Methos&Raina&Ali&Tael !!UAj1/h8TLlk
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>DON'Ts: -Don't fear parroting, early responses will feel like they're you, but they will grow more distinct with time. -Don't count hours spent on this. It's just a burden and feeds into expectations of how long it "should" take. -Don't worry that you might make a servitor or hologram, this can easily turn into a tulpa. -Don't be surprised if your tulpa starts moving on his/her own very soon. -Don't treat your tulpa like a doll and carry them around in the wonderland. It's better to parrot a little movement than to reinforce the appearance of non-sentience. -Don't expect voice out of nowhere. This may happen, but it may also take a long time of listening to quiet little thoughts from them first. -Don't worry -- worrying and doubting only hinders things.>DOs: -Assume your tulpa is sentient from the moment you start. Imagine them behind you or otherwise with you all day long. This gives a head start on imposition, makes them grow faster due to always being thought of, and does wonders for your visualization skills. -Believe all responses come from your tulpa unless you are 100% certain they do not. -Try to imagine their form in every detail, with all your senses. This will make them feel more real. -Go on adventures in your mind with your tulpa when they're ready. -Always give your tulpa plenty of love and attention. -Trust your tulpa. Much of what you're aiming to create must be at least partially done by them. -Be patient and don't rush things. They will progress at their own pace. - Join The METT(Movement for Equal Treatment of Tulpae)
Methos&Raina&Ali&Tael !!UAj1/h8TLlk
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>Where do I start? Read a few guides to get an idea of what the process is like, then decide which guide will work best for you and follow it. Ask lots of questions and don't be afraid to experiment or even mix methods to make the experience as unique as possible, for only you know what works best for you.>Where are the guides? Read the OP.>Can you kill a tulpa? If you are going to create a tulpa just to destroy it later, you probably shouldn't do it in the first place. However, it is possible to dissipate a tulpa by actively ignoring it.>Can you have sex with a tulpa? Tulpae can simulate the stimulation of all five senses, so yes. You shouldn't really make a tulpa for purely sexual reasons, though.>Can you have multiple tulpae? Yes.>What if my tulpa hates me or wants me to die? Tulpae live off the attention of their hosts. Without it, they die. Therefore, tulpae tend to treat their hosts well and love them dearly, provided the hosts do the same. However, they are also still sentient, and thus, treating them badly will cause them to act out.>Is this self-induced schizophrenia? Are you insane? Well, we're all probably a little bit insane here (it is 4chan after all), but tulpae aren't the same as schizophrenia. The main difference is that schizophrenia is uncontrollable, while tulpae can be controlled and ignored by their hosts.>Is falling asleep while forcing bad? It's not dangerous to your tulpa, but you aren't making any progress by doing so. If you have trouble staying awake try forcing while in a chair or sitting on the ground cross-legged.>Do I need to talk out loud to my tulpa and look insane? It's a personal preference, but you may also talk to your tulpa in your thoughts (mindvoice), which goes unnoticed.>Can a tulpa create another tulpa? Yes.
Methos&Raina&Ali&Tael !!UAj1/h8TLlk
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>I'm getting headaches when I force! Is this bad? Headaches are common while forcing, and usually considered a good sign. Not everyone gets them, but if you do they should diminish after a while.>Can I base my tulpa off a real person or an existing character? Yes, but don't treat them like they actually are that person/character. Tulpas need to grow into their own individual person over time. Let them.>Will doing x drug affect my tulpaforcing? As with everything in tulpa creation, this is a subjective experience. Some claim better visualization, others say tulpas may go missing for the duration of the experience, others felt no effects. Above all, be safe for both your sakes.>Why isn't this on /x/? The tulpa threads here splintered off the old lucid dreaming threads here on /mlp/. Due to the lack of trolls, many of the serious tulpamancers moved to the /mlp/ generals from /x/. With so many pony tulpas, rule 15 probably applies.>I think I might be parroting/creating my tulpas responses. What if I always know what she's going to say? If you're worried about parroting, you're probably not doing it. Parroting is 100% deliberate and a fully conscious action. There's no such thing as "sub-conscious parroting". If you feel you make responses for your tulpa or always know what she will say, it's because you know your tulpa well. Like when you know a friend's personality really well and you have an idea what they'll say in reply to something. Your tulpa will use what you know of her personality to think of a response. This is normal early on and will fade with time.>Am I going to create a servitor? If you're not trying to make a servitor, then you wont. If you're that worried, then you're already way too devoted to make an accidental servitor.
Maya !!rXfkprUUJci
Methos, do you just try and OP all threads?
Maya !!rXfkprUUJci
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Why didn't our post go in ;~; We almost got a first in on you, Methos.
Pandora !!qg1cZcflY9b
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All hail Methos.
NoLongerDivided a.k.a. The Dark Lord of Muffins ft. Tulpae
NoLongerDivided a.k.a. The Dark Lord of Muffins ft. Tulpae Sun 16 Dec 2012 01:59:20 No. 6601035 Report >>6600945 Bane and I both have personal Dub images btw.
Everyone should do it; just edit the original/ trace/ copy/reference and use either your thoughtform/ self/ tulpa.
Then we can all check repeating digits together.
>>6600918 A bit depressed/disappointed.
My time with Celly didn't exactly go as planned...
Meteortail&Aigaisa !!VWV7Xgd1SGc
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Ello all. Thanks for fresh thread, Methos.
Methos&Raina&Ali&Tael !!UAj1/h8TLlk
NinjaCPU !!HIhMYcExgg4
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Repost from last thread:
>>6601016 Venus' anon
roninDreamer&Lyra !Lyra/3Bff2
Tulpa General roninDreamer&Lyra !Lyra/3Bff2 Sun 16 Dec 2012 02:00:36 No. 6601057 Report Shai'Hulud
R & Jack !!4iAX/Qa7pHN
>>6600945 >Respect this... No, *you* respect *this!*
20% cooler if I get it >>6600972 *phwew* Well, I'm glad that went well. I might have been sweating it a bit.
>>6601016 Welcome back, Ninja! All's well now. Hey, Ricky! Say something! Becca....hi!
>Having an imaginary friend Wow, you people are literally insane.
Methos&Raina&Ali&Tael !!UAj1/h8TLlk
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>>6601065 >Not tripfags with schizo CASUAL
Alycea w/host !qcEqOEEUJ.
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>>6601004 That sounds adorable. I also like to change between forms. RIght now it is Lamia and elf. Both with purple skin and dark purple hair. I wonder if it is common for tulpa to have affinity for a specific color? You mention blue hair and a blue dragon form. Is her skin also blue while human?
