>>40095437This anon is right.
>>40095554>>40095706>>40095861The first few, or even few hundred, times that someone came up with the "gender role reversal REVERSAL" thing, it could have still counted as RGRE with a twist. The problem is that, now that these threads are 99% this type of story, it plainly says something about the participants and what they actually want:
>>40098741This fundamental urge is basically what this entire thread is. All the maledom content on here that's "technically RGRE" is basically just living on the formula of using the thread's topic as a foil to make the maledom comeuppance arc shine more brightly. Spam is one thing, but what's to be done about an infestation whose contribution to a community's topic is to relentlessly posit NOT(topic)? Spam is noise to a thread's signal, but NOT(topic) is destructive interference.
The problem with these squatters is that, to them, the topic is a problem, the thematic payload of *all their content* is how role reversal is solved and returned to maledom. This is on-topic to RGRE in the same way that LOTR is on-topic in a thread about evil prevailing - hey, technically a lot of evil takes place in that series! It is facetious and blithe to carry on like this is all just in keeping with RGRE but ooh we did a spicy little twist here tee-hee. It is obvious that this crowd that only ever writes these kinds of stories are people who actually actively hate the central point of this thread - all their creative energy goes into subverting the topic.
In truth what RGRE has mostly become is slightly further along the maledom spectrum than "tomboy feminization" and "brat taming", but not quite as far as "gender swap". "RGRE" is merely a convenient set of reasons for the woman-to-be-dominated to have an "attitude". The point of this place has been gutted, the setting is being worn as a skin suit trophy by its uninventive trope-brained adversaries.
>but that's where all the content comes from!>just add more of the content you want!It's no argument that maledom can outswarm RGR on fucking 4chan of all places. NOT(topic) content is still anti-content. It would be better for this thread to have a hundredth the traffic than for it to be a nesting ground for anti-traffic. "Mesugaki general" "tomboy pony general" "feminization is magic", are where >90% of you belong. Sincerely, why not let this thread, whose namesake you unsubtly despise, stand and die on its own, and instead bring your traffic somewhere where your desires can be explicitly catered to? Why carry on in dishonesty at this point? What value does the lie add now that you have the numbers to make a thread about your real interests?
Obviously I am in minority petitioning an invader horde for mercy. Conversely, who of my few fellow RGRE enjoyers are there who would patronize a new, more tightly defined thread? Because it sucks here, and I'd rather read
>>40078593 once every two weeks than
>>40098275 twenty times a day.