
AspiringWritefag !!Ojw0rGjSZOI
>>39137173 > Things gradually settled back into routine. Mayor Mare felt as if things between her, Salki, and Saule were a little uneasy, but she didn't bring it up and focused instead on the business of survival. > Her duties didn't significantly change and she still mostly carried things, or fetched firewood and water, but it was getting easier as the ground dried and her hooves no longer sank into soft mud with each step. > Aside from those boring, monotonous duties, Mayor spent a lot of time with Hisein's child slaves, whom she was teaching the nomad language. Her own grasp wasn't yet perfect, but it was steadily improving. > It also allowed her to see that the two weren't being mistreated. The girl, Ning, was the younger of the two and seemed to be adapting to her new life. There were moments when the brother and sister suddenly grew silent and distant, and on more than one occasion Mayor had seen their faces wet, but there were also times when they laughed. > What had happened to them was definitely wrong, but at least they weren't suffering. At least physically. > Talking with the two, as they began to grasp the nomad language, also brought a rather surprising revelation. Mayor learned that their people, at least the rich and well-educated, could read and write. > For the first time since her capture Mayor began to realize that way she had seen these nomads live might not be the only one. There were other peoples in the world, different cultures with perhaps different values. Perhaps there were some who were more civilized, closer to Equestria. > She'd called their entire race 'nomads', from the little she had seen so far, but perhaps that wasn't a good description. She decided to keep the moniker for the ones she knew, the people who camped and moved, and had few belongings beyond what they could carry. Ning and Fen Ko's people she tentatively dubbed the 'city-builders' in her head, at least until she could find out more about them and come up with a better name. > Unfortunately there wasn't a lot of detail to learn, because children were too young to have picked up very much of their parents' culture and lore, and their memories were quickly fading into a dim past before their life in the camp. > Still, they knew about reading and writing, even if they had never actually seen it. When Mayor asked how their parents had kept track of their trades and stock, neither Ning nor Fen Ko knew. > Trying to get them to remember was unproductive, as memories of what had happened were more likely to drive the two into sad, sullen silence than get any kind of useful response. Remembering was causing them distress and Mayor soon stopped trying. AspiringWritefag !!Ojw0rGjSZOI
>>39167815 > Despite that particular setback, Mayor had gone back to Darga and insisted again that reading and writing would be beneficial to the tribe. > This time she was able to explain it better, or perhaps her inventions had given the mare some credibility, because the chieftain allowed her to try and teach this strange skill, but only to nomads who wanted to learn it. > Salki was one of them, but he was becoming a critical member of the hunting party so he didn't have a whole lot of time. On the other hoof, Saule seemed willing, but things between her and Mayor were still tense and uncomfortable, and the girl had her hands full with the work her mother assigned her. > Mayor had tried with Xuan and had gotten the young woman to remember some of the letters, even if she didn't quite understand what they were for, until Xuan's mother had stepped in and forbade this dangerous magic, as she called it, this close to the birth. > Few other nomads were friendly enough with Mayor to invest hours and hours into a skill with dubious usefulness, despite her assurances that it would be worthwhile. > Lately Mayor was trying to come up with a way to prove it when she didn't have other duties. > ~~~~ "[No, round, like fist, but flat so I can hold it,]" she told Darkhan.
> He was using his fingers to expertly shape a lump of clay into an oblong shape. The bowl part had been easy, although the craftsman didn't quite understand why the vessel had to be so thick. > Now she was trying to explain the concept of a pestle. She'd started with 'small spear', now she was trying for something a bit more rounded. "[Like river stone! Round and smooth, yes? One side round and smooth, other side like spear so I hold like this.]"
> She mimed gripping the pestle between her hooves and moved it up and down. "
"> Unfortunately the nomad didn't, and just stared at her strangely. Mayor sighed and pointed a hoof at the lump he was holding. "[That is almost right. Keep it that, but make this,]" she began and pointed, "[round like river stone. Okay? Only that part round, rest is good.]"> It wouldn't be too comfortable to hold for her, since the shaft was too round, but it would be good enough to demonstrate the principle. After that Darkhan would probably understand better. > He shrugged to himself and began smoothing the clay on the side she had indicated. "[Yes, good. That is good. When will it be done?]"> The man grunted and looked at the cloud-covered sky to gauge the position of the sun. "" "" AspiringWritefag !!Ojw0rGjSZOI
>>39167820 > She had seen the preparation and the effort which went into making sure the fire would burn at the correct speed and temperature, so the clay would be baked evenly. Despite a lifetime of practice, only about every third of fourth batch of pottery came out usable. > It was likely that Mayor would have to wait longer and fetch more soil and water before her mortar and pestle were done, but it would be worth it. > Luckily this had been one of her interest in college and it was a topic she remembered well. Not exactly history, but her class on ancient languages had included a very unusual lecture on how ink was made in the pre-Equestrian society. > Mayor would have to experiment a little with different plants, but she didn't care much if the ink she came up with ended up green, so long as it was usable. She also had some ideas on how to carve basic quill-like pens from bamboo shoots, and she'd gotten Bakar to carve out some smooth, flat bits of wood she could use in lieu of paper. > What she would write and how she would prove its usefulness still eluded her, but at least having the means would go a long way, Mayor thought. > She said her goodbye to Darkhan and left him to finish up the rest of the pottery he was making while she went to look for Salki. > He would probably be with Bakar and Willow out in the fields beyond the camp where they usually set up their archery targets. > It was a source of quiet amusement to Mayor that Willow had proven to be completely inept at shooting bows. That was why their first hunt with the new tool had been such a disappointment. The 'mighty hunter' had drawn their one bow too hard on his first try and had broken it. > After that it had been Salki who was shaping to be the tribe's best marksman, something which Darga approved and Intor hated. That was perfectly fine with Mayor. > Willow had taken to watching Salki practice, perhaps in the vain hope that he might learn some of the talent. The way things were going, Mayor was starting to think that Willow's spot as top hunter was slowly slipping away from him. > It would serve him right, although a scorned and disappointed Willow could be a dangerous thing. Another reason for Mayor to look in on the practice as often as she could. If the dummy tried to get belligerent she was sure she could subdue him together with Salki. > After the practice she would bring the pots of water Darga had asked for and wash the animal skins the woman had commanded washed. It was best not to disappoint the chieftain, even with Mayor's recent contributions to the tribe's technological progress. AspiringWritefag !!Ojw0rGjSZOI
>>39167823 > There was still plenty of day left, though, and Mayor paused here and there if she spotted a particularly tender young grass. Now that spring was in full swing, her diet was becoming a lot easier to organize, even if plain grass was a bit bland. > She stopped once to admire a beautiful, five-petaled pink flower of a type she didn't recognize. She gave it a tentative sniff, then took a cautious nibble. Mayor couldn't be sure that it was edible, but most flowers in Equestria were good and she felt curious and optimistic. > It was slightly bitter, more than she was used to, but nothing about the taste seemed off, so she swallowed. One single petal wouldn't kill her, even if it wasn't exactly edible. At worst she would have indigestion or stomach pains. > If, on the other hoof, she didn't, she would return the next day to taste more of them. It had been ages since she had a nice, crisp flower salad. > ~~~~ > Mayor Mare was on her way to the stream with her large clay pots when Salki caught up with her. She looked at him and pointedly turned an ear in his direction, but didn't otherwise greet the young nomad. > It didn't seem necessary, not after having just said goodbye to him less than five minutes ago. > Salki didn't waste time and spoke as he fell in step with her: "[There will be a circle hunt in two days and then we will leave this camp.]" > The first part wasn't a big surprise, since Mayor had heard others talking about it, but the second thing came as a bit of a shock. On reflection she should have been expecting it, since the tribe had camped in the same spot throughout winter and their hunters had to travel further and further afield to find their prey. "[Um. Okay? What should I do?]"
> Her friend asked: "[For the circle hunt or for moving?]" > She had asked about the migration, but now that he'd brought it up Mayor wondered if she should make any special preparations. "[Both?]"
> "[Nothing for the hunt. Women and children will have clubs, but you don't have hands. You can kick or bite.]" > Mayor vowed to herself she would do no such thing, even in the unlikely chance that the nomads' clumsy stomping around actually managed to dislodge any of the animals. She had seen a few creatures of this world and they were quick, furtive little critters, who ran away at the first sight of a nomad. > They had learned, Mayor supposed, that the people were just another predator. Some creatures in Equestria were like that. Animals around the Everfree Forest, and those in the Badlands and the undiscovered West. > In fact, the mare would be mightily surprised of there were any small critters *left* anywhere near the nomads' camp. That was, she guessed, the reason why they had to move so often. AspiringWritefag !!Ojw0rGjSZOI
>>39167828 > It was true: herbivores had it a lot easier. Their food didn't run away and grew practically everywhere. "[Okay,]" she nodded, "[what about moving?]"
> Salki shrugged, then leaned down slightly to run a finger along the pole she used to balance her pots of water. "[Probably the same as last time. We will tie things in a pack with ropes. Like we did when we went to hunt, that time we fought the Ruslans.]" > No big surprises, then. "[Okay. I will carry things for you and Darga?]"
> "[Who else?]" > Mayor still felt a remnant of guilt over what had happened with Saule the night of the bonfire and her ears lowered despite her effort not to show it on her face. "[If- If there is not much, I want to help Bakar and Saule. I can carry, I am strong.]"
> There was no reply for a few steps and Mayor glanced at her companion. She thought he had an approving smile, but she couldn't be sure, not with her eyesight. When he spoke his words came out slowly and deliberately, as if he had to think about each one: "" > Mayor returned the smile. "[Thank you.]"> After that exchange Salki said he would go practice the bow and left, which allowed Mayor Mare to sink back into her own thoughts. She wondered which campsite the nomads would pick next. > Perhaps it would be the first one she had seen, the one near the way home. The nomads' shaman had said the way would not open for many decades, but Mayor couldn't quite shed the sliver of hope that he was wrong. > She determined to ask Salki - to plead, to beg, to promise anything he wanted - if he would take her there. It would mean leaving Rainy Day behind, but Mayor quickly told herself that it wouldn't be. > All she would do was get help. She would fetch Twilight Sparkle and any of the other Princesses she could get, and as many of the Royal Guard they could spare, and come back to this world in force. > Mayor imagined her triumphant return, with a force so overwhelming that the nomads would have no choice but to worship and obey them. With a couple of unicorns and an alicorn or two they would have no real trouble finding her missing citizen. > After that... > She put the daydream on hold while she filled the pots. The riverbank was full of smooth, round stones and slippery with moss, and Mayor needed all her concentration on her hoofsteps lest she slip and fall into the water. > It wouldn't be the worst thing, not with how warm the days had gotten, but the stream was still icy cold and she didn't enjoy the idea of slogging back with a wet fur cloak on her back. AspiringWritefag !!Ojw0rGjSZOI
>>39167833 > She waded only up to her knees, then carefully lowered the wooden pole with the pots. There were two holes in the river bottom, specially made to fit her clay vessels so she could submerge them deeper and thus draw more water. That bit had been Xuan's idea. > In any case, the delicate part was over, until she had to lift the full pots out, so Mayor returned to her imagination. Would she insist the Princesses left some guards with her in this world, so she could bring proper, Equestrian culture to the nomads? > With the right encouragement and some force she could perhaps teach them to leave their violent, carnivorous ways. She could teach them writing and philosophy and law. They could make their lives, and the lives of other creatures in this world so much better. > Perhaps she would, some day, be hailed as the savior of the nomad race? AspiringWritefag !!Ojw0rGjSZOI
>>39167835 There we go, a bit of nice and maybe kinda slice-of-lifeish. Certainly things are on the up from now on and it will keep getting better, right?
Paste: Anonymous
>>39167840 Thank you for the update! I really like this story.
Whoever pleases master the most that day gets to walk to other to the park!
Can't let me get a minute of peace, huh?
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>>39168488 >>39169057 >>39166544 Props for adding a prompt to each image. Makes it more interesting!
>>39169057 Who is this semen demon? I can barely see her and I like her already.
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>>39169938 >anon delivers Unf. Good girl.
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>>39167835 Meyer mare has aspirations! Plans! Schemes! Dangerous for a lowly slave mare!
AspiringWritefag !!Ojw0rGjSZOI
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>>39137363 >>39137574 >>39159053 >>39168004 Thank you, kind anons! Glad you like my horsewords!
>>39138009 Lithia Part 2
(Lithia was bought, and now gets introduced to master's household)
"Have a seat, if you want."
>Grey loves to act like he is talking to a friend, instead of the slave he just bought. >He can take his fake friendliness and shove it up his arse. >The humiliating obedience collar you are forced to wear stops you from saying that out loud though. >Better wait and see what kind of a person Grey is before you start shit. >Since he likes to be buddies with you and this wasn't really a command, let's see what he does when you ignore him. >While you continue to stand rooted in the middle of the kitchen, Grey takes a seat at the dinner table. >The kitchen is small, with the table taking up a good chunk of the available space. >It has everything a normal kitchen would have, like an oven, a refrigerator, and a microwave. >But they all look like ancient relics, in desperate need of replacement. >Maybe he really is poor. "I admire your courage."
>Grey's unexpected words pierce through your cloak of I-don't-care attitude. >Surprised, you look at him. "The store owner told me what you did to your old owner. Most ponies are pathetic weaklings who wouldn't even dream of defying their masters. I can only imagine the punishment you must have received after they captured you again... But, here you are, still stubborn, already trying to defy your new owner. *Sigh* You are useless to me like this."
>He grins upon seeing your eyes widen in shock. >Stupid Lithia, you underestimated him even though you saw the tricks he pulled on the trader. >You breathe in deeply, trying to keep your stoic mask in place. >Don't show any fear. Don't give him that satisfaction. "Your last owner was a fool.", Grey continues with a smug smile.
"He knew about the stick, but never considered the importance of the carrot. Sit. Down. Now. I have something to offer you that you will want to hear."
>For a moment, you hesitate, considering your options. >You remember what they did to you after they caught you fleeing from your old master's house. >A shudder goes through your entire body. >You are not weak, but you are tired from all the fighting. >Slowly you sit down. "Good. Let's make a deal."
>He gives you an alligator smile. "After one year of labor, I will let you go free. How does that sound?"
>Your mouth opens in disbelief, but no words come out. >He watches your reaction closely. >Initial disbelief turns into anger, then despair as you consider his offer. "I can't trust you! I'll play along and you'll just keep me, or sell me, or you'll-"
>You don't want to say your last suspicion out loud. "Look, next time this year, I won't have any use for you anymore anyway. I have big things planned, and if I have to set you free to get some use out of you now, then that is fine by me."
>Grey folds his hands on the table, waiting for your response. Anonymous
>>39175928 >Freedom. The prize you have endured for this long. All the torture, the pain, the humiliating things you had to do, you all endured them, waiting for your chance to strike and take back your birth right. >And this man just offers it to you as if it was nothing. >A year is nothing. >Whatever work he has for you, you have done worse. >Impatient, Grey reaches out a hand across the table. "Agree to be my willing slave for one year and I'll let you go."
>But you can't trust him, the rational side of your brain yells. >Humans have lied and betrayed you too often. >He even lies to his own kind. >But you are a mare drowning in the ocean, and he just offered you a place on his boat. >Years of fighting have worn you out. >You just want this all to end. >You shake his hand. "Great! From now on, I have to insist that you call me master."
>He grins. "Say it."
>You hesitate before giving in. "Yes m-master"
>For the second time in your life, this man managed to make you agree to your own enslavement. >Your stomach turns with disgust. Not for him, but for yourself. "The rules in this house are simple, but we'll go over them tomorrow. For now, the only rule you need to know is, do what I say. And if I'm not around, you do what Xena says. As long as she doesn't contradict me, of course."
>Before you can question who Xena is, a green unicorn enters the kitchen and trots over to Grey's side. "Xena, show Lithia to her new room and answer her questions. She is free to spend the rest of the evening in her room."
"Yes master~", Xena answers obediently.
>You trot behind Xena up the stairs. >She leads you to the last door in the hallway. "This is your room. Try not to make a mess of it- or else. "
>Your new room is small, barely big enough for a bed and a nightstand, which are also the only two pieces of furniture inside it. >What are you even supposed to make a mess of in here? "At least it has a window", you think.
>It's already dark outside. >You have lived worse, like in that dirty cell at the slave trader. >At least this place seems clean and the bed makes a comfortable impression. >Now that you are out of Grey's earshot, you feel emboldened to ask Xena a question that has been burning on your mind ever since you first saw her. "Uhm, why don't you have a collar? Does he control you some other way?"
"Well, aren't we the curious kind. I'm not tracked at all. Master trusts me. Something he will never do with you."
>Xena face is all smug, as if this was some point of pride. You are confused. "Wait, so you could leave at any time? Why are you still here then? Please, if you knock him out, we can both guh-"
>You are thrown hard against the wall. >The impact drives the air out of your lungs. >You gasp. "How DARE you! How DARE you even think such things! I will rip your fucking wings out, bitch! Feather by feather!"
>Her face contorts into a sadistic smile as she slowly walks towards you. >Your heart starts pounding fast. Anonymous
>>39175934 >With all your might, you struggle to get away from her, but her vile magic keeps you pinned against the wall. "And what about that stupid hair barret? Why are you wearing that whorse? Trying to seduce master by being extra cute, huh? Think you are better than me, hah?!"
>She rips the barret from your hair. >Your eyes tear up. "No! Please- I-I-I need it. I'll do anything. P-Please!"
>She grins an awful, toothy smile. "Then I'll make sure you'll never see it again. A slave doesn't own property, you are property."
"Nooooo. Please..."
>Tears start flowing down your cheeks as you helplessly are forced to watch Xena turn towards the door, your barret in hoof. "What the fuck is going on in here?"
>Grey appears in the doorway, looking pissed off. "M-m-master, I-I was just punishing her. She tried to convince me to betray you!"