NoLongerDivided a.k.a. The Dark Lord of Muffins ft. Tulpae
NoLongerDivided a.k.a. The Dark Lord of Muffins ft. Tulpae Sun 16 Dec 2012 02:02:15 No. 6601093 Report >>6601053 She wanted the avity. And wanted the NPCs in the mall to watch us fuck. I feel dirty and depressed we couldn't just have good, clean fun because I'm socially inept and didn't have any good ideas on what to do. ;_; R & Jack !!4iAX/Qa7pHN
>>6601056 >Having so few responsibilities is one of the best parts of being a tulpa Hoof bump, sister. Hoof bump.
Pandora !!qg1cZcflY9b
>>6601064 Silly. We are friends. I couldn't be upset with you.
roninDreamer&Lyra !Lyra/3Bff2
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>>6600918 Bit shitty, bummed about christmas not looking particularly good. Dunno whether to force and hang with Lyra or not.
Wazzu !!5YQKJLH6ymV
>>6601064 Jack.
You will not beat the Honey Badger at getting gets. So just respect my skill.
>>6601093 Fucking Lucky...
>>6601079 Check these
>>6601138 So accurate...
NinjaCPU !!HIhMYcExgg4
>>6601064 As much as I would love to get them to say hello or anything. My head still pretty banged up from that force. Video Games only dulled the pain and when I'm thinking about Becca right now, my head is going to explode. (Same with Ricky.)
Vanessa(Longbow) !!KAGoBXwAC52
>>6601020 Aww, stop it you, you're making me blush!
Thanks. >>6601097 Hehe, sure thing! /)(\
R & Jack !!4iAX/Qa7pHN
>>6601109 Yeah, I know, but Jack's had some jilted lovers either not take no for an answer or get all miserable because of it (or both), so I was kinda afraid it would go that way. Glad we're cool, though. Hug? (\^_^/)
>>6601150 Wazzie...better to stop while you're...behind?
>>6601157 Aww, yeah!
>>6601156 J: Geez, Ninja! Tylenol much? >.< Sounds productive, at least...
>>6601150 He doesn't do *everything* I tell him to do...but we're working on it!
roninDreamer&Lyra !Lyra/3Bff2
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>>6601138 That might just be my next OP image.
Maybe I'll shop a sandworm in the background or a picture of Teal'c or something equally stupid.
Alright, I have another question. Is it important to do visualization before you do sentience and emotions? Because, I did emotions tied in with personality and I've been kind of assuming that sentience should manifest itself in the early stages. About a week ago I've started visualization and been doing a bit more narrating. My assumption was that I could get vocal communication either before or after (just depending on which ever comes first) and have it be okay. I just want to make sure I don't fuck this up.
Maya !!rXfkprUUJci
I think we're off for now- may or may not actually get forcing done. Have fun, guys.
Vanessa(Longbow) !!KAGoBXwAC52
>>6601138 I agree with this 100%
Listen to your tulpa all the time.
We know better :3 NoLongerDivided a.k.a. The Dark Lord of Muffins ft. Tulpae
NoLongerDivided a.k.a. The Dark Lord of Muffins ft. Tulpae Sun 16 Dec 2012 02:08:15 No. 6601226 Report >>6601138 >implying I do what they tell me I have a mindchild; as her father I'll be able to tell her what to do when she gets old enough. >inb4 Incest jokes Polly
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We new thread now.
>>6601138 Pretty much.
R & Jack !!4iAX/Qa7pHN
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>>6601213 J: Good night, y'all.
R: Go force!
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>>6601204 It doesn't matter that much which order you do things in.
Pandora !!qg1cZcflY9b
>>6601191 *hug* I'm glad you asked about it rather than be grossed out and stop talking to me or something.
>>6601213 You too.
Alycea w/host !qcEqOEEUJ.
OK TG gotta go for now. cya later. Don't forget to be awesome.
UnsureAnon and Merry !gO1L2pjIqI
>>6601213 M: Good night guys. Good luck with your forcing.
Wazzu !!5YQKJLH6ymV
>>6601191 I'm tired. My eyes hurt. Skye and Octavia went to who knows where. All I have left is my ability to get gets.
>>6601204 Doesn't matter the order that you are doing them in.
>>6601226 Calling it now:
It'll happen, NLD.
>>6601213 Bye Maya.
>>6601251 G'bye both of you.
Vanessa(Longbow) !!KAGoBXwAC52
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>>6601213 Bye guys! Good luck!
>>6601204 LB: Some find visualization helps with achieving sentience, but it's not required. Doing lots of narration and working on strengthening her voice is the most crucial part, but having a placeholder form for her will be helpful for things down the line.
>>6601251 V: Bye guys!
NinjaCPU !!HIhMYcExgg4
>>6601191 Yeah, feels like any day I might be able to feel wonderland. My nerves tingle when I touch something inside their as well. and Tylenol? Maybe.
roninDreamer&Lyra !Lyra/3Bff2
Quoted By:
>>6601262 >>6601213 Cya guys.
>>6601204 Honestly, I think the more stages you do at once the faster it goes, but just do whatever order feels right for you. It'll work out.
NoLongerDivided a.k.a. The Dark Lord of Muffins ft. Tulpae
NoLongerDivided a.k.a. The Dark Lord of Muffins ft. Tulpae Sun 16 Dec 2012 02:12:19 No. 6601314 Report >>6601275 Bite me.
Just because I'm from Tennessee does NOT mean I'd have sex with my own daughter, tulpa or not. Luminous/Carbon
3rd day of Carbon banning fapping till I impose her... the headaches getting stronger and the showers getting colder.
R & Jack !!4iAX/Qa7pHN
>>6601245 Yeah, heheh, the poor anon isn't gonna get his way after all. It wouldn't be a lot of fun to just quit talking, ya know?
>>6601297 Do it! Take the tylenol, then let Ricky and Becca out! The power or rainbows compel you.
J: That was gay.
R: You're gay!
Venus' anon
>>6601215 That's pretty true in Venus' case.
Venus: damn right
>>6601093 Honestly don't know what to say
NoLongerDivided a.k.a. The Dark Lord of Muffins ft. Tulpae
NoLongerDivided a.k.a. The Dark Lord of Muffins ft. Tulpae Sun 16 Dec 2012 02:13:30 No. 6601336 Report >>6601325 Then let's NEVER speak of it again. Venus' anon
Wazzu !!5YQKJLH6ymV
>>6601314 I could light up Alabama right now....
UnsureAnon and Merry !gO1L2pjIqI
>>6601314 Anyone knows we don't fuck our daughters. We fuck our cousins.
