"That's pretty gay."
>From across the table, Shining grimaced
>"Whence our problem, Anon, and why you're here today."
>Both him and Cadence were seated opposite of the table from you
>You were in a room somewhere deep in the Crystal Castle
>No windows, a thick wooden door, and barely enough room for the three of you
>This room had also been a pain in the ass to get to
>You were pretty sure you wouldn't have been able to get to it even after being led here
>And why were you here?
>It was simple
>You knew something these two royals didn't want you knowing
>These two, and pretty much everypony with Princess in the title
>You didn't mean to figure it out
>Humans were much more detail orientated than ponies
>Being at their wedding, after the whole thing with the Changelings had been over and done with, you noticed both Shining and Cadence didn't seem too thrilled
>Understandable, since their wedding had been a shit show, but you noticed they kept each other at hooves length
>There was touching, at times, but not the sort of thing loving newlyweds would do
>Their kiss after the I do's had been real quick as well, like they wanted it over and done with
>It reminded you of one of your cousins
>He was part of a strictly religious family, who expected the boy to get married
>The boy was as fruity as a fruit roll up
>He loved the penis you mean to say
>Still, not wanting his parents to kill him--which, honestly, they might have--he and one of his lady friends got married
>The parents were happy, and the two got a nice tax break along with a lifelong roommate
>You mentioned the strangeness to Twilight
>A bad idea, because before you knew it you were in a room with some very powerful ponies
>Your guess had been right on the money
>Shining was, in fact, one of those homosexuals
>This was very, very looked down upon in a world where there were three mares for each colt
>Much more so in Canterlot, and much, much more so when one was of noble blood, which Shining was
>Cadence had known since they were both little you had been told
>She pretended to be his coltfriend to protect him
>As they grew older, Celestia saw this could be beneficial for her niece
>It solidified the royal house's relationship with the nobles, since one of their own was with an alicorn, and it projected strength to the other nations
>So, she had encouraged them to wed
>You had a feeling it was "encouraged"
>Sun horse seemed like a goofy mare, but she'd do everything and anything for her little ponies
>Especially the bad stuff
>While Cadence and Shining had a strong bond filled with love, it was platonic love
>They had never done any funny business with each other
>A fact which, if found out, would be very bad for everyone, especially since they were now married
>Your decency was asked, and some things were offered for your silence
>You declined the "gifts", but said you'd keep your mouth shut