"Ugh, you had clear orders. She is new. We talked about this."
>Xena tries to make herself as small as possible in front of her master. "B-but she needed punish-", she meekly protests.
>Now Grey starts shouting. "THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE! I am the master here. You fucking obey."
>He abruptly takes her head and smashes it into the bedpost. >Xena slumps to the floor, limbs outstretched, unconscious. >Instantly, her magical grasp around you vanishes. >Scrambling to your hoof, you get as far away from Grey as the tiny room allows. >He looks up at you, all anger seemingly gone. "Sorry you had to see this on your first day.", he placates you.
>Huddled up in a corner, you look at the unconscious Xena lying on the floor. "Don't worry, I'll make sure that thick head doesn't swallow her own tongue. She'll be alright."
>He lifts Xena with both arms, careful to support her neck. "Try to get some sleep. Tomorrow I'll come wake you up when breakfast is ready."
>With that, he carries Xena out the door and closes it behind him. >You breathe heavily in your little corner, trying to calm down. >The tears stop. >Quickly, you get up to retrieve your barrett from the floor where the unconscious Xena had dropped it. >It's a simple orange barrett with no further decorations on it, but it means everything to you. >It's your only connection to your guardian. >Having it again soothes your nerves. >You lie down on your new bed, tucking yourself in. >Warmth and comfort surround you. If only you could stay here forever. >You take the barret out of your mane and place it under your tongue. >A little ritual you have been doing ever since you got it. >It helps you sleep. >In your dreams, you see him again. >He approaches you with open arms. "Hi, Lithia. Long time no see."
"Where were you?", you cry out.
"I missed you so much. They wanted to make horse sausage out of me!"
>Your guardian clenches his fists, but then pulls you into his warm embrace. "I tried to, but I could not reach you down there. I'm sorry."
"Don't leave me again."
>A tear rolls down your face. Anonymous
>>39175936 >He gently lets his fingers glide through your mane. >You tell him everything that has happened to you. >How you were captured again after biting your previous owner, the things they did to you, the cell, how you narrowly escaped being sold for parts, only to be bought by a total psycho. >You tell him everything and he listens. >When you tell him about Grey's promise of freedom, you see your Guardian's eyes light up. "But that's great, Lithia! Only a year left and we can be together! You can finally come home to me."
>Looking at the ground, you paw with your hoof. "But I can't trust him. Why can't you come get me right now? Please... I'm scared."
>Your guardian sighs, his shoulders droop. "Y-you know I can't."
"I'm too far away. You have to come fly to me. I wish there was another way..."
>He hugs you tight once more. "You can do it. You are my strong warrior mare. One year is nothing to you and I'll help you out as much as I can."
>You lay next to him, with your weary head on his chest. >You wish you could remain like this, but soon you slide into a deeper dreamless state of consciousness. Sorry for posting so much at once. I don't like doing that, but it would lose impact if not read all at once. Forgive me master. Let me know if the story so far works for you. Always happy to receive criticism, for I'm just a worthless write-slave, that needs master's strong hand. Anonymous
>>39175947 Xena a good girl
Do not concuss the good girls
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>>39176355 Master can't say it, but having Lithia cooperate is hugely important to his business. Xena, in that moment threatened his careful manipulations, so he took the opportunity to show Lithia what happens when you cross him.
Or maybe he just was especially short fused that day.
>>39175947 How does Lithia look? I've only seen a hairpin description and the fact that she's a pegasus
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>>39177025 Honest answer: I have no idea.
I don't have aphasia (I think), but I find it hard to come up with character designs and then to consistently imagine them looking that way if it's all only in my head.
Makes me wish I knew how to draw, so I could create a reference of her to use.
If I had to come up with something, I'd say she looks cute, but has fierce red eyes, with her coat being some muted shade of red. While she doesn't have the leisure time for elaborate mane styles, she still cares to look as presentable as possible giving the circumstances. She wants others to know, that she hasn't given up on herself yet, that she is not yet broken.
Her cutie mark could be some bird, to reflect her desire for freedom. A small bird though, not a bird of prey.
But eh, feel free to just imagine her how you think a mare with her personality ought to look like.
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>>39177771 Nice digits, though.
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pon is for lazy cuddles on the couch
>>39175947 Wew, you pack a lot into a small space. Nice update. I'm really interested in Grey's machinations here, and what he's got planned with his ponies.
Xena confuses me; she sounds like a good girl but she's clearly not a kind pony. Either Grey needed a psycho pony so he found one and twisted her into being loyal to him, or Grey's own twisted methods molded Xena into an obedient but sadistic and jealous pony. Maybe he's not the chessmaster he thinks he is - or maybe he just doesn't care one lick about his ponies, and as long as they can fulfil his goals he's happy, even if for example in Xena's case her unquestioning loyalty comes with a heaping of psychopathic jealousy.
>Sorry for posting so much at once. I don't like doing that Never ever ever apologise for posting more! If anything, I don't know if preferences differ, but personally I much prefer being able to periodically immerse myself into reading an update, rather than being bombarded with tiny snippets all the time that are over as soon as they've started.
>>39175947 Why do I have a feeling that this fits more into SiM than spg?
>>39178827 Does it? Well, I can always move over if that's the case. I asked what makes a spg story. If it's about anon trying to mend a broken slave pony, then that is in the story.
>>39178794 >>39178794 >Wew, you pack a lot into a small space. I'm trying out a new pacing style. To get more done with less words. Is it too fast going?
>in Xena's case her unquestioning loyalty comes with a heaping of psychopathic jealousy. That hits the nail on the head. She lives for masters approval.
>I much prefer being able to periodically immerse myself into reading an update Interesting, haven't considered that. When I see a wall of 6 posts I tend to procrastinate reading it, cause it's so much at once. But yeah, once I get around to reading I also prefer it not to end mid scene. Tough balance to strike.
>>39178827 >>39178932 It's a bit of a grey area, and really depends on how the story will progress. I can see it fitting in both generals.
/spg/ isn't only for sunshine and rainbows stories about cuddling your "slave" ponies that you treat like friends; I remember that one story about Cadence having to manage a slave village while the owner anon mostly cared about profits, or there's stuff like the filly brothel story.
>Is it too fast going? Not unless you start skipping things that might be important, or glossing over key details. So far it's fine - just meant that the update had lots of stuff happen, which is always a treat to read.
>>39175947 I like this a lot but I'm a bit confused about this guardian stuff. Slightly worried even - I want to read about slave ponies and their master and what they get up to; this sounds like some weird metaphysical thing, or some grand overarching magical conspiracy, will the story move away from just detailing the life of a slave?
I hope you have a good plan for what this is. It's far too early to say it will ruin the story or anything, but I've seen this kind of stuff just throw a story off its rails before.
>>39178955 I'll keep that in mind and focus on her daily life with her new master. Guardian stuff was to give her a reason for why she hasn't given up yet. Also cause Grey won't console her, it is nice to have some character in the story that will.
>>39178944 I try to have it both ways. A cruel slave master and a nice anon to console her. I actually read a bit of the filly brothel stuff. That was really sad. Childlike innocent being exploited by uncaring grown ups, it's just... it hit right in the feels. I want to burn that whole fucking place to the ground!
>>39179009 >Guardian stuff was to give her a reason for why she hasn't given up yet. How about a strong character? You've built her up as a pony that will fight for her own until the very end; that can never be forced to swallow her pride (only convinced to, under the proper conditions).
Pinning all that on some magical artifact brooch that gives her a supernatural connection with some kind guardian kind of cheapens her character, in my opinion.
Same with not being consoled: having to tough out her slave life with nobody to turn to could have led to an interesting character; also, given her indomitable spirit, could have led to interesting development down the line - say, her finally finding someone kind to her at some point could have set the scene to completely shatter her defenses.
>I'll keep that in mind and focus on her daily life with her new master. Sounds good, but you've also kind of already opened pandora's box. What is this clip? Who is her guardian? Why does she have a telpathic connection to some random dude?
The thing is having a magical artifact like that is very likely extremely unique. Out of thousands or millions of slaves, in your world, how many have a hidden guardian they can talk to through a trinket? Her having access to this makes her very, very special. And that's not something you can introduce and then just brush off; why is she, of all slave ponies, so special?
It can't really be just a story about a normal slave pony anymore, because she is decidedly not a normal slave pony.
Again of course this is really early in the story, so if you have a solid direction you want to go on, then more power to you. My criticism is mostly aimed at if you only have a rough idea and are kind of winging it as you go, and don't have a full plan for what you are going to do with this yet.
>>39179079 I'm definitely winging it, with a vague overall idea. That's the fun part, makes it more interesting to share, cause I can use your input to make it better.
>Pinning all that on some magical artifact brooch that gives her a supernatural connection with some kind guardian kind of cheapens her character Even strong mares need something to fight for. Freedom is a pretty abstract concept. Freedom to do what? Besides all he can give her are some nice words and only during sleep. The rest of the day she is on her own. I think it's important to see her both strong and vulnerable.
>finding someone kind to her at some point could have set the scene to completely shatter her defenses. That could easily still happen.
>Her having access to this makes her very, very special. And that's not something you can introduce and then just brush off Special to him, but not necessarily special to the world. She won't lead ponykind in a glorious rebellion against their human oppressors, because of a Barrett.
>>39179211 >Even strong mares need something to fight for. How about spite? My first impression of her was that of a mare with nothing to lose, who at this point would rather resign herself to a life of misery and pain than give up her pride. She hates the enslavers, hates those who wronged her, and would rather go out biting them than submit and get "trained".
Of course she's not outright suicidal, so when Grey effectively gives her the choice between death and a new owner, she goes along with him. But in the grand scheme of things that's a small compromise and she remains stalwart in fighting on her own terms.
>Special to him, but not necessarily special to the world. Special in terms that it's not just a "normal" slave mare. I thought at first I'd be reading a story about a slave mare, but actually I'm reading a story about a magical slave mare with a mysterious guardian and rare artifact. That's what I mean by special.
That kind of stuff doesn't "just happen", there has to be a reason why your main character isn't just one of the many slave mares in the world but the one-in-a-million one that has this artifact.
Think of it not in terms of inventing a story from scratch, but think of it as describing an existing world, and telling us about the life of some specific characters living in that world. When you effectively "chose" this one mare with this special artifact to tell us about, rather than any one of the other many many thousands of slaves without one, that must be because you have some story to tell specifically about this interesting magical artifact and its implications, right? Otherwise, if you wanted to just write about a normal slave mare's life, you'd have picked any of the other slave mares to write about!
That's where I'm coming from. What you're saying makes sense if you're just inventing things around your characters to suit them, but makes a lot less sense if you think about it as having a living, breathing world and describing stuff that happens in it.
And having such a living world helps a LOT with immersion and suspension of disbelief in stories. Have your characters live in a bigger world, rather than exist as isolated puppets on a small stage that you set up manually.
>>39179284 >How about spite? >mare with nothing to lose but also
>given choice between death and a new owner, she choose new owner Interesting reading. Hadn't considered that angle.
I'm not sure that works so well together. The common expression is "I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees".
Despite all, she choose to live on her knees. It can't be just spite motivating her and it's certainly not a small compromise.
>I'm reading a story about a magical slave mare with a mysterious guardian and rare artifact I kinda see where you are coming from. It's not intended to be "magical slave mare with a mysterious guardian and rare artifact" and I hope it won't end up like that.
>inventing things around your characters to suit them >having a living, breathing world and describing stuff that happens in it I think I get what you mean. I should think more about how the world works, what rules it has, what an owner may or may not do. What none owning-humans stance on the whole thing is. I'll think about it and weave it into the story where it fits.
Thanks for your thoughts, Anon!
>>39178944 >Anon smashing the head of Xena into the bedpost hard enough to knock her out after two half a sentence of backtalk This is very very very unusual in spg.
>Cadence Its Cadance.
And Cadance were never punished like this, not even close. And she ran that village in any way she wanted to if they meet the quota of work (profits).
Even the scenes where a pony was beaten had a purpose and a buildup to it.
>filly brothel That's an even worse comparison. Yes it is morally wrong, but they were not hurt physically. None of them were suddenly knocked unconscious (choking fetish does not count), nor punished physically.
Dark, "not happiness and sunshine" stories are ok. Hurting ponies on a whim just to display hierarchy are more of a SiM kind of thing. Punishment is ok here, but it must fit the criteria of a punishment: used to teach a lesson to the wrongdoer. What's not ok is to hurt one pony to teach a lesson or display something to another pony; or for the master to vent out frustration.
The master can be cruel, but knocking out Xena this fast and sudden is kinda on the line for me. Ok, she back talked, but this was too harsh. Especially when she just mirror's her master's attitude towards a new lower ranking pony. She earned her collar-less status somehow, why punish her this harsh?
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careful when buying fillies they may be cheap but they require lots of training
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>>39179680 >I'm not sure that works so well together. The common expression is "I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees". >Despite all, she choose to live on her knees. I think there can be degrees. Assume most ponies don't want to submit. Now most ponies will still do it under thread of punishment - it's just not worth fighting back, for them. For Lithia, though, she isn't afraid of punishment; her pride won't let her submit, and her hatred pushes her to defy the oppressive "masters" almost no matter the consequences.
But she might not be so "principled" as to choose death. After all, if she accepts being bought, she can still continue to fight back and spite her new master; whereas stuck in her cell all she can do is just sit in solitary isolation until she gets butchered for meat.
Glad to hear I could offer a perspective you find interesting, and looking forward to see where you take your story!
>>39179845 That's an interesting way to look at it. I'll admit I haven't really studiously lurked either general in a couple of years by now so my perception may be wrong or warped.
You're right that the physical violence is more graphic - even though it seems morally far less wrong than filly brothel's psychological damage (of prostituting literal children), and far less dark than Cadance and her workers whose happiness was basically irrelevant whereas Xena clearly loves her master.
But still physically it's obviously more graphic than either of those two stories, and if this is an argument to send it to /sim/ then I would have been incorrect
>>39179845 >Yes it is morally wrong, but they were not hurt physically. Hard disagree. They were raped. Filly rape! That is physical abuse! The worst kind, after torture. They will forever be fucked up mentally, even if you get them out of the brothel right now. The merciful thing would either be livelong therapy or ending their suffering right then and there.
There are things you can do to people that they never be able to recover from. Especially when done to children.
Was knocking Xena out harsh? Yeah. Is it even on the same level as filly rape? Hell no.
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>>39179918 They were the ones doing the raping, anon.
Ponies are insatiable little troublemakers and if they go too long without HMD they start getting aggressive about it.
"It's finally over, Ms. Hooves. We found your child." "Thank you, thank you, thank you, Officer!">With tears in her eyes, Derpy hugs Dinky tightly. "I'm sorry to say this, but Dinky was held captive at a brothel." "b-b-but she is only a filly?" "I know. That's what the brothel specialized in.">The officer shakes his head. "w-w-why would anyone do this... she is so young!" "We will make sure that the perpetrators who kidnapped yours and many other fillies will be fined for their illegal behavior. You have my word, Ms. Hooves. "Fined? FINED? WHAT?!" Derpy cradles Dinky, who continues to stare blankly at nothing. "Miss, we have to ask you to calm down. Brothel management has assured us that at no point was a filly ever beaten, given a concussion, or otherwise physically punished. They were treated well and I believe they even got ice cream from time to time. Isn't that nice?" "I-I-I can't believe this... WHAT?! THEY RAPED MY DAUGHTER. DO SOMETHING!" "Ms. Hooves, you are getting hysterical. There is no reason to be upset over it. We have been assured that the fillies enjoyed their activities there, or at least didn't mind them so much. Just be glad that she is unharmed physically. We will get them for their expired business license to the full extent of the law.">Derpy's hoof tremble, while Dinky continues to stare blankly. "License..." Derpy mutters to herself. "Call us when Dinky is old enough to testify that she didn't enjoy it. Good day, Ms. Hooves."Ice cream, how nice of them! Lol. This is just for keks.
>>39179873 >physical violence is more graphic I have nothing against physical violence! It just has to be "reasonable". Since you brought up Slaventure (Cadance): Corona got beaten up pretty badly, yet I have no objection against that. It had a buildup till that happened.
>loves her master How do you know? Is she not just brainwashed/broken so much that she knows nothing else? Its a possibility as of now.
>>39179918 >Filly rape! Yes and? Its a fictional world where that is accepted alongside of literal fight to the death TV shows broadcasting the execution in all its glory. The whole story is about how mentally fucked up Filly/Mare becomes.
>fucked up mentally Hello and welcome to /spg/ (or SiM).
>Was knocking Xena out harsh? You are trying to show how nice the master is towards Lithia, and out of nowhere he snaps and shows the exact opposite. And that he does not care when it comes to physical force.
Slapping her hard on the rump to shut her up (I presume this is not her first time, she knows whats up and what her master expects her to do) is /spg/. Hitting her hard enough to knock her out is /sim/.
From another side, Xena is supposed to be a good girl because she can roam "free" without a collar. Yet after the smallest backtalk master knocks her out. She must be really really fucked up mentally to not even try to escape. Nothing wrong with this, but manipulation on this level is more of a SiM thing than /spg/. (Eg telling her she is worthless, there is no better place for her to be, etc. Or holding something over her head like her foals or other relatives.) Her master's actions and her status contradicts each other.
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>>39180289 Man, I'm beginning to think I've digged a hole I can't get out of anymore. Heh.
Should have lurked more.
I still stand with that decision, but I promise not to knockout a mare again
unless she clearly deserves it. Anonymous
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>>39180282 >anti-human propaganda Special Agent CORONA is at it again.
All those brave and caring humans taking time out of their day to visit their local pony relief center, donate to charity and then let themselves get assaulted by desperate, needy equestrian refugees.
Pony is ready for human nightmare night.
>>39182024 I wish horse wife never went lood. Porn is the easy way to get cheap updoots, what he had going before was so wholesome and fun, he didn't need to do porns...