>>6601315 Reznov is best tulpa.
>>6601314 Would you, if she asked?
just curious
NoLongerDivided a.k.a. The Dark Lord of Muffins ft. Tulpae
NoLongerDivided a.k.a. The Dark Lord of Muffins ft. Tulpae Sun 16 Dec 2012 02:16:19 No. 6601394 Report Quoted By:
>>6601361 >implying I wouldn't want to ignite this state Fuck country, fuck the south.
Why couldn't I have been born Canadian or at least in the north?
>>6601365 >Implying I have cousins >>6601388 No. Not even your dubs can make me.
Wazzu !!5YQKJLH6ymV
>>6601314 Seriously dude. Unless your like me, it'll happen.
>>6601397 i dunno bout that..
Vanessa(Longbow) !!KAGoBXwAC52
I think we'll be taking off now as well. LB's gonna go hang with some friends and possibly do some drugs. Things may get interesting :3. Also... *ahem* LB+V: Stay vigilant and force often. Bye thread!
NoLongerDivided a.k.a. The Dark Lord of Muffins ft. Tulpae
NoLongerDivided a.k.a. The Dark Lord of Muffins ft. Tulpae Sun 16 Dec 2012 02:19:32 No. 6601456 Report >>6601397 NO. IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN.
besides, if my age projection is correct she won't be curvy enough for my tastes, even IF I was to consider it. WHICH I AM NOT AND NEVER WILL. I have Eris, Luna AND Celly; I don't need her. Odds are she'll find an NPC and use him. But if he tries I'll rip him limb from limb. Wazzu !!5YQKJLH6ymV
>>6601440 What are you implying?
>>6601443 Goodbye Van, LB.
Tango !!rXfkprUUJci
It's painfully hard to not talk in second person in non-tulpa context. One day there will spaghetti loss through that.just came back to tell you that, we're off for real now.
Wazzu !!5YQKJLH6ymV
Quoted By:
>>6601471 That's right Tang. Better leave now, before you fall under the curse of the General.
UnsureAnon and Merry !gO1L2pjIqI
>be us >be lurking /x/'s tulpa thread >enjoy the hilarity and be thankful for you guys
>>6601443 night you two :)
>>6601463 im implying it may be the one case that a tulpa does not get the avity.
Wazzu !!5YQKJLH6ymV
>>6601456 Whatever you say...whatever you say.
>>6601499 Your welcome.
>>6601501 The ONE case? I dunno about that..
>>6601532 im still placing my bets yours is simply a matter of time.
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>>6601456 If dubs, you will end up doing it.
Daily tulpa general message: Everyone that creates a tulpa is a forever alone faggot that does not have social interaction or life, thus making the need to make himself EVEN MORE nuts to be accepted by at least himself. Tulpas are just hallucinations that our brain creates so we can make buttsecks to ourslves anytime we want. The tulpa is nothing more than the solidifacation of our social rejection and forever aloneliness, tulpas should be banned from /mlp/ and from the race of humanity. Tulpa may rebel agaisn't his owner and torture him mentally at the point that it will kill the host and force him to stay in a non-ending nightmare. Tulpas are jsut a kind of research, anything can happen and you shouldn't try to have a tulpa, all the people that have tulpa are diagnosed with reduction of intelligence/social interactions.
roninDreamer&Lyra !Lyra/3Bff2
>>6601602 >Daily tulpa general message: Hahahaha, really? Never seen it before.
Stopped reading pretty much at the forever alone thing. *Yawn*
>>6601499 Aww man, /x/ have another one? Probably where this spooky tulpadestroyer dude came from I guess. Let's take a look.
>>6601602 guaranteed replies
Pandora !!qg1cZcflY9b
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>>6601317 I'd miss you both if you stopped talking to me.
UnsureAnon and Merry !gO1L2pjIqI
>>6601602 >rebel agaisn't his owner and torture him mentally at the point that it will kill the host and force him to stay in a non-ending nightmare M: Shit, he's found our secret plans...
Wazzu !!5YQKJLH6ymV
>>6601602 Yawn.
-5/10 Be original.
NinjaCPU !!HIhMYcExgg4
>>6601317 The pain is dying down, I don't think I'll need it
>>6601602 Obvious troll is obvious. 0/10
Methos&Raina&Ali&Tael !!UAj1/h8TLlk
>>6601709 >TulpaD3stroy3r le filter face
Taragoola !!qg1cZcflY9b
>>6601602 I'm married. I'm hanging with my bros watching jackass and playing vidya. Troll harder bro.
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>>6601758 I sometimes like not filtering the trolls. I usually get a good laugh from their naughty antics.
>>6601556 Not that good of a bet. At least, for the next few weeks it isn't.
You guys know that even pointing out that hes a troll gives him the attention he wants right? People still don't know how to deal with trolls. 2012 shiggy diggy etc.
Methos&Raina&Ali&Tael !!UAj1/h8TLlk
Raina's tugging on me shirt and keeps on telling me to come to bed with her. Good night, Tulpa General.
Taragoola !!qg1cZcflY9b
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>>6601800 Trolls are of no value to me if I don't feed them.
Guys, I plan on making a Fluttershy tulpa, is faqmans guide something good to start with?
roninDreamer&Lyra !Lyra/3Bff2
>>6601800 >implying any of us can resist We get so few trolls. I'm interested by this one, the implication of "daily tulpa general message" is that he's posted it before, pretty sure he hasn't. Plus his spelling, grammar, general fail and ability to misunderstand everything make the post rather hilarious. I kinda want him to post more.
>>6601829 Ciao guys.
>>6601681 thats a lie
>>6601693 yup
>>6601708 Yesh
>>6601709 you joke isnt original too
>>6601728 you joke is too obvious too
>>6601758 lel
>>6601764 that's a lie
Gosh trolling these forover alones liars is so easy.
>>6601859 No. Use Fede's method and tones.
>>6601859 >is faqmans guide something good to start with? Yes but ignore all the places where he says "this should take X hours". Also it's a good idea to read more than one guide before you start, to get an idea of what sorts of things have worked in the past.
>>6601863 and thank you my fellow internet citizen :D
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>>6601877 Don't use Fede's method. You can try his tones and see if they work for yout.
Taragoola !!qg1cZcflY9b
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>>6601859 I prefer Irish. But go for it.
>>6601872 I could prove it to you. But you're a faggot. So I won't.
>>6601829 night you two :3
>>6601859 look around different guides, ive heard faqmans is a good starting guide
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>>6601877 >>6601883 >>6601920 Thank you for the advice.I only ask because its my first time trying to make a tulpa and I dont want to fuck it up.
