>how I look knowing that my enemies are ontologically retarded which means I can justifiably tell them how tremendous their ignoramities are, yet my diverse lexicon is incomprehensible to their philistine comprehensions, leaving them in a bemused state of confusion and under the impression I complimented them when, in truth, I pointed out the failings that continually mount in their pathetic, insectoid lives, lives they would not have if we were living in the Roman Empire, which is the absolute apex of human culture, technology, and social discourse, wherein I would naturally be a patrician, a Senator mayhaps, wherewithall I carry the absolute authority of not just the imperator, but also Jupiter Optimus Maximus, even though gods are naturally not real and are figmentations created by superstitious subhumans to justify the good, bad, or neutral events that transpire around them daily as they continue to coast through the mortal coil their insipid, ignorant parents forced them to suffer through, though in reality they do not suffer because, like a shellfish, they lack the capacity for understanding true pain in a Schoepenhauerean sense of the word, and instead subsist entirely on the fruits of the labors of gifted, intelligent, and rational individuals such as myself who continually give to humanity yet receive neither thanks nor compensation, not unlike how Nikola Tesla created free energy yet died a poor virgin while Thomas Edison could only invest direct current and regularly had sex with underaged, 19 year-old girls despite being in his 60s, a sign that he cared more about carnal satisfaction rather than actual intellectual stimulation, of which I find tremendous joy in because, as previously stated, I am an individual blessed with a perceptive magnanimity that constantly set me apart from my peers, wherein I was solving mathematical proofs intended for graduate students in merely third grade while my so-called "friends", or rather "pets" would be a more apt descriptor, were out playing "cooperative sports" or "flirting", both of which are fallacious pursuits for natural, personal perfection, as one cannot claim to be successful when relying on the efforts of others, and women, by their very nature as inferior, are genuinely incapable of true philosophical discourse, as their understanding of the world begins and ends with them discovering their own clitoris, as all decisions they make thereafter upon finding it are about stimulating it at all times, not unlike my own pathetic, stupid mother, who regularly believed that having sex with multiple men is "liberating" and "self-accomplishment", when in reality it made her nothing but a whore, though in hindsight it did encourage me to become greater than what destiny had already dictated for me so that I could find a way to prevent other enlightened young men, such as myself, from having to suffer through a life of having to deal with a psychologically unstable woman as the head of the household