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Additional planned maintenance will occur with downtime the entire day of 3/15.
[531 / 140 / 29]

Princess /mlp/

!oaguAox9Ws No.39242940 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>anon...what the fuck is this
The shitposty variant of Miss /mlp/. No disrespect meant, we're just fuckin around

>what are the rules?
I post a group of characters, usually 2, then anons roll by pasting "dice+1d10000" without quotes in their Options field. Dubs decides what happens. Check the Wildcard Rules at the bottom of this post for unique changes to the format.
>rerolls are ALLOWED, BUT! Only if you reply directly to the post you're interested in. Rerolling a "reroll" post will result in your roll being VOID
>your post must have some kind of content in it! A reason, an anecdote, a joke, a meme, something that isn't just the name of the character, otherwise it is VOID!

>where the tournament brackets at
Right here buddy:

>are you still taking requests for new characters
NOT AT THE MOMENT! But we'll resume them once we get to the Losers' Brackets, as they'll need to get filled. If you didn't get your character in don't worry, you'll have your chance before it's all over.

These are bullshit rules that apply now, but might not in later threads, keep them in mind
>no more rolling for both characters either to win or lose!
>no more new sudden entries!
>EVERY LOSER makes it to losers' bracket here, EXCEPT for a particularly gigantic blowout (trips, instant dubs, etc)
>new rule ideas welcome, for anything: "VS pic" layout ideas, rolling ideas, new rules, it's all welcome, nothing is set in stone

Last thread: >>39237991