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Toys are no replacement for Master! Even if the duckie is fun.
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Pony got picked up by animal control.
Are there any good derogatory names for slave mares? Maybe something race specific even?
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New delivery! Barely fits inside the box.
>>39184017 When in doubt, you can't go wrong with the good ol' Cockholster.
Page 10. Post cute ponies.
>>39186291 This mare is a slave to the system.
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>>39186440 The slave is the mare of the system.
>>39180282 Oh no... I would totally be a regular for Dinky and now she's gone...
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>>39187447 And this is how Derpy ended in jail and Dinky returned to the brothel because it was like her second home.
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>>39187463 Icecream everyday
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>>39187447 what is this hybrid pistol?
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>>39187215 >>39187447 Alternative ending. Anon get both Dinky and Derpy as bedponies.
What do they do with ponies who can't get sold even after years?
>>39182043 Actually based opinion. The problem isn't the lewds themselves, the problem is that Horse Wife was good and cute and funny and now there's nothing but lewds.
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>>39182043 >>39188594 Wait, she have porn?
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>>39188328 They count their losses and send them down to the glue factory
>>39188328 That's what corporate contracts are for. Bulk purchase of simple workers.
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>>39189223 Better buy them and give them a new home, or else this is what lies ahead for them.
Grueling slave labour in the burger mines.
Human furniture is too big for pony But thats okay
>>39189859 Pony literally has wings. She's doing this just to be cute, isn't she?
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>>39189985 Pony might be a little dumb.
It's a distinct possibility.
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>>39167840 >Her duties didn't significantly change Is the town's molester a duty?
>she was teaching the nomad language Why not equestrian? At least that way she would have 2 strong allies which she can talk to without the fear of being spied on.
>could read and write Strange how this can come up as a topic when they can barely understand each other.
>There were other peoples in the world Wasn't this obvious the moment that Mayor saw the use of a different language than what the nomads speak?
>too young Oh, I did not expected them to be this young.
>despite her assurances that it would be worthwhile Would have loved to hear her reasoning.
>pestle Can the nomads glaze it? Without that it quickly grinds itself. Whatever they grind in it will be pretty clay tasting.
Also she is initiating something new again!
>She mimed gripping the pestle Why not draw it in the ground?
>ink Blood? Yes its gross to her, but the nomads often hunt. (If they don't cook the blood for food.)
>best marksman Did they found better wood to use for the bows?
>starting to think that Willow's spot as top hunter was slowly slipping I don't think Salki could be near Willow yet. It's surprisingly hard to kill with an arrow, especially a larger animal.
>I will carry things Time to invent the sled. Or wheels. How did the two children arrive? Wasn't they in some kind of carriage?
>All she would do was get help Well, what else?
>She put the daydream on hold At least she has enough will to live in her again to not break down like she did before.
>There were two holes in the river bottom Is it even a river? Isn't it just a creek?
(And both tends to grow bigger in the spring when the snow starts to melt.)
>savior of the nomad race Or enslaver!
Thanks for the update!
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>>39189985 She has yet to earn flying privileges.
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Employment when?
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Eustus Bagge buys Fluttershy, what happens?
out of curiosity, how would slave stuff work with like another common idea like rgre would
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>>39193210 well I know clear skies is rgre ish
she was based off bombshell so it isnt that obvious
fuck you, ya'll too wholesome. i want stories about pony slaves getting absolutely abused, beaten and broken. are there any stories like that?
>>39193296 Kinda? It shows up from time to time but it's not really a focus for us.
You can try our sister thread, they might scratch that itch better.
>>39159261 Anonymous
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>>39193347 reverse gender roles equestria
>mare man, stallion woman Anonymous
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I'm aiming to have more Lithia on freeday. get it? it was surprisingly hard to come up with something for a slave to do that isn't sex covered by xena , being a maid also xena , or rendered obsolete by modern engines.(like field work) But I think I found something that works well enough. Also maybe Lithia looks more like Picrel? Red mane on red fur was a stupid idea.
AspiringWritefag !!Ojw0rGjSZOI
Nothing today, I"m sorry to say. It's the fourth day in a row with meetings until 8 PM and I haven't had the energy. It's interesting work and it pays extremely well, but also very tiring and time-consuming...
>>39194436 Sounds like a great place to work at! Can you give a hint which sector it is?
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Lex Luthor has created a portal to Equestria and has taken ponies as slaves. Superman finds out. What happens next?
AspiringWritefag !!Ojw0rGjSZOI
>>39194567 I'm working in DevOps at a big tech firm. Rewarding and super interesting, but there are periods of more busy and some of less. This is just one of those times, and stuff will settle down.
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>>39194867 Oh cool. I'm like on the other team writing code. We love you guys
if you could respond to our tickets faster. Anonymous
>>39175947 "Lithia" Part 3
Previously: The first, sadly violent day with her new master is now behind Lithia. At least in her dreams she was finally able to meet her guardian again. While Lithia sleeps peacefully in her bed, her master comes under pressure to act.
>Your blanket is ripped away. "Wake up."
>Eyes still closed; you pull your limbs closer to your chest to protect against the chilly air. "Wake up.", the commanding voice repeats.
>You try your best to ignore it and find your way back to dreamland. >The voice begins a countdown. >This should have been worrying, but drowsiness stops your brain from thinking straight. "3... 2... 1..."
>A sudden, painful electric shock to your neck causes you to jump up on high alert, wings spread, ready to fight or fly away. >The rash movements make you choke on the forgotten barrett still in your mouth. >Coughing, you spit it out on the mattress. >With your heart pounding away and wide eyes slowly adjusting to the dim light, you make out the silhouette of a person at the other end of the bed. "Good morning, Lithia. Change of plans, we gotta go now.", Grey says.
"I'll see you down stairs in five."
>He leaves your room, sure that you are awake now. "Fuck", you pant.
>This could have easily given you a heart attack if you were an older mare. >With the adrenaline-rush of the wake-up call slowly subsiding, you fold your wings back. >It is still dark outside your window. >Either this is another mind game, or... well, you have no clue. >You wipe the barrett clean of spit and place it back in your messy bed-mane. >He left you no time for brushing - or even something to brush with - so you settle for giving your red mane a few hoof strokes. >Some may call you superficial for caring about your appearance, but for you it's a sign of defiance. >No matter how much they try to humiliate you and push you around, you remain a proud member of the Pegasus race. >They can't take that from you. >Downstairs, Grey awaits you, looking at his watch, with his foot tapping on the ground. >If you had taken longer than five minutes, he doesn't say. >Instead, he directly leads you outside to his parked car. >There, he makes you sit down in the foot space of the front passenger seat. >Even with the seat shifted backwards as far as it goes, it is still pretty cramped. >With the closing of the car-door, a wave of unease rolls over you. >Whatever he has planned for you, there is no escaping it now. >Your hoofs can't hope to open the for humans designed car-door handle. >Grey sits down next to you and starts the car. >Neon lights of various buttons and instruments light up in the dark interior of the car. >You roll off the driveway into the night. "We'll be there in about an hour. You may rest till we get there."
>From your low position in the car, all you see through the windows is the inky blackness and an occasional streetlamp. Anonymous
>>39195661 >As the speechless drive continues, the warmth of the car, together with the rhythmic deep noises of the engine and your cramped accommodation, all work together to relax your body and mind. >Tired and no longer able to care, you rest your head on the seat in front of you and doze off. >Much too early, the engine stops. >It has become dawn outside. >Grey opens your door and lets you out. >You stretch your stiff body and smell the air through your muzzle. >It's salty. "Where are we?"
>An annoyed looking Grey gestures at you to continue your sentence. "... master."
>Now you are not only tired but also annoyed. "At the shore. I need you to retrieve something for me. From a boat."
>He pulls out a map. >It flaps in the cold ocean breeze. "It should be about a half-hour flight off the coast. Fly there. They'll give you a package. Then come back. Understood?
>The chance to fly again, after so many months of being detained in a stinky cell has you excited. >Denying a Pegasus to fly is like denying a fish water. >Of course, you hide your excitement from him, lest he think you are enjoying his mistreatment. >Instead, you raise an eyebrow. "The ocean is huge. What if I don't find that boat?"
"No excuses, Lithia!"
>Him uttering your name, has you grimace. "Your predecessor managed to do it. Here, take this."
>He hands you a compass. "Come back with the package, or don't come back at all."
"That's an option?", you jest.
>No verbal response, but the cutting gesture he makes at his throat says it all. >The breeze whirls through your mane and tail, making them flutter widely. >Under your breath, you curse Grey one final time, before you spread your wings and take off. >Soaring through the sky again after so long makes you forget your anger quickly. >Beneath you stretches the glittering ocean; behind you, the sun rises slowly, and under your wings, air rushes by. >You beat your wings faster, then slower, fly up, glide down, it's all so much fun. >Something no flesh sausage, or stuck up unicorn will ever understand. "Fuck dirt eaters!", you yell as loud as your hard-working lungs allow.
>A Pegasus deserves to be free like the wind! >Maybe all the cruelty your kind has to endure at the hand of miserable dirt-bound creatures is just simple jealousy. >You shake your head. It's not that simple. >The compass in your hoof keeps you on course. >There is no anxiety about finding that boat or not. >If you don't, you'll just fly over the ocean as far as your wings will carry you. >Either the collar will shock you into a wet grave, or maybe he will just let you go. >Unlike back then in the cell, when you first betrayed your pride for naked survival, you are okay with dying like this. >The minutes pass and far too fast you spot something on the horizon. >It's an old deep-sea fishing boat. >For a moment you consider simply flying past it, but Grey's promise keeps you from doing it. Anonymous
>>39195666 >You don't have to drown today. Real freedom is only a year away. You only have to behave now. >With four loud clops, your hoofs land on the white boat deck. >Your elegant wings fold neatly back to hug your slender frame once more. >Looking around, you are confused to see no one approaching you. >The ship seems deserted. Maybe it's not even the right ship. >Suddenly, you hear wings flapping and a fellow Pegasus lands in front of you. >The yellow-colored mare wears a collar just like you. In her right hoof she holds a small package. "Hi", you greet the new arrival.
"Hello! So you are the new pick-up mare, huh?"
"Seems like it."
"Well, here."
>She hands you the package. "See you soon, probably."
>The yellow mare unfolds her wings again. "Wait! Can you tell me what is going on here? What's in the package?"
"Uhhh, I'm not exactly supposed to say. Ask your master."
"Master", you spit out the word. "You mean Grey?"
"Oh you are one of those. Love it. Grey's previous pick-up mare was so meek and afraid. I don't know if he bought her like that or did something horrible to her."
>Yellow shakes her head. "Glad you still have your wits with you! Say, how long have you been Grey's uh - forced help yet?"
"Only a day."
"Oh wow, and he already sent you here. Makes sense though. Heard he is in a lot of trouble right now."
>The mare grins. "Well, let me introduce myself. I'm Yellow. We'll be seeing a lot of each other from now on."
>Yellow walks towards you and raises a hoof. >You look at her hoof in confusion. "Come on, give it a clop!"
>You oblige her weird request. "So you know Grey, right? He offered to let me go in a year. C-can I trust him?"
"I wouldn't trust any human, especially not Grey.", Yellow laughs.
>Your head suddenly feels very heavy. "But hey!", Yellow tries to cheer you up.
"Could be worse. At least he offered, honest or not. No one offers me anything. Just try to get some leverage on him and make him hold his word."
"Yeah... if Xena doesn't kill me first."
"His unicorn slave. A real mind-broken whores."
>The thought of having to get back to her, makes you shudder. "Huh, I didn't know he had one. Makes me wonder why he doesn't sell her to cover his debt. Unicorns are pretty rare and expensive. Strange... Oh well, not my problem. Would love to talk more, but I really have to go now. I think they time us. See ya!"
>Before Yellow takes off, she turns around once more. "Oh, almost forgot to ask for your name."
"Lithia," you say, your voice flat.
"Like the element? I like it!"
>Flapping her wings, Yellow takes off. >For a while, you look at her shrinking silhouette against the clear blue sky. >She seemed so... cheery. But how? >The flight back is strenuous but unremarkable. >The high of the first flight is replaced with an exhausting fight against the strong outbound air currents. >Despite the brightly shining sun, your lack of sleep is catching up with you again. Anonymous
>>39195671 >Exhausted, sweaty, and yawning, you hand over the package to an anxiously waiting Grey. >He gives you a head pat, but you are too exhausted to be ticked off by it. >On the way back, Grey decides to turn on the radio, robbing you of even that little bit of sleep. >You are not sure if he did that on purpose or if he is just an inconsiderate jerk. I originally had a little bit more, but this seemed like a good place to end the update. You are gonna have to wait till next week to find out how Xena will reconcile with her master after the incident. Using Lithia for delivery purpose seems like a good solution to give her something to do and other characters to meet. Otherwise in the whole slave/master relationship she is more of a third wheel to Xena and Grey. I'm sweating thinking about the self-imposed 1 year deadline. This story has not even completed day 2. How the hell, will I make a whole year pass, to get to the finish line? I've been thinking a little bit about what makes it a slave/master relationship vs a child/parent relationship. Obviously, there is one IRL, but if I understood correctly what this thread wants, then that is much closer to a parent/child relationship + sexy benefits. Is that right? Anonymous
>>39195726 reads neat so far, keep it up anon
>>39195749 Wow you have already read it? Always feels weird, that it takes hours to write, but so little time to actually read.
Thanks though!
Have you read the previous parts too?
>>39195769 i followed the reply chain, so I think i read it all, from when she was sold. im a speedy reader though, so dont think too much of it kek
>>39195726 >How the hell, will I make a whole year pass, to get to the finish line? You skip weeks or months. Like most stories/movies, once you set up the day to day routine there is no point in retelling the same thing over and over. If her daily routine is "Fly here, fly back" unless something of note is supposed to happen you can skip it and let the audience fill in the blanks.
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Pony is lazy! LAZY!
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>>39195932 Yeah, that's all.
>>39196231 I know. Still a lot of stuff notable stuff should happen in a year. It's gonna be tough to find a balance.
>>39195726 I for one think retcons are acceptable. Especially if you think you've made a mistake; and this is a green being posted live in a thread, not some edited book getting published.
So one option is
>>39196231 . The challenge there is of course to make the year actually feel meaningful, and to keep the reader engaged despite the timeskips.
Another option is to consider rewriting it to be a time less than a year. Why did Grey buy her? You said you didn't really even know her purpose until this update, so now might be a good time to think about that. What will happen in a year? Does Grey just want some loyal help, this is his way to buy it, and in a year he'll go grab another one? Does Grey need to make money for some indeterminate amount of time, and he hopes a year will be "enough" to pay off his debt and get an egg nest going, and then he plans to switch careers to something less shady and won't need a deliverymare anymore?
Or maybe Grey needs to do some specific task urgently, some grand plan or scheme? Maybe in whatever legally-grey operation he's running, he's got a chance to make a break for some real big gains. Maybe he needs an unquestioningly loyal deliverymare for the next, say, few weeks, to carry it out. And his old one became unavailable somehow at the worst possible time. Hence his gamble with Lithia, and his bargain. In that case releasing her right after his scheme is done would make more sense, AND be that much stronger of an incentive for her to be loyal (what's a few weeks? compared to a whole year).
I don't know. Sounds like you don't either, so now would be a good time to think what exactly Grey is doing, why he needs Lithia, what will happen after a year and/or when he intends to release her. Also what happened to the previous one. Things like that.
Think of what's actually happening behind the scenes, and it will be that much easier to describe what's going on right now in your story, since you'll have a solid reason for everything already laid out in your mind.
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Page 10 hasty bump
You should buy fancy clothes for your pony.
>>39197722 >retcons are acceptable Agreed, but it can also be fun to creatively work around the corners you write yourself into.
>Or maybe Grey needs to do some specific task urgently, some grand plan or scheme? That's an interesting idea. Because of the 1 year time limit I only thought about things that can be recurrent. But one-off thingies for a big score could be interesting as well.
>good time to think what exactly Grey is doing, why he needs Lithia I do have a plan for that. I know a bit more than I let on, cause I don't want to spoil stuff. For example, I do have a plan for the contents of the package.
>be that much stronger of an incentive for her to be loyal The ambiguity of if she can trust him or not is important, I think. If she had it 100% assured, then it would be weird for her to be so defiant the whole time. At that point it's just a job to get done and go home after. But she can't trust him. She needs to gain some leverage over him, or maybe simply plan another escape attempt. Yet the option to simply give in, do nothing and hope for the best is pretty attractive as well. Maybe she doesn't need to fight him so much, she could just give in.
>Think of what's actually happening behind the scenes I try to, but I also find it boring to plan out everything in advance. It should grow organically. Like, that whole boat thing was a last-minute idea I ran with. I actually had something different preplanned.
What would really interest me is what you think the core of the story is. What should there be more off? Right now, I try to focus more on the day-to-day life of a reluctant slave based on anon's feedback. To have fun interactions between the characters and move the main story forward in the background.
I want to know what I'm good at as a writer and what I'm bad at. I want to think I'm good at creating interesting scenarios, but bad at emotional stuff, 'unf' is missing.
>>39198854 Why is it always pegamares that attach themselves to master's pelvis? Is it some kind of hormonal or pheramone thing that only effects pegasi?
Also, extra wing Anonymous
>>39143440 Seems like board activity is picking up again - might be worth actually typing out the ending.
>>39199147 Yeah fair points.
Fair point also about doing stuff that comes naturally. This is especially true for characters, but can probably also work for the world as well: though, while I'm an avid reader and have chatted with writers a lot, I'm not a writer myself so at that point you probably know best about how the process works for you. As long as you don't end up shooting yourself in the foot by inadvertently introducing some plothole or weird detrimental element (I still hold that I am skeptical about the magical guardian, for example, but let's see where that leads).
