>>40891807However, self-moderation is also nonsense that destroys threads and feeds into ochlocratic tendencies.
>>40891801It's good someone else understands somewhat of what could fix the site, but ultimately it won't happen. 4chan has been money-orientated for at least over a decade now, and hiroshit definitely does not give a single fuck beyond what makes him and its investors the most money. As a consequence, moderators on most boards for about as long have not even been active users, or otherwise are not fit to run things, or otherwise have no choice (if they want to keep their spot) to keep their heads down and help 4chan make money. Even still, I fail to see why it's apparently (to my understanding) company policy to mimic a more Japanese-style moderation. Why can't moderators moderate discussions, like they used to so long ago? And nevermind obvious, irrational partiality on many boards, regarding many topics that come up. Suffering.