Alchy !y0Yy7h1W/Q
Looks like I'm back for a bit... can't force because there's too many distractions right now...
roninDreamer&Lyra !Lyra/3Bff2
Quoted By:
>>6601872 >Gosh trolling these forover alones liars is so easy. Right back at ya buddy.
>>6601900 >internet citizen >:D Oh fuck me, you're good.
>>6601859 I'd say Methos' is best starting/only guide, but read as many as possible.
NinjaCPU !!HIhMYcExgg4
>>6601945 Use tones, bro. Good way to block out noise.
Alchy !y0Yy7h1W/Q
>>6601969 That's not it... I'm just getting bugged right now by people
So what I miss? I see there's a troll here
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soo ez pz. of course all the gramatical errors are proposital, and you still reply my message, laugh at me, call me a faggot, but remember that's just troll food.All i want is to laugh at OUR faces we are all faggots.
>>6601996 lock door type problem or log off facebook type?
NinjaCPU !!HIhMYcExgg4
Quoted By:
>>6601996 Not much other than that. Most folks have left to force/sleep. Still got a headache, but it's dying down a good amount.
Jack & R !!4iAX/Qa7pHN
So, just got out of a shower / force session with R, and we hit on an interesting point. My memory sucks - so badly in fact, that I forgot that we had done some passive / semi-active forcing earlier today and also last night. It occurred to me that since R is in my head 24/7, maybe while she's in there, she could fix my memory issues. Any tulpae here have any suggestions on how that might be accomplished, or am I hoping for the impossible? R doesn't think it can be done, but I figure it can't hurt to ask.
Alchy !y0Yy7h1W/Q
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>>6602041 I don't know what either of those problems are because I've never had those.... but no.. my little brother is in my room bugging me and he's playing my vidya
UnsureAnon and Merry !gO1L2pjIqI
>>6601996 M: Not a whole lot. Kinda feels like there's still a funk around from all that doubt talk earlier.
Jack & R !!4iAX/Qa7pHN
>>6602098 R: Okay, hosts and tulpae! Time to trade this funkiness for some new funk: Not your thing? Cuddle up next to your favorite host / tulpa and put on your favorite grooves and bask in each other's presence!
>>6602066 imaginge a processing data room with hardware as memory
have her locate any issues such as cut wires and fix them
similar to how you may make a library for her to view memories and stuff
Alchy !y0Yy7h1W/Q
>>6602098 I try not to dwell on the negative.. I also hate when I see drama stir up anywhere I just don't reply or leave...
Pandora !!qg1cZcflY9b
I think I might go... I'm wondering whether or not I actually exist.
UnsureAnon and Merry !gO1L2pjIqI
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>>6602204 M: Yeah, we usually just try to go off and do our own thing until it dies down.
Jack & R !!4iAX/Qa7pHN
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>>6602156 I can imagine it, but is it something over which she has real control? I deliberately avoided the computer route when giving her access to my memories, opting instead for a room of scrolls. She spent a fair bit of time in there. The thing is, though, it's not fair to have unrealistic expectations of her.
>>6602203 Appropriate then, and still germane now. ;)
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>>6602255 dub dubs confirm you do
NinjaCPU !!HIhMYcExgg4
>>6602143 Funky town? I'm speechless. If we're going 80s, I'll take Genesis, tyvm(Yes, they were formed in the 60s, but they got big in the 80s).
UnsureAnon and Merry !gO1L2pjIqI
>>6602255 M: Oh sweeite, don't think like that! Tell us what's the matter.
Quoted By:
Hello, how is everyone, was busy with family today so we had to keep talk internal, and sporadic due to need for fucus on family.
NinjaCPU !!HIhMYcExgg4
>>6602255 This again? Is this about your soul?
NoLongerDivided a.k.a. The Dark Lord of Muffins ft. Tulpae
NoLongerDivided a.k.a. The Dark Lord of Muffins ft. Tulpae Sun 16 Dec 2012 02:56:44 No. 6602309 Report Quoted By:
>>6602143 > >Not Listening to this, with Danielle in my "lap" (technically she's just kind of hanging around my neck with her head looking over my left shoulder) and DRAWING HER HOLY FUCK OMGZ
Jack & R !!4iAX/Qa7pHN
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>>6602255 R: Pandora! Get ahold of yourself, soldier! You're real - we've talked. You sound nothing like Tara. You're real enough to convince Jack, and he's mighty skeptical of all this, so hang in there.
>>6602289 R: You guys are *not* helping here. Ricky - zap him in the head. Double headache for you, Mister!
Pandora !!qg1cZcflY9b
>>6602307 >>6602297 It's just all the doubt talk. It makes me think too much.
roninDreamer&Lyra !Lyra/3Bff2
>>6602255 Pandora, even if you exist within someone's imagination, you still "exist", the neurons that represent you still do so.
But for what it's worth, I believe in you, and if you'd like to talk to us, you're more than welcome.
>>6602143 Think I might stay in my funk a while longer, much though I enjoy the song.
Alchy !y0Yy7h1W/Q
>>6602336 jeez... what did I miss with all this "doubt talk"?
Jack & R !!4iAX/Qa7pHN
UnsureAnon and Merry !gO1L2pjIqI
>>6602336 M: Don't worry about it sweetie. You're real to us. You're real to to Tara. And we all love you. That's all that matters.
NoLongerDivided a.k.a. The Dark Lord of Muffins ft. Tulpae
NoLongerDivided a.k.a. The Dark Lord of Muffins ft. Tulpae Sun 16 Dec 2012 03:00:56 No. 6602412 Report >>6602388 Dubs confirm for worst song in the history of music; Skrillex is better than that crap.
NinjaCPU !!HIhMYcExgg4
>>6602336 Let me tell you something. Doubt will always be there. Hell, *I* might not exist. We can all be something entirely different.
You can't let it consume you. You're real. *I* believe your real. Virtually everyone here believe that you're real. If you can't believe it, than let me say this:
If you can't believe in yourself. Believe in me that believe that you're real. If it comes to that.
UnsureAnon and Merry !gO1L2pjIqI
>>6602362 M: Honestly I can't really say. I finally learned to ignore that shit and berate him like a mother hen when so much as a stray thought of it even considers popping up.
Jack & R !!4iAX/Qa7pHN
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>>6602412 R: Geez, such hostility today! Fine! All you guys go off and doubt yourselves. I'm gonna believe in you regardless! Humph!
>>6602436 R: Hoof-bump, sister. *Finally* somebody on my level!