>What would really interest me is what you think the core of the story is. What should there be more off? To me, right now this is the setup or start to a potentially fascinating story about the relationship between a manipulative, wily master trying to work out a situation to his benefit, and a defiant, proud yet enslaved pony, who now has to choose between willingly cooperating with her slimy master. I'm expecting a general sense of "I have no reason to disagree, other than the fact that I know he's manipulating me somehow; should I defy him on that reason alone, even though I see nothing wrong with his request? If he does gets his way and things go according to his plan, what's the worst that could happen?" kind of stuff. Can they both get their way, with Grey's schemes paying off and Lithia getting her end of the bargain? Could Lithia ever decide to sacrifice her chances just to ensure Grey doesn't get his way? Will Lithia's own morality ever end up twisting, through repeated "rational" acceptance of Grey's terms, until she's more and more accepting of what Grey asks - or can she retain her principles despite the machinations going on around her, and despite whatever sacrifices she may choose to make in the name of the end (freedom) justifying the means (doing Grey's dirty work)?
Or perhaps as a tl;dr I'd say the core of the story for me now is the dynamic and psychology between the manipulative master and the defiant slave.
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>>39199818 Always finish the story, if you can.
>>39134509 Fuck no, he's happily married to Sugar Belle, I don't want to fuck that up.
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>>39200774 Sugar belle is on earth, running the kitchen at a Dennys.
She'll be fine.
>>39199643 I'm sure it's only a coincidence.
No point looking into it.
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>>39200284 Why don't you write? Your responses clearly show that you how to string sentences together, just take it a step further.
Many thanks for your comprehensive comments! I'll take it to heart and apply it for the next update on freeday.
>>39201484 Damn that pone is super sexy. I would let her do whatever she wants with me.
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>>39202040 I think she wants it the other way around.
Cuteness will not get you out of trouble!
>>39203981 My main issue with this service is that by the time I'm done petting the deliverymare, the pizza gets cold!
>>39203349 I dunno. Would work pretty good on me.
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>>39203349 At least in slavery she'll stop being virgin
>>39204430 On the up side, the delivery mare gets very, very warm.
>>39205296 I'll take that exchange.
>>39204430 >Not putting the pizza in the oven to warm it up while you warm up with the deliverymare Anonymous
>>39203981 >>39205859 I wonder if sexing the deliverymare would be considered normal and expected, or a social gaffe
Like what if low-skill slaves are cheap enough to buy and maintain that fast food places just stock a larger fleet taking into account that each delivery will take maybe 15-20 minutes extra. Or maybe they could even charge a small fee for this: some "fast sex" with your fast food
>>39205991 No its complete nonsense, wouldn't happen. Why should the pizza place willingly accept the additional overhead costs of buying and feeding more 'employees' , just because you are a coomer? Just call a damn hooker service and leave the delivery mares alone.
*bonk* go to horny jail.
>>39206167 Yeah but what if again it costs an extra fee
And they make a profit off it
>>39206391 i wonder how many incidents there would be tho
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>>39206391 It's a hot fantasy. You can pretend to yourself that you aren't actually buying a prostitute, but a pizza. Makes it less awkward maybe.
Could be a neat one shot.
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>>39207175 they'd probably be insured
assuming most people know that ponies shouldn't be damaged during sex, you'd only need insurance payouts in cases when they encounter some psycho or sadist with no basic human decency, the kind who'll fuck up someone else's property without a second thought
...yeah maybe that service wouldn't be available in majority-black neighborhoods
>>39206391 Even the less family-friendly services wouldn't offer it that openly. You'd need to charge for "inducing an unreasonable delay" or something along those lines.
>>39206391 >>39207306 I mean, if I want an eager pony, I can just go pick up one of the freemares wandering around the park. They're friendly and happy to have a warm bed at night.
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>>39205991 >I wonder if sexing the deliverymare would be considered normal and expected, or a social gaffe I'm glad that I would need to pay any extra service because I already have a pony for that.
>>39205991 >I wonder if sexing the deliverymare would be considered normal and expected, or a social gaffe I'm glad that I would don't need to pay any extra service because I already have a pony for that.
>>39207828 >I can just go pick up one of the freemares wandering around the park. That's absurd, freemares always talk of how much they hate the humans and how they love to have freedom.
>>39207828 More power to you, then. I'm interested in milking as much money out of the coomers as I can while still remaining a reputable and attractive delivery service for other customers.
More profit means
increasingly better living conditions for the deliveryponies is affordable. Anonymous
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>>39208035 That's a nice thing to say
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>>39208000 Anon... that is a filly.
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>Give the cute deliverymare ear-scritches for delivering the pizza so fast, since monetary tips are strictly forbidden. >Half of the neighborhood thinks you bang deliverymares now. Probably should've seen that coming.
>>39203349 You're still getting a spanking, missy. Get your hairbrush.
Emergency short-notice bump
>>39208005 If they hate humans so much why does she refuse to leave my apartment and clings to my leg when I go to work trying to stop me from leaving?
>>39211797 She's afraid you'll find another mare and she'll have to share her strategic cuddle reserves with another pony. It's best to break her of this early and get her used to the idea of "herding" with another slavemare.
>>39210500 It didn't get the intended effect.
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>>39212934 wtf is fosgitt still drawing
The neighbor pony is very forward
>>39213790 >commits home invasion and sexual harassment >freedom revoked >given to the one she committed the crime against I'm not sure who the winner is in this situation.
>>39214284 Trixie is literally a hobo, so she fucking won
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>>39214300 Pretty sure that's glimglam.
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>>39213790 Ponies can be very pushy sometimes.
>>39217275 Why is Sweetie Belle so much cheaper than Applebloom?
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>>39217691 Swibble may be cute, but Bloom is cute AND a hard worker
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>>39218923 >again board's flying today
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>>39218265 10% horse
90% cat
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>>39212450 Well I'm into monogamy so she has nothing to worry about
So that's why earth and equestria where linked, huh?
Tomorrow is freeday and I haven't finished the next Lithia update yet. Lots of traveling on my end. Would have been nice to have a helpful Pegasus to carry my luggage. I'll do my best to get it done in time or die trying.
figuratively jeeez >>39222203 Or rather unlinked. Lol
AspiringWritefag !!Ojw0rGjSZOI
>>39167835 > It began as any other day for Mayor Mare, except for a vague, unidentifiable sense of unease. Maybe it was because the tent was completely empty, or maybe it was some kind of atmosphere in the camp that she subconsciously recognized. > Whatever had caused it, Mayor couldn't quite put her hoof on why she should feel that way, so she tried to shove it out of her mind as she dug around her meagre possessions for something to eat. > Most of her vegetables were shriveled up and on the verge of going mouldy. She could smell that they were definitely past their prime. She'd been saving them for difficult times, but perhaps it was time to rethink that strategy. > They would be useless to her if they went bad - more than they already had, she mentally corrected herself - so she gathered everything up in one sack with a generous portion of dried rice. With luck it, and some salt, would cover up the flavor. > Mayor would need to ask Xuan or Darga when the women would start foraging again so she could join them and replenish her supplies with fresh vegetables. Until then it would just have to be young grass and what was left of her rice and grain. > She wasn't too worried, since she could always count on a bite or two when she saw nomads baking bread. They recognized that the original recipe had come from her and that was still worth a slice every now and then. > That settled breakfast and quite possibly lunch as well, Mayor decided. If she felt hungry she could always go graze a little on one of her many trips to the stream for fresh water. > It should tide her over to evening, when the whole camp would have some kind of a spring festival. That was what Mayor could understand of what was going to happen. > Her friends had tried to explain and she gathered that the nomads would organize some kind of hunting ritual. They called it the 'circle hunt', most likely because it was meant to represent the cyclical nature of the seasons. > It was a once-a-year event when women and older children joined in on hunting. Mayor didn't expect them to catch much, especially the way Salki had described it. The nomads would stand in a big circle and then walk together. Any animals caught in the middle would be captured. > Mayor strongly suspected that it was more a ritual than an actual hunting method, so she didn't argue too hard against participating. Salki had brought it up during dinner one day and Darga had agreed. She'd said it would help fix her place in the camp with the other nomads. > They hadn't talked about it recently, but Mayor wasn't completely sure about her own status. The way Darga and Salki and, sometimes, Intor gave her orders, it seemed like she was still considered a slave, even if it wasn't entirely clear to whom she belonged. AspiringWritefag !!Ojw0rGjSZOI
>>39222742 > On the other hoof, she had a large degree of autonomy and freedom about how she performed her tasks, and she was also allowed to indulge in her side projects. Her efforts to create writing materials would soon bear fruit and then maybe she could get Darga to agree to some form of a school, at least for the children. > Maybe it was time to raise the topic again? Perhaps she had earned her place and, more importantly, her status as a free mare. > Not that it made much of a difference. > The thought had come out of nowhere and Mayor's ears sank. Free or not, she was still a prisoner of the camp. She couldn't hope to go anywhere alone, except maybe if she joined the trade caravans. > The nomads outside of the ones she knew would likely consider her little more than an animal, the same these had when she first arrived. She was just as likely to be butchered out of fear as she was to be enslaved again as a curiosity, if she left. > Going alone was also out of the question. Mayor couldn't hope to evade or fight of some of the more vicious wildlife. > As much as the idea bothered her, the safest place for her was in the camp, at least until she had sufficient pull to get a retinue back to the portal. That was another long shot. The shaman had sounded confident when he said it would only open once every eight or so decades. > Back in Equestria, with modern medicine and a healthy lifestyle she might live that long, out here it was looking more and more unlikely. > Mayor Mare sighed and slung the sack with her food across her back. Sitting in the tent and moping wouldn't accomplish anything. > She pushed her way outside and headed to Xuan so they could cook together. It had turned out that fingers were incredibly useful for setting up the strange leather pot and for cutting the vegetables and stirring the stew. > ~~~~ > At the very least, Xuan was good company, even if she complained about her feet and her head a lot. In that respect, pregnant nomads were pretty much like any mare in Equestria. It had gotten so bad that Buygra took any opportunity to leave camp lately. > Mayor was doing her best to knead the woman's shoulders, even though she didn't have any particular skill with massage. Xuan had said it helped and that was good enough. > "[Yes. Oooh, yeah. Right there. Press harder!]" the woman was saying even as she preemptively pushed back against Mayor's hooves. > Obliging, she exerted a touch more force and angled her hoof to bring more of the edge to bear. It drew out a low groan from Xuan. "
"> Her friend waved a hand dismissively. "[It's okay. You won't hurt me. Just push.]" AspiringWritefag !!Ojw0rGjSZOI
>>39222746 > Mayor's ears splayed a little in concern, but she obeyed and leaned into her task. That earned her another luxuriating groan from the woman. > "[This is so good,]" Xuan murmured, "[don't stop.]" > It sounded like an entirely different conversation for a much more inappropriate activity and Mayor's tail tucked up in sudden embarrassment. She sought to change the topic as quickly as possible. "[You will stay in the camp? Are you not worried? Nearly everyone will be gone.]"
> This time Xuan shrugged, which incidentally helped Mayor feel just how tense her neck was. She moved her hooves a little higher and pressed together. > "" "[It will take that long? I thought we would just get in a circle and shout or something. That is fast, no?]"> This made Xuan laugh. "[You will shout, but not until later. Just- do what everyone else is doing, you'll be fine. Circle hunt is fun.]" > Mayor shook a strand of pink mane out of her eye and glanced around. The camp was waking up and people were streaming past them toward the central bonfire. She guessed it would soon be time to go. "[What if the baby comes?]"> Xuan turned partially to look at the mare, then smiled. "[Then it would be about time. I've had enough of- of *this*!]" she said, gesturing expansively at her swollen belly. "" > Mayor rolled her eyes at the familiar complaints, but she shared the woman's smile. "[You knew what you were getting into.]"> "[Actually, I didn't. I never talked with Mother or any of the others what it is like. I knew it would be uncomfortable, and the birthing would hurt, but I never knew it would be like this.]" "[So you won't have another?]" Mayor asked quietly.> This made Xuan freeze under her hooves, but only for a moment. She quickly replied: "" in a firm tone of voice. "[First we will see how this one turns out.]" > They both chuckled at that response, then Xuan sighed and went on: "[Don't worry, Kantuta and Mitra are staying with me. They took some convincing, but I wanted someone experienced. I think the baby really will come tonight.]" > When she said that the nomad placed her hands on her belly and rubbed in gentle circles. She stared off into the distance, thoughtful. "[They wanted to go to the hunt? How did you convince them to stay?]"> Xuan twisted again so she could give Mayor a very deliberate wink. "[Easy. I promised them some of your hair when you cut it next!]" "[What?!]" blurted out and stepped away in shock. AspiringWritefag !!Ojw0rGjSZOI
>>39222751 > Mayor only had a moment to look indignant before Xuan's face fell and she lowered her gaze. "" > As she spoke, the nomad reached out a hand to Mayor in supplication. It was a most pitiful sight and Mayor couldn't resist. Her ears lowered and she came back to give Xuan a nuzzle. "[It's okay, it's okay. I will help. I was just surprised.]"> When the woman lifted her face again she was grinning. "" "[What?!]" Mayor drew back for the second time in less than a minute.> "[This is what you do to Salki sometimes, no? Sad eyes and a quiet plea. It's good to see it works on you just as well.]" > It had all been a ruse to garner her sympathy! Mayor flattened her ears all the way and her tail flicked in annoyance, but she couldn't stay mad, not really. What Xuan had said was true; she had often used the fact that most nomads found her cute. Especially when it meant the difference between hunger and a fully belly. > So it worked best on Salki, that was only to be expected. He knew her better than anyone else and could read her body language pretty well by now. > Besides, a guilty little thought sprang up, she had done it to Xuan more than once when she'd joined her and Buygra for a meal. The least she could do was repay some of that kindness. "[Okay, okay, I'm not mad. I will give you hair, but next time ask me like a woman, okay?]"> In lieu of an answer Xuan just poked her tongue out at her, and they both began laughing. > "[As much as I like your hooves, I think you should go,]" Xuan said when they'd quietened down. She gestured around and Mayor saw that they were the only two left in that part of the camp. > Most of the nomads had gathered for the circle hunt, which meant she had to go and join them. She could perhaps hide from it and stay with Xuan, but that would likely mean trouble later. Darga wouldn't appreciate having her command circumvented, and Willow was itching for any excuse to punish her. > Mayor Mare got up on her hooves and inclined her head to Xuan. "[Good luck with the baby. I will come find you in the morning to meet your daughter.]"> The nomad returned the nod, then went to rummage in a bag next to her as Mayor left. > The air of jubilant excitement was nearly palpable and Mayor couldn't help but pick up on electric buzz in the air. Obviously this circle hunt would be an important festival for the people. > It would be followed by a bonfire, she knew, and a celebration long into the night. She was both looking forward to it and dreading it a little. She'd promised herself no more beer, but her resolve hadn't proven too strong in the past. AspiringWritefag !!Ojw0rGjSZOI
>>39222756 > Maybe she should ask Salki to keep an eye on her, just in case. > As she made her way through the camp, Mayor saw that there was some commotion near the central firepit, which was already stacked with wood for the bonfire. A lot of nomad children were milling about and some carried crude clubs, made from sticks of wood. Here and there someone had a wooden spear. > Nothing like the hunters used, Mayor saw, just a bit of sharpened wood, hardened in the fire. She joined the crowd at the rear, but her ears were flattened, both from the overwhelming noise and from uncertainty. She didn't know where to go and what to do. > Luckily she spotted a familiar face and, despite the fact that she didn't like him, walked over to Willow. "[What do we do?]" she asked curtly, without any kind of greeting.
> The young hunter looked animated and could hardly keep still from excitement. He tried crossing his arms, but couldn't stay like that for more than a few seconds. His grin worried Mayor a little, though she couldn't put her hoof on why exactly. > "[Just follow everyone. We have to walk some distance and we need to find weapons.]" "[Weapons?]"
> He pointed a finger off to one side, where Mayor saw a few of the older hunters passing out spears and axes to the youngsters who didn't have any yet. > There were a lot of women in the group, too, representing all ages. This circle hunt would practically empty out the camp, Mayor estimated. > The women, for the most part, had knives or cudgels of their own. "[I'm not taking a weapon,]" she said firmly.
> She didn't believe the hunt would rustle up many animals, but it might get some, and she would have absolutely no part in killing anything. > This made Willow bark a rough chuckle and Mayor looked up at his amused grin. "[You don't need weapons, you can kick. You already have weapons.]" > She glanced down at her own hooves, but all it did was make her tighten her lips in determination. She even flicked her tail in emphasis when she looked back up. "
"> Willow's smile slipped and his face darkened with his typical quick anger. "[You will, or I will beat you myself after. Everyone has to help. This will be our food for walking through summer, and for fall!]" "[What? You won't catch that much!]"> For a moment he didn't seem to understand what she had said, then he waved a dismissive hand at her. "[You don't know what you're talking about. Everyone has to help, you too, or you will be beaten. I will tell Mother and the Chieftain. They will agree with me.]" AspiringWritefag !!Ojw0rGjSZOI
>>39222759 > Mayor was about to stomp her hoof and insist, but she instead just turned her head away, released the breath she had been holding, and let it go. With the amount of noise the nomads would make, they would catch nothing. Willow was probably delusional about their catch. > "[Let's go. You'll stay with me so I can make sure. Let's go,]" Willow said and set off. > Mayor snorted, but she followed the young man nonetheless. She couldn't tell what Darga might do, but Intor would doubtlessly side with her son and decree that Mayor really is to be punished if she doesn't cooperate. > Going along was just easier. > Besides, it wouldn't be his first time to overestimate his hunting ability. She still wouldn't help the hunt, she knew. She would go with them and stand around and whatever they wanted, but they couldn't make her actually chase down and kill other creatures. > Maybe wolves, Mayor thought, but only in a group of experienced hunters and only if she had no choice. She might fight wolves, and she might even kill them. The knowledge chilled her a little, but she knew she would do it if it meant her life. > The young nomad was indeed headed straight for his mother. Mayor Mare plodded along, but she kept her eye out for other familiar faces. She recognized some of the other nomads, but all seemed occupied with getting their weapons. > The ones who already had cudgels, or spears, were busy practice-swinging them, especially among the younger ones. Here and there one of the hunters would correct a youngling's grip, or explain something which Mayor couldn't catch with the din. > "[Mother, tell Meyermer she is to be beaten if she refuses to help. I said she will join circle hunt, or I will whip her.]" > This drew Mayor's attention from her surroundings and she looked at what the woman might say. Her ears lowered even before Intor opened her mouth. > It was pretty much what Mayor had expected. Intor gave a curt nod and said: "[Everyone has to help. We barely have enough people as it is. If she doesn't work, you can whip her.]" > This verdict quickly brought Willow's grin back and Mayor decided to do the maximum possible to avoid that fate. Not so much because she feared a whipping, but rather so he wouldn't have the satisfaction of winning. "[Fine,]" she said, but it was nearly a growl.
