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Additional planned maintenance will occur with downtime the entire day of 3/15.
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No.39357279 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>*does a flip*
>Hey Anon!
>Sooo, a little birdie told me that
>Oh yeah, I heard down the grape vine that you were saying how "Rainbow's so pretty! She smells like candy and her mane and tail are super poofy!"
>I'll be honest, I wouldn't use those kind of sappy words to describe myself, but I guess I appreciate the compliments anyway.
>Just gotta show you that I'm less... Cute and fluffy, and more heckin' awesome!
>So I tool the whole day off, and I figure we can use the time to change that cutesy-wutesy perception you have of me.
>Well? What do you say? Wanna spend the day with the pony you admire?