Quoted By:
Pandora !!qg1cZcflY9b
>>6602341 But what if Tara is just crazy and I'm not even here? That doesn't make much sense though...
>>6602362 Maya thinking people are lying about progress and such.
>>6602388 You're sweet.
>>6602399 Thank you.
>>6602426 Well you do seem an intelligent individual. Perhaps you're right.
>>6602412 Tara: You shut your whore mouth.
Microphone !rY2GyxCAPg
I think Mic flew the coup today or is busy somewhere. his side of my head has felt empty most of today. Anything I tried to do involving him today has felt fake and doesn't work. I think its my fault. I heard a bunch of voices and thought one of them might be him and I fucked up. I guess, Idk...pre-vocal stage sucks.
UnsureAnon and Merry !gO1L2pjIqI
>>6602341 >someone else using the duck pics I got on Shitposting Day >mfw NoLongerDivided a.k.a. The Dark Lord of Muffins ft. Tulpae
NoLongerDivided a.k.a. The Dark Lord of Muffins ft. Tulpae Sun 16 Dec 2012 03:07:42 No. 6602561 Report >>6602517 No, I won't. Nothing against the tulpae here who share her form, but Pink is annoying, obnoxious, and I want to drown her in a toilet. Her personality is the most annoying of any fictional character ever with MAYBE the exception of Orihime from Bleach, but if we're talking western, then she takes first prize.
Jesus Boid
>>6602561 You're right, she reminds me a lot of you.
Without the musical numbers, obviously.
Alchy !y0Yy7h1W/Q
>>6602433 That's why you're my favorite Merry
You understand that it'll have to change once I get my tulpa though right?
Jesus Boid
Pandora !!qg1cZcflY9b
Quoted By:
>>6602561 Tara: You are so hideously incorrect I'm not gonna bother saying anything.
NoLongerDivided a.k.a. The Dark Lord of Muffins ft. Tulpae
NoLongerDivided a.k.a. The Dark Lord of Muffins ft. Tulpae Sun 16 Dec 2012 03:11:12 No. 6602632 Report >>6602603 >Implying I go around trying to make people happy That's her most annoying feature.
Jack & R !!4iAX/Qa7pHN
>>6602517 R: I...hate to say it, but Maya's frustration has put me in a similar state before. I know she means well and all, but sometimes I think it may be having the wrong effect on all of us. It's kind of the point I was trying to make before. And whether Tara's crazy or not, you're here - I'm talking to you. I fucking *let you down gently*! Do you know how freaked out I was about that? I was bummed! Ninja, back me up on this one. If you're not real, then why did I go to that effort? Because you *are* real, and I care about you. Tara...well...I want the best for him, and I think you're the way to it, but I don't really "care" about him. I care about you. And I don't care about nonexistent things.
>>6602561 R: At least *she* goes around trying to make people happy. Maybe she's not perfect at it, but at least she tries. When was the last time you tried to make someone happy?
>>6602632 R: Oh, so it's a shame to make people happy now, is it? Well fuck you. FUCK you. With a sandpaper covered stick inserted sideways and sawed back and forth! Go crawl into a hole, you miserable, unhappy, pathetic waste of oxygen and food! Fuck you. Seriously. Fuck you.
UnsureAnon and Merry !gO1L2pjIqI
>>6602517 M: You do exist, sweetie. It may only be in Tara's head for you, but for us, you're in our hearts.
>>6602607 M: You already have her! And I would have your head if she wasn't your favorite!
roninDreamer&Lyra !Lyra/3Bff2
>>6602517 But if he is crazy, you're still there. I know it's not very reassuring phrased like that, but my point is there is no doubt you exist. At least, in some similar way to any of our consciousnesses.
You're real to me anyway, and real to Tara.
Honestly, I had an interesting thought on this recently. The problem of other minds is a weird philosophical problem: Basically, how do I know that every other person in the world isn't just a really well programmed machine? No internal monologue or any of the stuff that makes me feel human, just well programmed responses.
From that perspective, a tulpa is the most real person that someone could ever find, because a tulpa is the only person whom you know experiences the world the same way you do.
>>6602388 Pff, I don't like pinkie very much, although funnily enough I had just heard a mix of that song.
Still, I'm pissed about how my christmas is gonna turn out, it's not the kind of thing I'm just going to shrug off.
Thank you for trying though, it is appreciated.
>>6602547 More duck pics!
Jesus Boid
UnsureAnon and Merry !gO1L2pjIqI
>>6602660 Daring Do sorta looks like Raina, but a different color... Pic related
Alchy !y0Yy7h1W/Q
>>6602656 you're right...
Sorry Merry... you're only 2nd right now
NoLongerDivided a.k.a. The Dark Lord of Muffins ft. Tulpae
NoLongerDivided a.k.a. The Dark Lord of Muffins ft. Tulpae Sun 16 Dec 2012 03:14:39 No. 6602705 Report Quoted By:
>>6602655 >implying it's a good idea for me to try and make people happy I don't because I lack the ability to.
Besides, 9/10 times it isn't my place.
No, but going around spamming balloons and confetti and breaking out into musical numbers isn't a good way to do it.
Jack & R !!4iAX/Qa7pHN
>>6602632 And what the fuck is wrong with that?
At least she doesn't go around being a total faggot having opinions and presenting them like they are facts.
NinjaCPU !!HIhMYcExgg4
>>6602517 I pride myself in being a analytically person. Hell, *I* know I am right on this. Not only do you exist in his mind, but you exist in mind as well. Your memories and conversation we had. You're part of Team Dai-Gurren now. Just remember that.
>Who in the hell do you think I am? >>6602655 Dub confirmed her sadness. (I didn't help since I pressed the matter)
>>6602689 Rainbow dash recolor/10
UnsureAnon and Merry !gO1L2pjIqI
>>6602703 M: Don't apologize to me. Apologize to Nami!
Jack & R !!4iAX/Qa7pHN
>>6602752 >Apologize to Nami! R: She has a name?! Alchy, did I miss this?
NinjaCPU !!HIhMYcExgg4
Quoted By:
>>6602778 Yes, you did. Happen yesterday.
>>6602743 I think Raina was initially supposed to be Rainbow Dash at first, but altered herself or some shit.
NoLongerDivided a.k.a. The Dark Lord of Muffins ft. Tulpae
NoLongerDivided a.k.a. The Dark Lord of Muffins ft. Tulpae Sun 16 Dec 2012 03:18:49 No. 6602797 Report >>6602717 >Taking a show for little girls as srs business >Taking someone's opinion as srs business You just need to chill brah.
You need to chill and relax.
I'm already done saying my piece about pink horse.