> "[Find a club for her, or maybe a small spear,]" Intor instructed. > "[She does not need one,]" Willow quickly replied and pointed at Mayor's hooves, "[she can kick and stomp. It is better than a club. She has four of them.]" AspiringWritefag !!Ojw0rGjSZOI
>>39222761 > When Intor looked at the mare again it felt as if she had never really seen her before. She stared and Mayor couldn't help shuffling her hooves a little bit out of sheer discomfort. Finally, the woman nodded to herself. "[You are right. Good thinking. Do what he says!]" > That last bit was directed at Mayor, who swallowed a lump and gave a slightly shaky yes. She looked down as well, thinking for the first time in her life what it would be like to kick someone with the intent to injure them. > Not in self-defense, or by accident, but in a hunt. Could she make herself do it? Her ears were already flattened and Mayor forcibly lifted her gaze again. She wouldn't, whatever Willow said. She would join their hunt, but they couldn't make her kill. > With luck it wouldn't even come up. Mayor forced the ugly images from her head and focused instead on the festival after the hunt. There would be food and drink. She could have one beer, as long as it really stayed at one. > She would ask Salki to restrict her to one beer only. > "[Come,]" said Willow, "[we will go up ahead. We will leave soon. It's about two hours walk to the hunting ground.]" > Walking wasn't a problem. Mayor didn't have an issue with walking, and she wouldn't have minded carrying stuff either, but no one had asked her. She was glad of that and resolved to enjoy a pleasant stroll in the warm afternoon, if nothing else. > Perhaps the nomads wouldn't move very quickly and she could grab quick bites of young grass on the way. AspiringWritefag !!Ojw0rGjSZOI
>>39222763 There we go! Back on track, although *this week* I caught some non-covid variant of covid. I still wanted to get this bit out because the next one will be very interesting.
Paste: Anonymous
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>>39222764 Procrastinated by reading your update. Pulled me right through from start to finish, despite me not knowing who most of the characters are. Reads like a book!
>>39223334 This one too. But wanna know who the biggest slave of the system is?
(you). Please wake up sheeple! Anonymous
>>39223421 Fat fuck needs to lay off the muffins
>>39223732 >Fat fuck needs to lay off the muffins Why are you randomly talking about your mom? What does that have to do with Derpy? Please stay on topic! Thanks.
>>39223421 Derpy is a good girl who needs regular punishment
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>>39226364 Derpy is a good girl who needs regular stern reminders of how to do her job, but also a supportive and helpful environment.
>>39222585 Sorry, couldn't make it happen by today. Maybe tomorrow...
>>39227624 Cute. Also interesting body proportions.
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Beware when pone wants a cookie
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>>39230397 latexmares are my weakness
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>>39231072 She wears a collar around her neck. Master wears a collar around his dick.
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>>39231072 Because she is higher ranking than the other slaves.
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Pony misbehaves while master is at work
>>39223931 Why would I overfeed my slave? It costs more to do so, it's unhealthy, and unattractive. A little bit of pudge in the belly is fine but that picture of Derpy is obese
>>39228015 For those who care, it didn't work out today either. Life stuff got in the way. Not gonna shit up the thread with more delays. It's ready when it's ready; whenever that is.
>>39228015 >>39232766 That's fair. Looking forward to whenever you find the opportunity to get it done.
>>39232760 I could never 'own' Derpy, but I'd adopt her in a heartbeat.
>need affordable labour for struggling restaurant business >go to slave market looking for cheap help >in the darkest corner find hungry neglected mare >"You don't want that one as help, son. Her eyes are all messed up. Worthless. I don't even feed her anymore. This will be her last showing. Let's see this other one" >the trader tries to pull you along, but movement in the dark corner makes you linger >you watch as a shaky mare crawls towards you as far as her chain allows >"h-hungry... please..." >she struggles to lift her head >one of her big orange eyes stares at the ground, the other directly into your heart. >"seriously, you have a restaurant right? She is going to destroy more plates than an elephant in a porcelain shop.", the trader insist. >searching your pocket, you find an old granola bar and hold in infront of the frail mare >she reaches for it with a hoof, but misses >quickly you unwrap the bar, and this time hold it directly under her muzzle >soft lips eat greedily directly from your hand >she has fully conquered your heart by the time you turn around to the slave trader, who is now rubbing his hands excitedly >"shut up and take my money!" >you'll figure out a different way to save your business. Together. >>39233051 Thanks for the encouragement anon. Helps a lot!
>>39233174 I have an overwhelming need to take care of Derpy.
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>>39233174 >>39233277 Muh heart. Write it.
>wears saddle >pulls cart >serves man It all checks out. Good pone.
>>39233277 I wouldn't even sex her. I just want her to be happy.
Although damn, what do you do with a clumsy mare you love, but can't really afford? What would (you) have her do to help make ends meet?
>>39234719 It might be fun to write a story not set in modern times. Cars and engines in general don't leave a lot of things to do for a mare, besides looking cute, light house work and smut.
Aspiring writefag is on to something with his hunter gather setting. Although I'm not sure if the nomads have discovered the wheel yet.
Is it better to let your disobedient pony under the covers on a cold night to help form a positive connection with you in her mind, or to reserve it as a privilege for good ponies in order to encourage obedience?
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>>39235131 That kind of positive mental association is crucial for having a productive worker. Their old culture had a government structured around it, if you can believe that.
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>>39188328 This makes me extremely sad inside.
>>39235916 Stop posting sad ponies.
>>39235011 >I wouldn't even sex her. Anon, someday she will enter in heat and she will believe that she's ugly because you don't want to share such private and intimate moment with her.
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>>39236237 Good point. It's just a weird dynamic cause I do technically own her. I wouldn't want her to get more mentally screwed up and dependent on me.
Or maybe I'm just overthinking it? As long as she is happy with it, I'm happy too.
>>39236618 But she wasted so much water!
>>39236706 Ponies are not for pain and suffering.
>>39236855 Ponies are for happiness and laughter.
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>>39236600 Cute mare. Pleasing coloration. Would buy.
>>39236839 Ponies are not for loser adult men and lewding
>>39236876 Ponies are for little girls and innocence
>>39237147 Objectively false. Little girls are too poor to afford purchasing a slave, don't have any profitable work for them to perform, and are unable to properly care for them on their own.
Also it's pony's fault for lewding the master. After pony finishes her work she's allowed to spend the rest of the day as she likes, it's not my fault she gets this way.
>>39237147 >"because you're an adult male you can't want good things for innocent creatures" Are you 14, or just a faggot?
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>>39237305 This happens every time the miss mlp pageant is active. That thread gets linked on a bunch of different sites and discord servers in hopes to rig the vote and some of those people explore the board while they're here. Don't worry about it too much, they get bored quickly. Anonymous
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>>39237305 That's some mental gymnastics. How is having a slave a good thing?
>>39237225 >pony lewding the master Absolutely wrong and gross!
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>>39236876 Most ponies don't like the way they can get ice cream.
>>39237504 Oh wow this is real.
>>39237540 There's a couple of them but i can't remember them all Anonymous
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>>39237586 There's only these two afaik
>>39236839 There's nothing wrong with having one slave you treat a little worse than the others. Making them sleep on the floor, depriving them of affection, giving them less food. And they are punished when doing something wrong.
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>>39237700 There's everything wrong with it, innocent creatures deserve love and kindness.
Abolish the slave trade now.
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>>39237700 You are a scumbag, but I hope you are at least willing to sell that slave you mistreated? I am in the business of taking in ponies that want a good home. They will work for me, but given respect and a comfortable living situation.
now i must re read the police anon + glimmy green
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>>39240176 its definitely an interesting read
>>39195726 Lithia - Part 4
After having been forcefully woken up in the middle of the night to pick up a package from a mysterious mare called Yellow, catching some zzZ is the only thing on Lithia's mind after arriving back home. But Grey has other plans for her...
>Arriving back home, there is nothing you'd rather do than head straight to your room, slide between the comfortable mattress and warm blanket, close your eyes and drift away. >Of course, you are not allowed to do that. >While you were abducted in the middle of the night to play delivery mare, presumably Xena got to sleep in, with her only task being to prepare breakfast in time for your arrival. >Grey forces you all to sit at the table together as if you were some kind of big happy family. >While your mind longs for rest, your empty stomach is not thaaaat unhappy with the idea of being filled first. >You sit opposite to Grey, who has put the package next to him on the table. >Wearing his fake "let's all be friends smile", he bites down on a prepared slice of bread with cheese on it. >You decide to return the favour by giving him your best "Fuck you, I don't want to be here" stare. >On the right side of the table, Xena sits slumped over a bowl filled with colorful cubes. >She seems to be trying to avoid direct eye contact with Grey. >Could it be that you judged her wrong? >Is her mind-broken self actually capable of harbouring resentment towards her "master"? >Doesn't seem likely, but you are willing to give her a second chance if that is the case. >Turning your gaze downwards to your own bowl, you realize that it only contains a pittance of colorful cubes compared to Xena's. >If it were up to your stomach, you'd have gotten up by now to give Xena a new hoof mark on her stupid face. >Resisting the urge, you fish out a cube from the bowl with your muzzle, then crunch down on it. >Supposedly, it contains all the nutrients a healthy pony needs. >This highly processed, cubic plant-garbage looks like dog food and tastes like cat food. >But over the years of being a forced laborer, you have gotten used to its weird taste. >Those cubes being so incredibly cheap, meant your human overlords seldom bothered to give you anything else. "You did well this morning", Grey says to you, taking another bite from his sandwich.
>You don't even acknowledge him with a glance. >Instead, you take a mouthful of cubes from the bowl and continue to crush them with your teeth. >If Grey is irritated by your lack of response, he overplays it well. "Thanks for preparing breakfast, Xena."
"It's my duty, master.", Xena replies quietly, but like you, she avoids direct eye contact.
>Grey puts down his sandwich. "Xena, come here."
>He points to the floor next to him. >Xena's body tenses for a brief moment before she gives in and gets up to obey her master's request. >You'd almost feel sorry for her, but then again, she wouldn't feel sorry for you either, evident by her idiotic attempt to starve you to death. Anonymous
>>39241124 >With shrunken pupils, Xena sits down on her haunches next to Grey. >She twitches as Grey's hand makes unexpected contact with her head. >Gently, he begins to pet her, careful to avoid the bruise that her encounter with the bed post must surely have left. >Xena begins to visibly relax. >Clearly enjoying her master's attention, she closes her eyes. >Grey continues to give her ears a good scritching too, which gets her moaning a little bit. >Then finally, he pulls his hand back. >Xena smiles from ear to ear as she opens her eyes again, seeming blissfully happy. "Pathetic" is all you can think.
>He knocked her out cold last night without as much as a warning. >Yet here she is, back to eating out of his hand again. >Your neck hairs stood up involuntarily while watching the two. >No, no, you don't need this. >You'll just ask your Guardian to give you some way better scritches tonight... even if they're only dream ones. "I'm sorry, master. I should never have questioned you."
>You squint upon hearing Xena utter this pathetic garbage. >She returns your spiteful glare with a smug smile. "Master? Lithia is staring at me in a meaaan way."
"Yes, she is. She still has it, you know? That inner fire which keeps driving her to rebel, despite all the pain."
>He fiddles with one of the two rings he is wearing on his left hand. >A sudden, painful shock from your collar makes your muscles spasm. >Your wings try to unfold but find themselves painfully wedged between your body and the chair. >Your legs hammer against the table, catapulting the bowl through the air. >It shatters into many tiny pieces on the floor. >The few remaining cubes scatter. >As sudden as the shock started, it also ends, leaving you with sore limbs and a few new bruises. >You slide further from the table with the chair. >Your wings hurt. "See? Instead of breaking down or crying, she moves further away from the table. Why?", Grey asks Xena.
>From her position on the floor, Xena tilts her head to look up at Grey. "Uh... to get away from you?"
"To not hurt herself as much on the table when I shock her again. She didn't give up at all. In fact, she prepared for more."
>You growl at the two, but he guessed your intentions correctly. "I wish you still had some of her fire left."
>Giving Xena a head pat, he sighs. >Xena's face contorts in pain, but she does not resist. He must have patted her on her bruise. "No. Master please." She clings to his arm.
"I would follow you to the end. She is just an ungrateful bitch."
>He sighs again and tells her to let go of his arm. "I'll have to do some work now. You know what chores need doing. Use her for that how you want, but make sure everything gets done."
>He grabs the package and gets up. "Don't forget, I need her next Monday for pick-up. If she isn't able to fly, I'll make YOU swim for it instead. Understood?"
>Xena nods energetically while following her master a few steps towards the kitchen door. Anonymous
>>39241138 >Before leaving, Grey turns towards you. >You are still sitting at the table, unmoving like someone petrified you. "I'll be in the basement, Lithia. If she overdoes it, scream. I'll hear you."
>He grins, as a shiver rolls down your spine. >Grey may be a sadistic psychopath, but so far he seemed far more reasonable than his deranged sidekick. >If she pins you to the wall again like yesterday, there is nothing you can do about it. >With Grey gone to do whatever it is he does in his basement, Xena turns back to you. >The previously meek and subservient unicorn is now completely changed. >With a sadistic smile, she lifts you from your chair and holds you up in the air. >Your feet dangle uselessly as you try your best to suppress the upcoming panic. "LET ME GO!"
>Your outburst earns you a mild chuckle. "Your training starts now, bitch."
>Xena's attitude has you very worried. >There is nothing too bad she can do to you, right?? Grey still needs you alive and well. >Showing your teeth, you give her the only response you can think of. "Fuck you."
>Your vision gets blurry and your ears ring as your head makes sudden contact with the ceiling, producing a little *thub* sound. >Laughter layers over the ringing in your ears. "Say that again?"
>Grasping for the last straw in this incredibly unequal power battle, you respond with clenched teeth: "Do that again. A-and I'll scream! He'll bash your head in again!" >For a moment, Xena considers your words, then you are unceremoniously dumped to the floor, landing on your side. >Despite the pain, you manage to contort your muzzle into a faint smile. >You won that round. >Xena steps over to you and places her forehoof on your head. "If it was up to me..."
>The pressure on your head increases. "...but master needs you so I'll be gently with you."
>The pressure goes away as the hoof is removed from your head. "But there are punishments... painful ones, humiliating ones, that will leave you fully able to work."
>Her magic grabs your mane, pulling your entire body up by it. >The pain drives tears into your eyes. >Eyes, which are now looking directly into hers. "Do what I say and the pain will stop. It's that easy. Understood?"
>The tears blur your vision. >This is not the first time you have faced someone trying to coerce you with violence. >From painful first-hand experience, you know that now is the time to switch from open resistance to inner resistance. >You nod, slowly, very slowly. >Xena lets go of your mane. "Good choice slave."
>Looking at Xena's forehead, you imagine a bullet hole right between her eyes. >It satisfies you a little. "Your first task is to clean up this mess you caused. And get a mop for the blood."
>Only now you notice the cutting wounds on your left thigh. >The red blood is hard to see on your red fur, but the wounds sting. >For the rest of the day you do exactly what Xena says. Anonymous
>>39241143 >Cleaning up the pieces of the bowl and the scattered cubes is done quickly. >Afterwards, you mop up the few little blood stains on the floor. >That done, the day is sadly still far from over. >Your next task is to clean up the rest of the breakfast. >Under Xena's watchful eyes, there is no opportunity to snack a little on the left-over bread. >Your stomach growls, but after a few hours the feeling of hunger goes away by itself, like it always does. >The tiredness however stays with you all day. >Xena makes sure you don't have a single moment of rest. >You do the laundry, vacuum the floors, and wipe dust from the furniture, all while Xena is lazily watching, occasionally yelling and pulling your mane if you act too slow for her liking. >All the real chores are completed before the day is even half over. >But that doesn't stop Xena of course. >Creatively, that bitch constantly comes up with new bullshit work for you to do. >While sorting all the cups in the cupboard by color, after having previously sorted them by size, you come close to your personal limit. >To painful is the realization that you are wasting your precious life doing meaningless tasks for cruel people. >Every second, every minute, every hour, every day that passes is one you will never get back. >All you have is the hope that one day after you regain your freedom there is still time left to actually experience it. >Being tired and distracted, you accidentally let a cup fall and shatter on the floor. >Having just been given another excuse to punish you, Xena is positively gleaming. >Since she is going to punish you anyway now, you decide you might as well go for it. >Turning around, you make yourself as big as possible, your wings expanding to full width. "What the fuck is wrong with you? He knocked you out! Does it not go through your thick, horned skull that he doesn't care about you? You are a SLAVE! Does he have to murder you before you wake up?!!"
