>>4578544The first row looks like just generic outfits unless you count Dash goggles(several eps) Rarity Scarf(dragonshy)
Gala Dresses
Hearth's warming eve costumes
Twi Psychologist S2E3, BabyCakes, Sisterhoof Social, MTBPW, Sweet and Elite, HFS
Sweet and Elite, Time Cop, Sisterhoof Social/ Bird in the Hoof, MTBPW, Sweet and Elite, Green isn't your color
Read it and Weep, A friend in Deed, Wedding, Read it, Green isn't your color, Bird in the hoof
All Wedding dresses
WWU, Over a Barrel, Dragonquest, Sonic Boom, DragonQuest, Dragonquest
All Suited for Success
Timecop, Po1, Look before you sleep, Read it and Weep, Sweet and Elite, Green not Color
Mystery Express, Swarm o Century, WWU, suited for success, green not color, mystery express