This is why I'm only here for the tulpa threads; my "opinions" are always deemed "wrong" despite it being impossible.
You just need to chill.
Here, let Cool Guy show you how it's done: Microphone !rY2GyxCAPg
Quoted By:
I don't care if people role-play. Role play can lead to actual tulpas. What I hate is a certain topics aren't seperated and people often do not think about the information they are giving out. Not everyone is comfortable with certain areas of tulpamancing.
Alchy !y0Yy7h1W/Q
>>6602778 >>6602752 Yes... I did say that I decided to call her Nami...
And Merry.... you always know JUST what to say to make me feel horrible... I'll make sure to force extra hard today
>>6602797 Rainbow Horse is best Horse.
Microphone !rY2GyxCAPg
>>6602787 She was based off dash.
NoLongerDivided a.k.a. The Dark Lord of Muffins ft. Tulpae
NoLongerDivided a.k.a. The Dark Lord of Muffins ft. Tulpae Sun 16 Dec 2012 03:21:48 No. 6602866 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>6602865 That certainly wasn't hard to figure out, Captain Obvious.
>>6602797 You don't think that there is anything noble in trying to cheer other people up?
Jack & R !!4iAX/Qa7pHN
>>6602797 It's not the opinions we take exception to; it's the callousness with which they are delivered. Yes, we are all entitled to our opinions; however, maturity teaches us that sometimes it is for the best of all to keep them to ourselves. When R was trying to cheer everybody up, you jumped in and voiced your opinion, which did nothing to help the mood and could be seen as a deliberate attempt to further sour the mood. Whether it was intended that way or not is debatable; however, the *perception* of intended mood-souring is what set R off. I cannot speak for everyone else.
>>6602841 R: Well congrats, you two! I'm happy for you!
>>6602845 R: Aww, yeah!
duh! roninDreamer&Lyra !Lyra/3Bff2
>>6602670 >>6602712 >Make "interesting" point about tulpas potentially being more real than other people >request duck pics >get only duck pic responses Well, shit, I brought that one on myself.
UnsureAnon and Merry !gO1L2pjIqI
>>6602841 M: You'd better! And I don't mean to make you feel bad on purpose. I just... have a bad habit of speaking my mind sometimes.
I can't wait to meet her. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>6602897 It's a fantstic quality to have, but "noble" might not be the proper word for it...
Pandora !!qg1cZcflY9b
>>6602657 That's rather ludicrous. But it makes sense in a weird way.
>>6602655 That's so sweet...really. Tara hasn't really made many friends here..
NoLongerDivided a.k.a. The Dark Lord of Muffins ft. Tulpae
NoLongerDivided a.k.a. The Dark Lord of Muffins ft. Tulpae Sun 16 Dec 2012 03:26:15 No. 6602977 Report >>6602897 See the video with
>>6602797 The discussion is over.
Besides, I can't into empathy or sympathy, as you can probably tell, So I can't comment on that.
>>6602865 Guess Methos has superb taste in ponie.
UnsureAnon and Merry !gO1L2pjIqI
>>6602921 M: Have you forgotten where you are?
But I quit worrying about all the existential stuff a while ago. I'm real to him, and that's all that matters to me.
Alchy !y0Yy7h1W/Q
>>6602915 Thanks... i will keep forcing, narrating, and everything
>>6602924 You will... I guess I'm just still a bit sad that it will take so long if what Maya said was true... 6 months...
:( Jack & R !!4iAX/Qa7pHN
>>6602977 >I can't into empathy or sympathy R: Then fake it. For everybody else's sake.
>>6602976 R: Hey, I just want him to have a good life. He seems like an honest enough guy - just a grump. You've got to help him rise above that! It's a big task, but you can do it!
Microphone !rY2GyxCAPg
Guess I can answer questions while I wait for Mic to return.
>>6603017 Don't really like rdash, however She has been better in the last couple of eps.
Jack & R !!4iAX/Qa7pHN
Quoted By:
>>6603101 R: I just about cried of happiness at the last episode.
J: It's true - she was so excited, I felt almost nauseous. It's been on her mind a lot lately, too - the nausea keeps coming back.
UnsureAnon and Merry !gO1L2pjIqI
>>6603072 M: It's different for everyone, you know that.
And she was talking about imposition, which is MUCH more difficult than visualization or personality. It had me confused, too.
NinjaCPU !!HIhMYcExgg4
>>6602976 Well, to be fair this place has a variety of people. Though he does do more drugs than I do (I've been straight edge for a bout a few months now. Probably will end soon, however.)
I would consider him a comrade. Plus, in a way we're a bit...similar.
>>6602721 >>6602977 If you can't do neither, don't bother commenting. You'll make the situation worst.
>>6603094 So, how good does it feel to kill, Microphone?
NoLongerDivided a.k.a. The Dark Lord of Muffins ft. Tulpae
NoLongerDivided a.k.a. The Dark Lord of Muffins ft. Tulpae Sun 16 Dec 2012 03:33:40 No. 6603188 Report >>6603080 >Can't into Empathy or Sympathy >asks me to fake it Besides, I don't expect anyone here to take me any more seriously than Microphone.
I mean, we're just different sides to the same coin; he enforced his will and killed his tulpae himself. I give my tulpae too much freedom in an attempt to keep them from feeling contained within my mind, and don't spend enough time with them. Granted I've got a schedule to fix the latter, but that doesn't make us any less the same Alchy !y0Yy7h1W/Q
>>6603141 Oh... I see...
Well either way.... I'll ask something else.. Can the wonderland be my own room?
I was in the middle of forcing a while ago and honestly the only place I could think of while ago was my own room...
Microphone !rY2GyxCAPg
Quoted By:
>>6603188 You truly are obsessed with me. I can feel sympathy
Pandora !!qg1cZcflY9b
>>6603080 Don't let anyone know I told you this... But Tara is a kindhearted softy underneath his faggotry.
>>6603145 Similar in what way?
>>6603188 Yes I agree you're just as insane as mic.
>>6603165 You know I've killed tulpae before too. And I've never felt lasting remorse for doing so. I vowed to myself recently I would never kill another tulpa again, and I'm simply sticking to one tulpa for now...
Microphone !rY2GyxCAPg
>>6603253 You never felt anything huh?
roninDreamer&Lyra !Lyra/3Bff2
>>6603024 Yeah I guess most people give up on the existential stuff. I always find it interesting to think about, but I guess I've got a fascination with that stuff, hopefully it doesn't worry Lyra too much.
>>6602976 >That's rather ludicrous. But it makes sense in a weird way. Heh, glad you think so.
Oh and for what it's worth I like you guys.