>Taken aback by your sudden outburst, Xena takes a small step back. >Gears are seemingly turning in her head. >Then her eyes narrow and her magic aura activates. >A big kitchen knife flies next to her, pointing straight at you. >But you don't give her the opportunity to use it. >Taking a deep breath, you scream as loud as you can. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAh"
>Loud footsteps are fast approaching. >Frightened, Xena drops the knife. >Wearing safety goggles and a rubber apron, Grey storms through the kitchen door. >This is the first time you are actually glad to see him. >He points at you. "Explain."
"S-she tried to murder me because I dropped a cup!"
>You point out the knife and the shards on the floor. >Angrily, Grey points at Xena. "Was I not clear enough?"
>Like someone flipped a switch, Xena is back to her submissive self. >She lowers her head. Tears form in the corner of her eyes. "B-but master! She questioned my l-loyalty again."
>>39241150 "Yeah, and I question it now too! You keep disobeying my direct orders!"
>Xena winces, as Grey takes a step towards her. >Seeing her reaction, Grey stops, takes a deep breath, and says: "I'm taking your magic privilege away. Go get your collar. I'm deeply disappointed in your behavior."
>Then he glances at you. "And YOU, I've had it with your attitude. Get out of my house. Don't leave the property. You'll be sleeping outside tonight."
>With head held high, you trot out of the kitchen towards the house's backdoor. >The familiar click of a collar locking sounds behind you. >Before you close the backdoor, you make out Grey saying: "clean this, then go to your room." >Outside with the door closed, you do a little jump of joy. >Not only did you stand up to Xena, it also got you out of the pointless busy work she had you do. >You plan to enjoy every moment of being outside without supervision, finally free to do what YOU want to do. >The coldness of the air does dampen your good mood. >The garden is enclosed on all three sides by big hedges. >A little tree grows off to the left side. It has already shed most of its leaves. >There is a little toolshed in the far right corner. >Sadly, it is locked. >Trotting around the small garden warms up your muscles. >It's not enough however, as soon you start to shiver. >The last light of the autumn sun illuminates the clouds of breath coming out of your cold muzzle. >Your fur is too short for these temperatures. >It didn't grow in, as you had spent too much time in heated places. >Flying would heat you up pretty fast, but would also leave you sweaty, and you definitely can't fly all night long. >Especially not in small circles over the property. >But he won't let you freeze to death... right? >As time passes without anyone coming to check up on you, you start to get nervous. >While you run in circles to keep yourself warm, the sun vanishes over the horizon. >Increasingly desperate, your eyes dart around the increasingly darkening garden for anything that might help you stay warm. >A leaf falls from the tree. >If only you could burn it for warmth. >Then an idea hits you. Quickly, you gather up a big pile of leaves with your hooves. >After the pile is big enough, you lie down in it, using the leaves as both mattress and blanket. >The constant rustle, the strong odor of decomposition, and the insects wandering about naw at your sanity, but at least the leaves do keep you warm. >Placing the hair barret under your tongue like you always do, you watch the night sky with its million little lights so far above you. >Your body aches from the mistreatment it received today. >It shivers in the breeze penetrating the leaves in a few places. >But your mind is content. >You feel more like the master of your destiny, than you did in a long time. >For a while you watch the cosmic ballet above, unable to fall asleep. >When you do finally drift away, it's into a dreamless void. Anonymous
>>39241155 >Maybe that's what being dead would feel like. ----
A new personal record. 6 posts! Had a massive writer's block and IRL stuff to do, but now it's out ready. Planned out the entire story, so hopefully that helps with future updates.
I'm wondering what you guys have to say about this one. It veered back into the harsh punishment territory, I didn't intend it to, honest! But it seemed like that would be the thing these characters would do.
AspiringWritefag !!Ojw0rGjSZOI
A (short) little something for this year's Halloween.> The young pegasus took her eyes off her destination for a moment to adjust her wings. After her long travel the feathers were tickling her in all the wrong places, but a few well-placed tugs with her mouth soon got them all in order. > She was standing on a dirt road at the end of which an old, crumbling castle jutted from the ground. She cast her eyes over the dark, half-collapsed parapets which reminded her of nothing so much as ribs protruding from some monstrous, decaying corpse. > A quick glance at herself reassured the mare that her gear was all still in place. The tools, ropes, packs, and supplies which kept adventurers such as herself alive when they roamed far from civilization. She was well prepared, indeed, but the color of her coat made her wince afresh, as it had so many times before. > It was dark green, which was a proper camouflage color for an explorer adventurer, but there were some glaring pink patches which spoiled the whole thing. Not for the first time she wished she could change it. > Despite her handicap, Bolt Lightning wasn't afraid. This wasn't her first ruined castle, not even her first possibly haunted one. This was was *certainly* haunted, too, judging by the faint, ghostly glow in one of the intact upstairs windows. No living thing produced that kind of light. "Well, this is it," she said as her companion finally caught up with her. "You can wait outside if you're scared."> The colt with her, a pristine white unicorn with garish golden mane and tail, swallowed a sudden lump, but firmly shook his head. "I'm with you all the way. Let's do this." > His bravado sounded false, but it looked like he really meant it, which made the mare smile a little. She shrugged her shoulders to resettle the bag on her back, then walked forward. > Her journey would have been much faster and easier if she could have flown, but the company more than made up for it. Noble Blood certainly did live up to his name, it turned out. He'd helped her cross tar pits and bottomless ravines, and fight off rare and dangerous monsters. > His powerful magic had indeed come in useful more than once. Bolt Lightning thought she wouldn't be against taking Noble Blood along in her future endeavours. "Okay, let's go."> The metal grate screeched as Lightning reared up and used her whole weight to push against the rusty old door. She could have simply jumped over the wall, especially since it looked quite crumbled in some places, but that would have left her companion behind. Noble wasn't a particularly athletic pony. > "Jeez that's loud! Are you sure whoever lives here hasn't overdone it a little bit with the spooky?!" he complained, holding his hooves up against his ears. "You be sure and tell them," she quipped back, which shut him up.
AspiringWritefag !!Ojw0rGjSZOI
>>39241857 > They proceeded up the stone path which was barely visible through the combination of night, low fog, and overgrown weeds. Lightning wasn't a mare for plants and flowers, but the gardens to each side looked like they had been neglected for centuries. She thought she could see a few dried stems where flowers must once have bloomed, but even those were being choked by ugly, black vines. > In its heyday the place would have looked lovely, she thought wistfully. It would probably have employed gardeners to keep the lawn tidy. > Noble suddenly stopped and let out a quiet snort. When Lightning turned back, the young stallion's ears were pinned back and he was staring up at the ruin with wide eyes. "What is it?"
> Her voice rang out too loud in the still, evening air, and it made the poor colt jump. Lightning lowered her tone to a whisper. "What is it?" she asked again.
> "I thought I saw something move. Up there, in the upper floor!" he pointed with a hoof. > Bolt Lightning stared, but she couldn't see anything, except for that same ghostly glow a few windows away from where her friend was pointing. "Human or pony?"
> There was no immediate reply, so Lightning turned to look at her friend who had his ears all the way flattened. "I think- g-ghost." > The expression on his face made her chuckle a little, even as her own stomach shrivelled a little in fear. "Don't worry, we can deal with ghosts."
> The intrepid explorer patted her side bag to make sure her secret weapon was still secure. "Come on, let's go to the main door."
> She made her voice lighthearted and confident, even when she herself didn't feel either of those two things. It took a bit of concentration to get her legs to move, but soon she was striding forward to the old castle door. > Lightning kept her ears turned back until she heard her companion begin to move, then focused all of her attention on their destination. It was a minor miracle that the gate still stood. The hinges looked rusted through and through, and the door handle had fallen off long ago. > The wood itself was probably brittle and spongy, like cardboard, or maybe old, rotten cork. If the gate would not open, she was pretty sure she could buck a hole for them through the panels. > Noble caught up to her, then jumped ahead and twirled around on the path in front of Lightning. "Are you crazy?! We can't just waltz through the front door!" "Why not?"
> The question left the poor colt flabbergasted and he opened and closed his muzzle in shock. "Wha- Why not? Why- we just can't! You don't barge into a haunted castle through the front door, everypony knows that!" AspiringWritefag !!Ojw0rGjSZOI
>>39241861 > In fact, Lightning was sure that not everypony knew that. Noble was trying to sound confident because he was scared. He was probably just looking for excuses to delay actually going inside. > Dangerous terrain and monsters were one thing, but ghosts were a completely different matter. She couldn't quite blame him, since her own throat was a tad dry in this dismal place. > She looked around him at some of the intact windows of the ground floor. They were dark, and most of them still had shards of their old window panes. One or two had thick, green vines growing in or out of the room. > It was a thoroughly unfriendly place. > Lightning squared her shoulders and pushed past her friend. "That's exactly what we're going to do. I don't enjoy the idea of sneaking around back to look for a different way in. There are probably traps!"
> She recalled a particularly nasty experience with some glue a few years prior. True, that had been a deliberate trap set by modern-day ne'er-do-wells, and anything like that wouldn't have lasted for centuries, but there were bound to be different, equally nasty surprises left in this place. > Her companion was left standing on the stone path, watching her incredulously and shivering in a mixture of fear and rapidly dropping temperature. > It was probably ghosts, Lightning told herself. Everypony knew that it got colder when there were ghosts around. The late October weather probably wasn't helping either, nor was the fading light as the sun slid below the horizon. > They shouldn't have come at night, but it couldn't be helped. That was just how their journey had taken them. They simply had to be quick and get out of the ruin before all light was gone. > She had a battery-powered flashlight in her bag just in case, but Lightning thought they probably wouldn't need it, not with her excellent adventurer's night vision. > Besides, if the worst came to pass, they could barricade themselves in one of the rooms and weather the night. She had a book of incantations which should ward off any ghosts and they could block the door with old furniture if they had to. > It would be a cold, miserable and scary night, but Lightning was prepared to do it. She had sandwiches, some fruit, and a couple of bottles of clear, drinkable water. A mare could never be sure what she might find in an ancient ruined castle, after all. > She was nearly at the front door when she heard the telltale sound of hoofsteps behind her. It seemed her partner had decided he'd rather stay with her, even if he was afraid. Lightning was proud of him. Unicorns weren't usually known for their bravery, but Noble was coming along nicely. > The fact that her own hooves wanted to tremble was not relevant in the least! AspiringWritefag !!Ojw0rGjSZOI
>>39241868 > They watched the gate for a while, then the colt asked: "Should- Should we knock?" > This made Lightning blink in surprise and she turned to stare at her friend. "Don't be silly! Who's gonna answer? Do you *want* a ghost to come answer the door? We sneak in."
> Before he could object she reached out with a hoof and gave the wood a gentle push. To her relief the door wasn't locked and swung open easily and quietly. It was too quiet and she worried what that might signify. The grate at the road had squealed something awful, but this entrance flowed as if on well-oiled hinges. > Who would have oiled them and why? > Doubtless she would find out. Lightning gathered her courage and strode into a lavishly-decorated entrance hall. Most of the furniture was still there, though the shelves were broken and there were shards of ancient crockery on the floor. What wasn't smashed beyond recognition was covered by cobwebs. > The thought made her shudder. Spiders. Why did there always have to be spiders!? > She glanced up and saw a large hole in the roof, which explained some of the mess. The room had been exposed to the outside weather for Celestia-knew how many moons. It was a surprise that *any* furniture remained upright at all! > The two made their way around the edge of the room to avoid stepping on what was left of the carpet. Their hooves rang on stone, but that was preferable to touching the gray-black mess in the middle of the room. > An incautiously placed hoofstep crunched some porcelain shards and both explorers froze in their tracks. "Be careful!" Lightning hissed between her teeth.
> The two ponies swiveled their ears around. They could detect distant wind and an ominous creaking noise, but nothing else seemed to move. Lightning dared to breathe again. "Okay, quiet now."
> Noble gave her a nod and waited for her to go ahead. That was a smart move, since Lightning was far more experienced in exploring old ruins and would surely detect any traps where he would not. > Once she was past, Noble easily fell into her hoofsteps. He walked so close behind the young mare that she sometimes felt his hot breath on her croup, but she didn't have the heart to tell him to back off a little. > She had to concentrate a little so she didn't accidentally kick him with her hind hooves, but they were moving so slowly that it wasn't a big problem. > They made it around the room without much incident and Lightning stopped at the far corner to inspect a painting. It showed a stern-looking human man, with a crimson coat and a thin, sheathed rapier buckled to his waist. The castle was painted behind him, but that part of the painting was dark and hard to see. AspiringWritefag !!Ojw0rGjSZOI
>>39241875 > What mostly stood out to Lightning was the man's pale face and haunted expression. She half-expected the picture to change and his skin to melt away, to reveal the skull underneath. Her imagination made her shudder. > "Who is that?" Noble asked and Lightning was grateful for the diversion.s "Not sure, but I think the Lord of the castle. One of them, at least. Looks like a nasty piece of work."
> They watched the thin man for a while, then shook their heads and Lightning looked for the way forward. She identified a likely-looking door and walked over. It took her over the old carpet, but this part of the room was still mostly sheltered from the elements and the fabric was not rotten. > It almost felt normal to walk on and she relaxed a little. "This way, it's not bad. I guess the rain didn't get this far."
> Noble followed gratefully and they made it into the corridor beyond the antechamber. The wall was covered by dark paneling, only broken where there were openings into the other ground-floor rooms. There were brackets on the walls, but of course no candles remained. > Without them the corridor looked nearly pitch black, as if there was a tangible shadow in the air. It was, most definitely, an Evil corridor and Lightning didn't like the idea of going into any of the ground floor rooms. She decided to leave that for later, if they didn't find any treasure upstairs. At least the first floor rooms would have more light on account of the damaged roof. > On the far side of the corridor was a small door, rounded at the top, which led to the cellars below. To the dungeons, she mentally corrected. No doubt there would be horrible implements of imprisonment and torture down there, things she really didn't want to see. > The only other way was up, but the staircase looked especially rickety and liable to turn to dust as soon as she put her hoof on it. She'd been hoping for stone steps, but it seemed the Lord of the castle had preferred wood. "Up or down?"
> Noble inspected both ways and she saw him grimace as he thought the same thing about the dungeons she just had. "It doesn't look very safe," he commented when he observed the wooden stairs. "Let me try, we pegasi are lighter than unicorns."
> Lightning placed a careful hoof at the bottom step. It squeaked as she put her weight on it, but it seemed to be holding. her other foreleg went to the next step, which also creaked ominously. > It was holding! The builders back in the day must have been geniuses, since the stairway was supporting her weight despite its absolutely abysmal condition! Encouraged, Lightning took another couple of steps until she had all four hooves on the wood. "It's holding. Okay, me first, I'll wait for you upstairs."
AspiringWritefag !!Ojw0rGjSZOI
>>39241881 > Noble still didn't look certain. "Are you sure? What if the treasure is in the dungeon?" > It had occurred to Lightning, but she had chosen not to think about it. Even now the thought was thoroughly unpleasant. "I'd rather search that last. Let's look upstairs, it's where the Lord and his wife and children slept. Maybe they kept their gold and jewelry near them. We'll go in the dungeons only if we really have to."
> "Okay, sounds good," Noble said, sounding relieved. He sat on his haunches at the bottom of the stairs and watched his friend ascend. > It was easy going, even if the steps were a bit larger than what was comfortable for a pony. Lightning wasn't the tallest of mares, so it was that tiny bit harder to walk up steps made for humans. She was fit, though, and made it in good time. > She took a few moments to glance around the upstairs hallway. It was even more decrepit than the entrance hall, but the floor looked solid and some of the rooms seemed intact. > Crucially, it wasn't nearly as dark as the downstairs one, which made her feel better about exploring it. > That strange, otherworldly light was still shining out one door, but when Bolt Lightning closed her eyes and concentrated she didn't hear anything moving. They would avoid the weird light and check the other rooms, then they would quietly leave. > They hadn't come for *all* the treasure, just a bit of it. Enough to make the trip worth their while. Besides, no treasure was worth encountering an angry ghost. "Okay, it's safe! Come on up!" she hissed down the stairs.
> Pretty soon she heard the answering creak as the ancient wood took Noble's weight. By luck he wasn't as fat as some of the unicorns Lightning knew, and the staircase easily held him. > On the way down, she thought, she could glide even if she carried him, so she didn't care if the stairway collapsed the moment he got up. Just let it hold that long, she wished fervently. > By some miracle it worked and soon her friend was standing beside her, breathing heavily while his eyes and ears darted this way and that. > "I don't like the looks of that," he whispered and pointed at the haunted room. "What is that light?!" "It could be something natural," Lightning explained. "Bioluminescent moss, maybe? It could also be a perfectly normal magical phenomenon. It doesn't *have* to be ghosts."
> Unfortunately even her educated guess didn't convince her friend, possibly because she didn't really believe it herself. "It looks like ghosts to me," Noble muttered to himself, but didn't question her out loud. "We'll stay away from that room. Come, this way!"
> She headed in the opposite direction and after a brief pause Noble followed, though she caught him glancing back at the scary glow. AspiringWritefag !!Ojw0rGjSZOI
>>39241886 > They reached the end of the hallway and she poked her head in the room straight ahead. It was just a small chamber, as if someone had simply walled off a bit of the corridor. There was a large, copper bathtub which was nearly green with corrosion, and a cracked porcelain washbasin. She also saw a boxy thing with a hole inside and made an educated guess. > Whatever business the humans had done in the room was centuries gone, but her nose still wrinkled in disgust. "Not here," she told Noble. "Bathroom."
