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/mlp/ AHEM ATTEMPTS to write a video game GDD

No.41672494 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Overall priority:
QoL features, some inspired from Guild Wars 1
Player-created VN quests & NPCs. user-friendly Game Editor.
Player-owned houses.

Top 10 priority:
0. Pressing Tab should target only enemies. Pressing C targets nearest ally.
1. (Movement) Modify Unity’s default jump to be able to control the jump in mid-air and the strength of it before jumping. The longer you hold pressed the more you jump.
2. (QoL) Add an autorun/flying button and a follow player option.
3. (Social-gameplay content) Gaining XP from non-combat interactions. Gaining XP from social interactions.
4. Save movesets & easy creation of movesets.

Top QoL priority:
0. Keyboard support for quests. Pressing 1-9 selects that option. Pressing Tab cycles between the options. Pressing Q confirms that option. Pressing ESC quits the dialogue box. It behaves just like when you close the game in mid-chat. Normally I’d have you redo the chat system, but we work with what we have.

Pressing Tab should target only enemies. Pressing C targets nearest ally.
Drag & drop items in trade. Bank all option should be at the top of the options. Bank all but 1 should be an option. Please look at Runescape 3 for reference.
Pressing Enter brings up the chat room. Pressing enter again leaves the chat room visible, but resumes control over your character.
4. Quest markers/NPCs/Players/Party members/Enemies colored dots on minimap.
5. Unlocking all dialogue options for reading after finishing a quest. Available in your journal when clicking each quest.

To fix in order of priority:
1. Modify Unity’s default jump to be able to control the jump in mid-air and the strength of it before jumping. The longer you hold pressed the more you jump. Play Nifty Island for an acceptable example.
2. Add strafing, remove waiting on camera
2. There’s two cameras. Disable one while flying instead of adding camera correction.
3. Press Shift multiple times to cycle between movement speeds from. Do not stop sprinting when hitting an obstacle
4. Add enable/disable UI button to quickly get out of walking dance pose.
5. Play Sulphur Nimbus to understand how to modify the flying mechanics of the Pegasi.
6. Add bounce/spring physics feel to cloud terrain. Add sink effect for non-pegasi sitting on clouds.
7. Add free spell you walk into to give non-pegasi full cloud walking abilities relating to 7.

QoL features inspired from Guild Wars 1
(huge list here detailing a lot of things)