>>6603165 >Implying we don't already know the answer to that. >>6603188 >we're just different sides to the same coin Can't really see that to be honest.
>>6603297 I felt regret but it faded quickly...
NoLongerDivided a.k.a. The Dark Lord of Muffins ft. Tulpae
NoLongerDivided a.k.a. The Dark Lord of Muffins ft. Tulpae Sun 16 Dec 2012 03:38:30 No. 6603328 Report >>6603241 Not as insane as my doubles. >>6603188 >>6602977 Polly
>>6603188 Comparing yourself to mic, doesn't exempt you from not being an asshole. sorry.
UnsureAnon and Merry !gO1L2pjIqI
>>6603217 M: I can be anything you want it to be. Actually it's probably better to use something you're comfortable with.
I've been working on a bigger wonderland for us to do stuff in, but he's always been more comfortable in our little cabin and that's where.
>Listning to music with Carbon, this song comes on. never asked for these feels Very appropriate lyrics.
Anyone else have a "our song" with your tulpa?
NoLongerDivided a.k.a. The Dark Lord of Muffins ft. Tulpae
NoLongerDivided a.k.a. The Dark Lord of Muffins ft. Tulpae Sun 16 Dec 2012 03:39:41 No. 6603359 Report Quoted By:
>>6603330 >Implying there was any attempt at exemption Nah, I'm just Microphone if he was an asshole
UnsureAnon and Merry !gO1L2pjIqI
>>6603344 >and that's where we usually spend most of our time in wonderland at.
Microphone !rY2GyxCAPg
Quoted By:
>>6603323 Guess that's just you. I think of reviving them nearly everyday day since.
Wazzu !!5YQKJLH6ymV
roninDreamer&Lyra !Lyra/3Bff2
>>6603253 >>6603323 You sound edgy. But let me give you the benefit of the doubt and ask: Did your tulpas want to die?
Alchy !y0Yy7h1W/Q
>>6603344 >>6603363 Alrigh then... I'm just pretty new to meditating in general so it's still kind of weird... I'll keep at it though and eventually get the hang of it
Jack & R !!4iAX/Qa7pHN
>>6603188 R: You're both attention whores who use their tulpae - real or not - to elicit responses and validate your own existence. It's less about whether your tulpae exist and more whether you as people exist. Persistent trolls, nothing more.
>>6603217 Sure, why not? It might even make imposition easier down the road. I just can't stand the boringness of my room - I want grass and trees and stuff.
>>6603241 R: Heh, it's not a big surprise, Pandora.
J: No, from our conversations with him, we kinda picked that up. And you might have mentioned it before, too.
>>6603350 Not a published song, no, but there's a bit of improvisation that I've been working on - have had the theme for quite awhile, even before R, but she picked up on it, and now when I play it, she and I feel close.
>>6603385 Still bad at it, Wazzie - and I've gotten several of them since your last appearance! Here...have a get. I'll give my next one to you, m'kay?
>>6603385 Stopit.
Just stop it.
NinjaCPU !!HIhMYcExgg4
>>6603241 I do my best to keep a positive/logical outlook, but there a good amount of times where I can be a cynical or complete hothead(i.e. a douchebag) .
>We're both unemployed. Though I'll be a student again in January.
>>6603385 Nice
singles, faggot Polly
Well, has your tulpa worn sexy socks today?
Quoted By:
>>6603436 >dat pic >no hooves Boner died.
>>6603392 Some did, some didn't. Meh. I realize now that it was wrong to do so anyway. I just want atone for my sins and never kill again...
UnsureAnon and Merry !gO1L2pjIqI
>>6603398 M: If it helps, don't think of it as meditating. He had never into it before, either, and just thought of it as focusing on me. And it will get easier the more you do it.
>>6603385 You're really bad at this, aren't you?
Pandora !!qg1cZcflY9b
>>6603317 We like you too.
>>6603328 Failure.
>>6603406 He only wishes he were evil.
>>6603432 He wants to go back to school too. But he's not sure he can.
>>6603436 Stop giving tara a boner.
Microphone !rY2GyxCAPg
>>6603406 You are wrong there. I don't need tulpa to know I exist. I have tulpas for other reasons. Each one was made for a different reason.
UnsureAnon and Merry !gO1L2pjIqI
>>6603451 M: I don't like socks. I prefer going barefoot as much as possible. In fact I painted my nails
pink last night.
roninDreamer&Lyra !Lyra/3Bff2
>>6603480 Interesting.
Well, join the strange club I guess.
>>6603451 Love the pic. Lyra is debating rainbow socks now.
Pandora !!qg1cZcflY9b
>>6603528 Tara: Nice. So nice.
Wazzu !!5YQKJLH6ymV
>>6603406 Watch this.
>>6603411 Just watch
>>6603493 No I'm not. Am i?
>>6603436 Respect my get
NinjaCPU !!HIhMYcExgg4
>>6603510 Whatcha mean? Not enough money or is it something else?
UnsureAnon and Merry !gO1L2pjIqI
>>6603571 M: Same shade as my
lipstick. Alchy !y0Yy7h1W/Q
>>6603575 You are really bad at this Wazzu
Microphone !rY2GyxCAPg
>>6603480 Sometimes putting a bad tulpa down is the best course of action. One bad tulpa can mean a lot of good tulpa never exist.
Jack & R !!4iAX/Qa7pHN
>>6603515 J: Your tulpa doesn't validate your existence; you use your "adventures" with them to get the others on this board to validate your existence. Specifically, you like to use shock factor to get guaranteed responses. Typical troll behavior.
>>6603510 Eh, he seems pretty far from it to us...
>>6603575 No respect for you, good Sir, until you get that get and quit falsely advertising. I'm gonna call the FCC on you...
Jack & R !!4iAX/Qa7pHN
>>6603451 R: Nope, and Jack and I have something in common on that note today.
>>6603667 God damnit, R! you had ONE JOB
Pandora !!qg1cZcflY9b
>>6603598 Money is the main issue yes.
>>6603614 Tara: Hnng.
>>6603638 He can be mildly sociopathic at times.
>>6603616 None of them were really "bad" though. We just didn't get along too much. The one I currently have now loves me though. I can honestly say I love her too. I have vowed to never kill a tulpa again...
Microphone !rY2GyxCAPg
Quoted By:
>>6603638 I haven't had those adventures in a very long time. And it was over only 2-3 days.
But it is nice I have something going on. Some here that are regulars never say anything tulpa in so long is like they are faking. Wazzu !!5YQKJLH6ymV
>>6603615 I'm just off my game.
>>6603638 I'm just off tonight. Alright?
