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Additional planned maintenance will occur with downtime the entire day of 3/15.
[583 / 127 / 135]

Florida Con, a winter artpack, and (You)

!!vUEQoF03bj9 No.39568733 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey, /mlp/. Sorry for the trip. But its important, I promise. You've heard rumors about a Florida convention, and its true (though its not called Florida Foalcon lmao).

I am proud to announce that the Florida convention will be called Mare Fair 2023. It will be run by frequenters of this very board who are are planning this con due to the shenanigans in the pony convention scene. We all met in the process of running various other projects for the board, and over time, became committied to delivering to (You) the very best con we can create. To aid in this goal, we've gathered to form a Nonprofit organization and are calling ourselves Snowpity Inc. We will be using this artpack to start the initial fundraising. We’ve heard many anons havent been to a convention before, but would consider going if there was a focus on the one thing that unites us all, no matter our differences: Mares.

We are close to nailing down a contract, but other than anything we mentioned above, we cannot share anythig more at this time. Keep your eyes peeled for any updates. If this thread is still up by the time we're ready to announce, we'll use this thread. If not, we'll start a new thread, and use either my trip for it or the following trips:

Neighsayer !!QkuoUYKaDn8

We hope you enjoy the artpack. If you choose to get it through the high-seas means, we only hope that you like what you see and will believe in us enough in the future to support Mare Fair 2023, /)