> They hadn't invented running water in the time this had been built, Lightning knew, so the box would be emptied by servants each day, slave ponies, she was sure. That was one job she really didn't want to have, ever. Luckily it was no longer a thing. > The two explorers turned away and poked their noses in an adjacent room. That looked more promising and they saw a child-sized bed and a small furniture. It would be the proper size for a pony, even, but a few broken toy soldiers with the paint peeling off marked it as a human boy's room. > The door was nowhere to be seen, so nothing stopped them from going inside to look around. Lightning didn't think they'd find anything, but she wanted to be as thorough as she could. She already had a mental map of this wing of the castle and was plotting the best route through. > While she glanced idly around the room she was debating internally whether to search the room next to that glow, or avoid that entire part of the hallway, just to be sure. There was more of the castle left, after all. > They could go back down and search the rooms on the lower floor, although Noble had said he'd seen something moving down there. Alternatively, Lightning thought, they could cross to the other side of the antechamber and try that corridor. It was bound to have another way up into the other wing. > She opened her muzzle to lay out the ideas when they heard a new noise. Both ponies stepped closer together so their sides were touching and each could feel the other trembling. > Noble had his ears pinned as far back as they would go. "Th-T-That was a g-groan!" he whispered urgently "I know! M-Maybe we should go."
> Before they could move, there came a faint thud of hoof on wooden stairs. Noble's monster was coming up! "Buck! What do we do!?"
> Noble gave a slight whimper. "I dunno! You're the expert here! Think of something!" > Bolt Lightning cast an appraising glance around the room but couldn't see anything useful. The bed was too low for there to be any room under it, and none of the child-sized wardrobes were big enough for a pony to hide in. "This way!"
AspiringWritefag !!Ojw0rGjSZOI
>>39241890 > Fear made her limbs shiver, but "explorer adventurer" wasn't just an empty title. She could act under pressure, even when her heartbeat thundered in her ears and her nostrils flared with the effort of keeping her breathing quiet. > She hurried out of the room with Noble Blood right on her heels. They froze for a moment to gauge how near the monster, or whatever it was, had come. One of the steps creaked under tremendous weight, but it was still some distance away. > That gave them enough time and Lightning picked the very next door. She didn't know what was in the room, but anything would be better than getting caught out in the open. > The two tried to walk as quietly as possible on the stone floor, but however gently they placed their hooves each step rang out clear as a bell. Bolt was waiting for an angry growl, or a shriek, or *something* from their pursuer, but all she could catch were the same, low grunts and groans. Maybe the undead had really poor hearing? > Luckily the room they ducked into had a thick carpet, even if it was old and mouldy, and muffled their hoofsteps. As soon as she felt its softness on her frogs Lightning increased her pace and hurried to the far wall. > If it came to that, she could fly them both out the window, if it wasn't too small. These old castles often only had slits for arrows. > Perhaps it wouldn't be necessary, though. The creature, or the ghost, or whatever it was hadn't seen them go into the room. If it was zombie, it was probably quite stupid, and all they needed was to lay low until it wandered off. > Bolt Lightning scanned the room for hiding spots. There was a much larger bed, but the sides went all the way to the floor, so the ponies couldn't hide under. The wardrobes looked too rickety and could simply collapse when they touched them. There was a desk at the far wall, but it was open and wouldn't provide any cover. Lightning got a different idea. "Up!"
> She butted Noble's rear with her head and he jumped, half in shock, half in pain. Once he was there, she leapt easily after him and grabbed the old, mouldy blanket in her mouth. "Mow affwiwe!"
> Luckily the colt understood and shuffled around so she could pull the ancient cloth up and over them. Lightning got a mouthful of old dust, but she paid it no mind as she hurriedly pushed her friend under and flicked the fabric over them both. > She ended up lying partially across Noble's belly in that dark, hot little cave under the heavy cloth. The two tried to control their breathing, but Lightning could hear how Noble's heart was racing. Its sound filled her ears and she could swear each beat lifted her head slightly. > Hers wasn't going any less rapidly and she bit her hoof to keep from panting. AspiringWritefag !!Ojw0rGjSZOI
>>39241894 > Whatever was after them was in the hallway! They both heard it. Hoofsteps, probably on bony legs. If it was a pony, it was a long dead one, especially this far from civilization. > It meandered this way and that, and the pair held their breath when they heard its raspy, rattling breath. It began to click and the image in Lightning's mind was of a skeletal apparition gnashing its teeth together as it searched. Its eyes were probably just two glowing red embers. If it had any skin left, it was probably hanging down from its ribs like pieces of tattered cloth. > Lightning had to bite down harder to suppress a frightened little whinny. She ignored the pain in her hoof. > The zombie pony was right at the bed! > Could it sense them? Did it know the bed looked different than usual? Undead were supposed to be stupid! > After a few tense moments, just as Noble was beginning to tremble under her, the creature made a low, throaty growl and stomped away. > The adventurers relaxed a little, though they weren't out of danger yet. They kept their ears focused on the monster's progress as it searched. Soon it was back on the hallway, its bony hooves unmistakable on ancient, cold stone. > It was moving away, toward the bathroom and the child's bedroom. Could it smell that the two had been there? > If so, it was only a matter of time before it came back and started poking around the bed again. They had to move. "We have to move!" she whispered urgently.
> "W-What?! That thing is still out there!" "Shush! Come on!"
> Before she could talk herself out of it, Lightning slid off Noble and crawled under the blanket to the edge of the bed. She pushed her head clear and inhaled the sweet, clear air outside. > It was a wonder the cloth in this room hadn't completely crumbled to dust, but it was certainly mouldy and gross. > Once her ears were free, Lightning paused for a moment to listen for the creature. She heard it rummaging around the other bedroom and knew this was their chance. "Hurry! Hurry!"
> She dropped to the floor and tip-hoofed to the door. The hallway was empty, but it wouldn't stay like that for long. Bolt Lightning shuffled from hoof to hoof as she waited for her friend to disentangle himself from the bed. He came to her side and the way was still clear. > The only question was: could she risk staying upstairs with the hope that this wing was still connected to the other side of the castle, or would it be safer to run down the stairs? > The wooden steps would be a lot louder, and the ancient staircase probably wouldn't hold both of them, which meant one of them would be exposed at the top. On the other hoof, the stone corridor wasn't much quieter, but at least they could both run. AspiringWritefag !!Ojw0rGjSZOI
>>39241902 > Lightning looked around for an inspiration and saw an old, wooden shoe on the floor beside her. A distraction! > She hefted it up to judge its weight and balance, then stepped out of the room with a murmured: "Get ready to run!"
> A quick flick of her hoof sent the clog flying right into the bathroom, where it hit the copper tub with a loud clang and rolled to a stop. > There was a shriek of rage from the children's bedroom and a crash as the zombie pony fell over in its haste to reach the intruder. "Now!"
> The two adventurers set off in the other direction while the metal tub was still ringing and before the creature could get its bearings. To her own ears, their hoofsteps sounded like thunder, but Lightning knew they were, in fact, trotting almost silently, despite the stone floor. > Her guess was proven right when the apparition ran into the bathroom, instead of chasing them. It seemed to slip on the stone tiles and crashed into the furniture. That gave them a few precious seconds and the two turned a corner, glad to have broken any potential line of sight. > Then they came to a halt, both sets of ears folding down in dismay. The corridor was full of rubble and broken stone. There was no way around or through it. "Buck! Buck buck buck!" Lightning swore, though she kept her voice low.
> Again her friend pressed his flank against hers. "What do we do now?!" "Back to the stairs!"
> They turned and looked around the bend, but then quickly drew back. It was already going for them, just as monstrous as Lightning had imagined. > Skeletal remains of a pony, with a white, wispy halo of ancient mane around the skull. Its eyes were two red dots, scanning ahead for the living intruders in its ancient domain. > Lightning's hind legs stepped closer together and she tried to swallow a lump, though her throat suddenly felt completely dry. She tried to come up with a plan, but it was obvious they couldn't get away. The hallway wasn't wide enough and the thing would get at least one of them. > A window! The young mare glanced around for a room they could hide in, or a window they could break and glide out, but this part of the castle was just corridor. They were cornered, and it was all her fault. > She should have known the ruin would be- well, *ruined*! At least, she thought mournfully, her mistake didn't have to cost her friend his life too! "G-Go! I'll distract it, you run past it!"
> "What?! No-" "Shut up and do it! We don't have time!"
> The colt looked at her with a mixture of admiration and fear, then he lifted his head high and stuck out his chest. "I'll get past it and try to distract it somehow! Maybe it will chase me!" AspiringWritefag !!Ojw0rGjSZOI
>>39241907 > Lightning flashed him a grateful smile and the two embraced, briefly. It was the closest to a plan they could come up with on such a short notice and it even had a slight chance of working. > Bolt Lightning gave her friend a quick nod, then galloped around the corner, true to her name. She screamed what she hoped would sound like a battlecry, but was probably closer to a little filly's frightened shriek. > The monster spotted her and howled in reply as it pounced toward her. At the last second Lightning flipped to her side and tried to topple the creature over. If she knocked it down maybe she could escape and they could risk the stairs together. > Unfortunately it didn't work. The undead was incredibly strong and all breath was knocked from her lungs, as if she had hit a stone wall. The monster's howl turned to a shriek and it clutched at her with cold, skeletal legs. > The young mare squirmed in an effort to free herself and she saw out of the corner of her eye that Noble had made it past and was yelling too. Unfortunately the creature was entirely fixated on the prey it had in its grasp and the poor unicorn couldn't get its attention. > All he could do was look at her impending, doubtlessly gruesome, demise. "Fly, you fool!" she hissed as she landed a feeble blow on the whine bone skull.
> It did nothing and the zombie simply tossed her down. The impact made stars swim around her vision, and then the slavering ghoul fell on her. It lunged right for her face. > Lightning squealed in anticipation of pain and thrashed. She no longer had any control over her body and felt warm wetness splash against her legs. She'd peed herself in fright. "Eeeeeee! Stop! Stop! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! I'm sorry!"
> Everything was quiet for a moment, then the zombie pony let her go and sat up. It looked down at the damp spot already spreading on the hardwood floor. > "Anon, get the light," it said in a normal pony voice. > A few moments later there was a click and warm, yellow light spilled across the scene. > It wasn't the upper story of a ruined stone castle, but the first floor of a suburban house. There were some posters of stone bricks taped to the walls, and some fake cobwebs in the corners. > The apparition wasn't a skeleton, but rather a normal pony in a black suit with bones painted on. > Bolt Lightning flipped to her belly and tried to hide the puddle as the others closed in. Noble Blood was coming closer, a mixture of concern and disbelief on his muzzle. From the other direction came a tall human with a black camera in his hand. > "Everything okay?" the human, Anonymous, asked. AspiringWritefag !!Ojw0rGjSZOI
>>39241913 > The zombie fiddled with its hood until it found the seam, then yanked it off. The wispy white mane was replaced by a lush dark blue of healthy hair. The bones visage became the dark pink of Serenity's muzzle. A natural pink which was exacerbated by a blush. > He looked at the human. "I think we might have gone too far this year," he said quietly and pointed a hoof at where a distinctive yellow puddle was visible on the hardwood under Lightning. She lowered her ears and averted her eyes. > The human Anonymous came to kneel beside her and found her muzzle with his hand. He gently pulled her around so she could look at his smiling face. "Hey, it wasn't your fault Lily. These things happen. Serenity is right, we went a bit overboard with the spook this time." > It helped and the young mare lifted herself up. She shrugged out of her fake wings and the backpack of the famous explorer she'd named 'Bolt Lightning'. She didn't feel particularly worthy of the title at the moment. Lightning certainly wouldn't have peed herself in fright, even if she was being eaten by a monster. "I- I didn't mean to- it just felt so real! When it was dark, the decorations and all... I guess- I forgot we were playing make believe."
> A new, entirely different, but no less real fear blossomed in Blue Lily's heart and she turned her frightened eyes on the human. "I'm not banned for next year, am I, Mr. Anonymous? I mean- I'd understand, but I'm really sorry and I didn't mean and I'll clean it up, I promise, and-"
> She stopped talking when the hand clasped her muzzle shut, but she gave it a quick lick just to be sure. The man chuckled. "Don't worry, sweetie! Of course you're welcome back next year! It was just an accident, no harm done." > "I'll clean it up," Serenity offered. He was still in his skeletal costume, except for the head. "You'll have to take Lily to the downstairs bathroom, the upstairs one isn't really functional right now. I'll clean up and set up for the next group of children." > The man reached over to pat the stallion's head. "Sounds good. Just try and tone down all the shrieking and stuff. I think it was your performance that did it." > He slid his arms around Lily's barrel. "C'mere, you. Let's get you cleaned up and get some candy in your saddlebags, how's that sound. Would you two kids like some hot chocolate?" > This sounded a lot better and Lily began to smile. She turned to her friend. "What do you say, Cotton? When do you need to be back?" > The colt looked around in deep thought, then shrugged. "I suppose. I should call Mom, but it's not that late yet. It took me ages to dye my mane this color, I don't wanna go home too soon." AspiringWritefag !!Ojw0rGjSZOI
>>39241919 > With the filly safely in his arms, Anon led the way down the stairs to the living room. The steps looked a lot less rickety in the light, and the fake dust was super obvious. Once down, the ponies looked around in wonder. A few strategically placed cobwebs, some fake cardboard furniture, and some strange trick with the lights had transformed an ordinary room into a huge castle's antechamber. > There was good reason Mr. Anon's house was a local favourite for foals and young children every Halloween. The decorations and the stories just kept getting better and better. > Even the invitation had been a little masterpiece, an urgent letter from a fake Canterlot Explorers' society calling for their elite members to find the lost treasure of an old castle. > There were still some holes, Lily thought now that her brain wasn't flooded with fear anymore. For instance, why would a human castle ruin have pony ghosts and zombies? Equestrians were a relatively recent arrivals on Earth, after all. > Then again, the details of the story didn't matter, not when the decoration and acting was that good, and when it helped to include all creatures, no matter where they came from. > She remembered the camera Anon had had in his hand. "Wait, you won't show that video to anyone, will you? I don't want my friends and family seeing me- do that!"
> Again the man laughed good-naturedly. "Don't worry, sweetie, I'll delete that bit. Okay, here we are." > He deposited her gently on the floor of white tiles in a bathroom which was at least a couple of centuries ahead of the one upstairs. Lily wanted to go and look at it in the light, to see how it was done, but she could curtail her curiosity until she was clean. > "You got everything you need?" > She glanced around and saw some of Serenity's shampoos laid out in easy reach around the shower cabin. "I got it. Just one thing, Mr. Anonymous-"
> "Just Anon, please," he said kindly. "Um, okay, Anon. How did you make the upstairs tub look like it was copper? It even sounded like metal when I threw the shoe! Oh! I hope I didn't damage anything..."
> He reached down to give her a pat and lowered his voice to a conspiratorial whisper. "It's an old tub from my grandmother, made of tin. That's why it sounds metal. I just painted it copper-green." > The young pony winced in sympathy. "That's gonna be horrible to clean!"
> "Don't worry, we're used to it by now. Serenity and me have been doing these for quite a few years. I was doing it alone for human kids before you guys showed up. I know about cleaning up after." AspiringWritefag !!Ojw0rGjSZOI
>>39241923 > She wanted to ask if any of the human youth had visited the haunted house this evening, or if she and Cotton Cloudy were the first, but the human had turned to leave. She saw that her friend was standing outside and caught his gaze for a moment before the door was closed and she had some privacy. > Just a quick shower, then she had more questions for Mr- for Anon, and then- > His voice reached her ears: "Say, if your parents don't mind, how would you two like to put on skeletal costumes and help me and Serenity for a bit?" "YES!" she shouted. "OH PLEASE YES!"
> Her explorer's outfit, along with the green fake-fur and painted cutie mark, and the papier-mâché wings were discarded without second thought. Skeletal pony sounded much more fun as a costume! > It was also bound to cover her pink fur a lot better than the makeshift patchwork she and her mother had sewn for 'Bolt Lightning'. > She heard both Anon and Cotton Cloudy laughing in the hallway and Blue Lily quickly turned on the water to get the shower done as quickly as possible. > Buck explorer, she should have gone as a monster this year! AspiringWritefag !!Ojw0rGjSZOI
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>>39241927 Very short this year, but I hope it was still a tiny bit of fun to read. In case anyone wants the whole thing in one piece: Anonymous
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Is it wrong to send your slave fillies to go trick or treating and bring back candy for you?
>>39241927 Man that's hella cute, especially compared to last year's. I like it! A bunch of stuff that seemed kind of weird at the start turned out to make a whole lot more sense once it was revealed this was just the overactive imagination of a couple young ponies (maybe with a little help from Anon and Serenity's 'special effects').
>Unicorns weren't usually known for their bravery, Racist little filly too!
>Blue Lily, Serenity, and Cotton Cloudy Out of curiosity, any reason you decided to go with two canon ponies and (I think) an OC? Not a bad choice, just curious what the decision-making trend here was.
Also, I'm kind of getting the sense that Cotton and Lily are like, neighbors or something? Of Anon?
AspiringWritefag !!Ojw0rGjSZOI
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>>39244740 Thanks, glad you liked! I went with three canon ponies, mainly because I'm lazy when it comes to thinking up names and colors, so I usually just go scroll the lists of ponies on the wiki and pick whatever catches my eye.
What's up with A Deal is a Deal ? Its been more than a year since the last update.
>>39245425 >more than a year isn't it a little too late to ask that now?
>>39245846 the ride never ends
the boat never sinks
corona never gets a happy ending
space celly will be forever in trouble
the list goes on
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>>39246154 Just because we haven't hit the ground yet, doesn't mean we will stay in the air forever.
Space celly is running out of oxygen...
Not a morning pony, but she has chores to do.
>>39241182 Nice! Lots of time with our two mares, got to see their character in a good bit more detail.
Xena especially. She confuses and fascinates me. I think she's evidence that Grey, while naturally manipulative, is nowhere near a genius chessmaster: he knows, crudely speaking, how to extract what he wants, but he's absolutely terrible at trying to mold or brainwash the finer details. Xena's loyal to him and that's "good enough", despite her being an absolute psycho; he either can't be bothered, or simply can't, actually train her better into a properly faithful servant. That's what I can see from all this.
We do get to see Lithia behaving "on the job", so to speak, and she's just as intelligently defiant as she was played up to be. Knowing when to push, knowing when to back off to be able to optimise her own well-being so as to be able to push back better later. Playing off the rules in her favour if at all possible. Clearly experienced at this.
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>>39247096 I love to read about what others get out of the story. How they perceive it. That's the most valuable feedback. Thank you!
>he knows how to extract what he wants, but he's absolutely terrible at trying to mold or brainwash the finer details Yes, I made that decision, because I think Grey would not care about properly "training" a slave. He is in the game for himself and it's good enough if his two helpers simply play along by whatever means necessary.
Also, I realized that clever manipulation is something you do to people you DON'T have power over. He has the means to easily hammer a nail like Lithia long enough till even she bends. No complicated scheming required.
Though by leaving her with an even more vicious master, Xena, he does nudge Lithia into seeing him as a positive, better than the alternative. He did save her from Xena after all. I guess that could be seen as clever.
>Knowing when to push, knowing when to back off to be able to optimize her own well-being I had the choice to make her stubbornly refuse any subordination, but yeah, that would have not made a lot of sense. As an experienced slave, she has been down that path before and knows that it achieves nothing. It would have also devolved into torture porn, if she didn't back down at all and I don't want that.
>>39241155 This was surprisingly well collected compared to the previous posts.
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>>39241927 The ending really changes the whole perspective of the story. The fake backstory and the statements what will she do as a pegasus, why she must go first on the stairs (being lighter as a pegasus) set up their characters well, then it caught me off guard that she is not really a pegasus.
Good job.
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Spank the Rarity
coming off the tail end of off-duty and something, i just wanted to say that awf is one of the best pony writers ive seen in a long time. im jaded as fuck (im also a writefag myself) so it takes a really long time for me to find something im literally finding excuses to read at work, where im not allowed to have my phone. i havent been so excited to get home and start reading in so fucking long. these stories, even with their minor flaws, are just so fucking readable and i really appreciate you awf. keep pumping them out. too bad i dont really like spg as a concept kek
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>>39246643 Not a morning person, so that's okay. She can come back to bed and snuggle for a few minutes more. I'll allow it.
>>39247721 >collected You mean put together or written? Hope so, read this part out loud to catch more errors.
>>39250452 Well collected as there are no "suddenly new and unbelievable" things happened. For all sub-scenes the setup was there.
Eg the screaming and Grey's reaction were set up beforehand, or Xena actions were consistent with her previous ones.
Compare this to the head bashing, that come out of nowhere without any remote hint to it. If there were a slap or two before that or even a "last warning" to Xena it would have been more believable.
>>39250725 Can't have something surprising in every update. I'm saving Lithia's ascend to alicornhood for the end. Heh
>>39250880 >something surprising TLDR don't make things happen out of nowhere.
Non TLDR version:
Please understand the difference between plausible surprising (good) and out of nowhere surprising (bad).
In case of the first one whatever happens it can be explained by previous actions. In case of the second one something just happens without any previous hints/setup. A hint does not have to explicitly say "this could happen", instead its something that can explain beforehand that it is a possibility.
Let's go back to knocking Xena out: if there were a stronger warning beforehand and Xena still opposes Grey then that's the "hint". Grey's patience is limited. You shown the exact opposite by Grey being (somewhat) kind towards Lithia, so an out of nowhere slamming Xena's head to the bedpost is the bad kind of surprising.
And let's mostly exclude random external forces here which drive the story, but let's keep those believable too.
Eg.: could Lithia been shot down by a sniper while delivering the package? Yes, but that would also been a bad kind of surprising.
Could Lithia been shot down when for example you set it up in a way that there are people who try to hinder Grey's operations and it is known that they are armed, maybe there is half a sentence dropped somewhere that Grey has been shot at previousy? Yes, it is still surprising but is explainable, it's the good kind of surprising, it can be connected to prior events.
Don't shoot down Lithia. Anonymous
>>39251409 I got what you meant in your first post, believe me.
This was just meant to be a joke.
>>39250880 >Let's go back to knocking Xena out oh boi.
Honestly though, the whole point of not giving a warning or a hint, was for shock value. There, I admitted it.
Well, maybe not the whole point. I also want Grey to be a source of terror, in that a pony can never know how he will react. He might let some digressions pass and punish others harshly. Like an unpredictable volcano, with anger issues.
>Don't shoot down Lithia. hmh... Hmmmmh....
A brave decision to knock out the main character halfway through the story. Unconventional, creative, I love it. Maybe Yellow can take over from that point on, heh.
jk jk... unless? Anonymous
>>39251820 >brave decision to knock out the main character It happened before... But it was close to the end, there was like 2-3 more scenes afterwards.
>>39252317 If it makes sense within the story...
But really idk, there should be a line. While fictional characters aren't real, they are a reflection of the author and if you endulge in writing fucked up things too much, it might mean that you are fucked up too.
I believe I'm writing my story, not to see Lithia suffer, but to see her overcome it. But to overcome something, there needs to be something to overcome in the first place. Hence all the fucked up things I have to cause to happen to her.
Funny though, if the author of my life said that to me, it would be hard to forgive him for it.
Does Lithia hate me? Probably... But I hope I can make it up to her somehow. Whatever that means.
call me a fag, I don't really care Anonymous
This is mostly a respost from a green i never continued, but i added and polished many things so you can read it from the beggining without having to search for a green that is a year old.>"Its pretty late anon, you should go to sleep" >thats thought had been playing on loop into your mind for about 2 hours now like a broken record. >But you just dont listen to it, afraid to feel like this day, like many others, has been a waste if you rest now. >Its not like youre going to make it productive anytime soon, but the feeling is still there, chipping you away. >You can see yourself reflected on the old glass of whisky, staring back with a face you can only describe as.... lost. >The same face you studied and and stare on for many minutes on a daily basis, not liking it, but at the same time, not hating it either. >Afraid to insult yourself? Maybe, afther all you always considered yourself a coward >"Need another one chief?" >You slighty raise your tired eyes to the Stallion bartender, who just smiles at you in a uplifting manner, waiting paciently for a answer. >Pity or not, you cant exacly figure out why he has been so sympatetic to you since you arrived. >At least he didt bother you with small talk. "Yeah... i think i do">your voice tumble out lazily though your mouth, making you realize that the achool finally was taking some effect on you. >"Gotcha, this one is on the house chief" >the now familiar magical chanting coming though his horn reach your ears, but you dont actually get to see the process happen as he approach the bottle and fills your glass with just the right amount. >You been here so long that he knows exactly how much you like to take without even having to ask. "On the house?">for what you remenber, you didt even talk properly to this pony ever since you started to frequent this pub, so he just giving away a free shot felt... weird, to say the least. >"You seem like you need it boss. Slave or not, i can tell when a po-- person, when a person just wants the warm felling of a good drink on their soul." >if you were sober you would think that this pony is just saying no sence, but right now, you can see that he is completly right. "Thanks">the glass slides away to your hand on a smooth movement, and just after catching it, you drink away some of it >"No problem chief" >His voice was warm, and even if you didt see it, you could feel like he was smiling. >Its pretty hard to believe a slave worker would be happy talking to a human, it could be all just a farse mind you, but a part of you dosent believe that. he sounds legitimaly like a nice dude. >"Name`s Silver Cocktail, at your service" >He introduces himself on a playfull manner, trying to cheer some reaction from you. "Anon... Just call me anon.."
>>39252860 >"Anon, eh? You chaps always have weird names, if you dont mind me saying" >for the first time since you sat down you raise your head and adjust your posture to look a bit suprised to the stallion. >Did he just... >"Whats the matter chief? Never heard a pony talking like that before? I always caugh people off-guard by that, and i gotta say, it never gets old" >he says before you could even respond, laughing it off lighty as he clean away one of the glasses with his hooves. >"You all just expect the same old "Yes sir" "No sir" "Right away sir" kind of mentality right? All cowardly and obedient like a robot" >Even though his talk could easily be mistaken with disobidiance of just flat out rebelious, you can cleary notice that there is no malice in his tone. >If you didt know any better, you could bet that hes just making some jokenly remark, even as it sounds extremly morbid given the circustances theses ponys find themselfs in "... Right. I... How did you know i wouldt just, i dont know.."
>Youre lost for words here, you never talked much to ponys, not because you didt like them or because you consider them to be just "things", and not a actual being. >But because you always pity the poor things, to the point you felt shame on yourself and your whole species, so talking to them would result on you just feeling awfull in general. >"Freak out and order my master to re-train me for taking like that?" >His words are quick but they cut deep into your ears even though he said with the most calm tone. >Imagining that treatment really wasent to your liking, so thats another reason you avoided ponys, to try to forget how fucked up this whole situation really is. "Coundt have say it better..."
>>39252898 >You responde letting out a deep sign, after all, the stallion was right. the tipical ass of a person would do just that, and there is a whole lot of them. >"Well... because you dont give a buck chief, thats why. Im been your bartender for what? 3 hours now? and since then you didt even flitch when you saw that a horse was giving you drinks." >The young stallion continues as he puts the clean levatating glass away, and then hops onto 2 legs resting his front hooves over the bar, giving his figure a more clear sight and getting you at the same heigh level. >His mane was short and white like snow, and his coat had a cool tint of dark blue with some gray spots over it >"Its like im finally a real bartander once again, and not some freakish alien with second citizen status" >Even though the reality of his words were tough, he didt sound hurted, quite the contrary, it felt like he was cheery. >That made you finally ease up a bit, if the being thats being slaved is taking it so lighty then maybe you could talk to him without feeling like complete garbabe "Well, lets just say that as long i get my drink, i dont care who is on the other side"
>"Cheers for that chief, cheers for thats" >Quickly the stallion response, with now a pretty warm up smile to his face. a Smile that really made you fell better about all this crazy reality youre living in. >And youre pretty sure he is felling the same way "Yeah...Cheers"
>you follow his energy with a slight nod and raise of your glass before drinking up. >maybe you could stay up a few more minutes... At least now you dont have to feel shity alone. Anonymous
>>39252902 >Your bed feels colder than usual... >Wait, how DID you get here? >Last thing you remenber was getting up from your seat in the pub, saying, or rather, trying to say goodbye to Silver Cocktail, And then.... >huh... blank. >Well, you probably were just to drunk to remenber, nothing entirely new. >You figured you just stambled your way back to your apartment walking like a new born dear, opened your door with a kick since that shits been stuck for ages now and then majestily crashed on your bed like a sack of shit. >Good thing you didt throw up on the bed, waking up on your dry vomit is NOT how you wanna start your saturday. >Whats even the time? You hate waking up on lunch time, breakfast, even as scarce it can be somedays, its a MUST to you. >You lazly bring your fist near your half-opened eyes, and after having to propertly focus into the green LED lights you see it crearly > 05:37 AM >Oh go eat a dick >Well, at least you can try to go back to sleep, it never works, but its worth the shot. >You lay your head back into the pillow and let yourself sink into it, oh the pleasures of having good and huge pillows, Nothing like it. >You still feel cold though, youre pretty sure the sheets are somewhere on the floor since you dont feel them on or beneath you. >If you stand up now to get them then there no way in hell you could get back to sleep, so you just bring the other pillow that was on your other arm closer in a tight hug. >Ahhh... Way better. You often call yourself a loser for having more time spooning a pillow in a week than with a girl in your entire life time. >But its not like you been searching for company desespartly. Its been years since you had time to go out and meet chicks. >... Are you suddenly super weak or the pillow feels way heavier than what you remenber? >Now that you pay attention to it, it feels diferent too! What the fuck in on your arm?! >Cant see shit in this pitch-black room, you have your door and blind completly closed. >You quickly reach for your cellphone on your jacket (Youre still wearing) inner pocket, grab it, turned on the flash light and... >Oh No, OH HELL NO, you gotta be FUCKING KIDDING ME! >The Cellphone light dosent lie and either does your eyes, Silver Cocktails back coat is clear as it can be >AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH--- Anonymous
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>>39222763 >definitely past their prime Make some pálinka out of it!
>That settled... Mayor's new title is bread quality controller. She must sample every batch.
>her own status Single.
>Going alone was also out of the question Time to learn how to defend herself. Maybe Salki could teach her? It would be a huge turning point for Mayor if she kills an animal.
>knead the woman's shoulders Mayor got a new job!
>tail tucked up in sudden embarrassment Mayor thinks a lot about lewd stuff.
>No one will dare attack us. Famous last words.
>I've had enough of- of *this*! But its the easier part.
>So you won't have another? Its surprising that there are not many children around. At least not much were shown. In these days every woman had a kid at least every 2-3 years or even more frequent. Having 10+ were not uncommon, considering high infant mortality and such.
>I promised them some of your hair Some certain other got in trouble because of a similar event.
>I should not have done that. Definitely not. But if she phrase it "I promised some of my cut from your hair" that would have been completely all right. She is getting some doesn't she?
>Good luck with the baby. And this is the part where Mayor should have talked about the importance of cleanliness. Up until the early 1800's or so a lot of mothers died after giving birth because the doctors did not wash their hands.
>walked over to Willow Bad choice. Even if its the only one.
>I'm not taking a weapon But she is: she will carry around stuff. That might contain weapons.
>I will beat you myself after Would be funny if Willow were to receive a beating by Mayor.
>If she doesn't work, you can whip her. Since when does Intor have any power over Mayor? And where did her kindness go? Last time she was surprisingly kind to Mayor.
>she can kick and stomp Why do I have the feeling that Willow will bring back a half dead animal and ask Mayor to do the finishing blow?
>Do what he says! What's got into her?
>With luck That luck starts with W, and her odds are against her.
>She could have one beer Just like last time huh?
Thanks for the update!
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goodnight bump
>>39252908 I'm going to be blunt, because I think you need it, and someone should tell you.
Your English is below passable.
Why don't you use a spellchecker? Seriously, there are so many misspellings in your text it's incredibly distracting. It takes maybe 15 minutes to go over a text with spellchecker and correct the mistakes. Why didn't you do that?
There is honestly nothing else worth saying about it, till you fix this. Show us that care about your text by putting in the minimum amount effort.
The site I'm using in the pic is It's free, I recommend it. It even does more than just spelling which will help you too.
>>39254799 >Your English is below passable. Yep, i know my english suck, it sucks even more when im not properly paying attention, witch happens a lot cause i write this stuff mostly while working.
> Why don't you use a spellchecker? Honetly? I thought it was acceptable because i spent most of the time fixing errors and rewriting some parts, It obvious i cant trust myself so yeah, i should, 100% use a proper spellcheck. I just dont cause im a dumbass.
>The site I'm using in the pic is oh hey thats actually pretty useful, thanks! Normally people tell me to use google Docs or Word cause they have spellcheckers, but i have my languege settings on my native tongue, and for some weird reason when i try to change it breaks and dosent work.
Ill upload the whole green there and then upload the readable version on Ponepaste. I dont see the reason to repost the whole green again here for the edited version.
>>39255121 Done! I dont think its perfect, but i pass it though the spellchecker and made some minor tweaks myself. Lets hope this one is readable. Anonymous
>>39251820 It definitely gave shock value. More, it was also a stark contrast with our first look at Grey: the scene in the slave shop built him up as a wily manipulator, but then Xena behaves really weird and Grey just explodes out of nowhere. The latest update really solidified this and showed it in a lot more detail, but that was the first look into Grey's disfunctional "training" methods and household.
>>39252514 This is a nice way to look at things.
>>39254536 Anon sold twilight when she become addicted to the Gacha games.
AspiringWritefag !!Ojw0rGjSZOI
Got an update nearly cooked. I need to do some stuff around the house and have a bit of dinner, posting in ~2hrs. Anyone care to murder the thread by then?
>>39256514 Why do you want to murder the thread.
I do have a question. What's should a certain purple pony do when she loves her human, and he loves his pony, but her friend hates there human.
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>>39255323 It's definitely readable now. Pretty huge improvement when compared with the previous version.
>>your voice tumble out lazily though your mouth, making you realize that the achool finally was taking some effect on you. Now:
>Your voice tumbled out lazily through your mouth, making you realize that the alcohol was finally taking some effect on you. Keep using that program! There are still some awkward sentences in there, like this on:
>the now familiar magical chanting coming through his horn to reach your ears, but you don't actually get to see the process happen as he approaches the bottle and fills your glass with just the right amount. (How can someone chant through their horn? Sure that chanting is the right word here? Chanting is done with the mouth.)
But hey, those can be overlooked if the underlying story is captivating. You'll just have to write a more interesting story, than other Anons who can rely on good prose to carry their stories a little bit. Be creative, do something no one has done before!
>>39256036 <3
>>39256248 Tfw, you are too lazy to change your credit card pin number, so you sell book horse instead. Smh
>>39256514 What's the new thread image going to be? Any suggestions or do we already have a candidate?
>>39256568 If he posts and the thread hits bump limit, then other anons have not much time to read it. Can be awkward.
>>39256610 They do have time, because a thread stays in the archived state for quite a while. Finding the replies in the new thread is harder.
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>>39256610 >Any suggestions I got an important one, actually
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>>39256629 True. But I still wouldn't like posting in a thread about to hit the bump limit. An active thread gives us writefags the delusional that new people may discover our stuff, because it's still there.
>>39256661 Happy horsaversary, anons
Rip thread.
>>39256663 Could have at least waited till the body was cold. Have you no mercy?
>>39256683 Mercy is for pony rights groups.
I'm here for the profit, so either pony works or pony gets the brush.
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>>39256692 All work, no play, make pony go cray. And you are not bullet proof, I'm willing to bet.
>>39104710 Why are there people who like anthro ponies and want to fuck them???
Is it really just because of that mid-tier cartoon show?
>>39256745 >what's the appeal >b&thro >r/anime slang Out! Out I say!