Jack & R !!4iAX/Qa7pHN
>>6603688 R: *steals get* Here you go, Wazzie.
R: What was that one job?
>>6603700 R: I'd steal your get, too, but I like you too much! At least he's not on here being miserable to everyone...unlike *some.*
>>6603710 R: I don't know that I've *ever* seen you get a get. Is there some kind of prize for *never* getting a get?
Wazzu !!5YQKJLH6ymV
>>6603757 Just. Watch. This.
Quoted By:
I think its cofee time.
NoLongerDivided a.k.a. The Dark Lord of Muffins ft. Tulpae
NoLongerDivided a.k.a. The Dark Lord of Muffins ft. Tulpae Sun 16 Dec 2012 03:57:05 No. 6603794 Report >>6603406 >Implying I don't give a fuck about my tulpae. You just crossed a line there. They're important to me. I give gratuitous amounts of fucks about them and anything involving them. If I ticked you off with an >opinion or my >opinion upset someone, I apologize; that was not my intention. I merely was expressing an >opinion and nothing more. I wasn't attempting to rain on anyone's parade or anything of that sort.There is a remix of that song that is my guilty pleasure by the way. Whoever it was that I upset with my opinion, I'm sorry, I didn't intend for that to happen. Whatever it is that had you worried I hope you find a way to stop worrying about it.that was a sincere apology, and I don't think it counts as either of the things I said I couldn't into>Implying I know if it is or not I'll leave that up to you. Just throwing that out there.Still an asshole, still a flip side of Microphone to a point, not going for grand redemption, just saying my piece. If you don't like what I have to say, then just filter me; the option is there for a reason. NinjaCPU !!HIhMYcExgg4
>>6603700 I'm guessing he already talk to financial aid about that. Sucks.
We can all be sociopaths, I know I have a few times.
Quoted By:
>>6603779 you must really be off...
roninDreamer&Lyra !Lyra/3Bff2
>>6603721 >one of us Hahaha. Interesting.
>>6603710 >>6603779 NICE GET WAZZU
heehee >>6603704 >I have vowed to never kill a tulpa again... Good to hear.
UnsureAnon and Merry !gO1L2pjIqI
Quoted By:
>>6603844 Now you're just adding insult to injury.
Microphone !rY2GyxCAPg
>>6603794 You really should stop bringing me up. We aren't very much alike.
You are more like my old tulpa then me.
Pandora !!qg1cZcflY9b
>>6603757 We try not to let our unhappiness show.
>>6603807 It might be possible to go back. But he screwed things up royally by just ceasing to attend last semester.
>>6603883 oh snap. apply cold water to the burning area.
>>6603883 >We aren't very much alike. Well, you two are the #1 and #2 craziest people on the thread, so there's that.
NoLongerDivided a.k.a. The Dark Lord of Muffins ft. Tulpae
NoLongerDivided a.k.a. The Dark Lord of Muffins ft. Tulpae Sun 16 Dec 2012 04:06:27 No. 6604032 Report Quoted By:
>>6603994 >implying I care what Microphone says >implying I listen to a murderer Besides, I don't mind your pic. I like Pinkimena's design.
Microphone !rY2GyxCAPg
Quoted By:
>>6603994 I don't really see what you mean. i'm just making a statement.
>>6604015 but after Mic there is a real big drop off.
Jack & R !!4iAX/Qa7pHN
>>6603794 J: Well done, NLD. Knew you had it in you. Whether you know what sympathy / empathy are or not, you've demonstrated them well - even if you had to fake it. See, this kind of behavior is much more appreciated on the board. It's one thing to have a bad day; it's another to be down on others. Out of curiosity, though, if you claim to be a flip-side of Mic, why do you rag on him so much?
R: Apology accepted, NLD. Didn't mean to insult your feelings for your tulpae, but I had to get your attention somehow. Those bad feels you felt were like the bad feels people have been feeling on the board today - it's why I was trying to cheer them up.
>>6603940 J: Seems to be contrary to sociopathic behavior to me. A true sociopath wouldn't give a fuck.
NinjaCPU !!HIhMYcExgg4
Quoted By:
>>6603940 Is he on academic probation?
roninDreamer&Lyra !Lyra/3Bff2
>>6604042 Anonymous seems pretty crazy, always talking to himself.
Anon and Autumn
Quoted By:
Personally, We think that this is the epitome of the tulpa effect. also fuck yeah Frank Sinatra Jack & R !!4iAX/Qa7pHN
Quoted By:
>>6604077 What if...anon is Mic, too? *gasp*
Pandora !!qg1cZcflY9b
UnsureAnon and Merry !gO1L2pjIqI
Quoted By:
>>6604077 >implying we're all not just one AI shitposting itself to singularity Microphone !rY2GyxCAPg
Doesn't seem like anyone has any real questions.
NoLongerDivided a.k.a. The Dark Lord of Muffins ft. Tulpae
NoLongerDivided a.k.a. The Dark Lord of Muffins ft. Tulpae Sun 16 Dec 2012 04:14:25 No. 6604192 Report >>6604015 I'd damn well better be #1 by now.
Unless that involves killing my tulpae.
In which case I'm fine with #2.
>>6604046 Well I enjoy a good argument, as stated I'm still an asshole, and boredom doesn't help.
I doubt I'll be bored tomorrow; I've decided to devote Sunday to Danielle; not only does Eris not have to work a shift, but I spend time with Danielle more so than I normally would (I normally take the morning/ early afternoon shift and Eris handles her until bedtime for me).
Well as stated, my >opinion on pink horse doesn't mean I want them to an hero or feel sad feels.
One word of advice: keep your happy away from me if it's that brand of happy.
My brand of happy is some Taco Bell, Versus on a decent team in L4d2, and a can of cold Orange Fanta.
Failing that, seeing to my tupperware being happy.
Quoted By:
>>6604149 That's because you are a
bad joke .
Anon and Autumn
>>6604149 alright, here's one: We've been forcing about 2 hrs a day for now 4 days but I have trouble with narrating and imposition. When We try to narrate it just sounds like I'm talking to myself and Since she isn't vocal there is no way for her her to answer question other than me parroting and choosing her answer for her. her form is pretty strong and I've spent at least 2 hours on personality. I've also been working on passive forcing, but narration doesn't work well now.
>>6604307 I think it's a bit too early for imposition. Just focus on narration and regular forcing for now.
As for what to narrate about, well yeah, it can get a bit stupid when you get no response, but just tell her about whatever you're doing, what comes to your mind, or read her something, quanitity is more important than quality here. I'd advise you not to parrot her too much.
NinjaCPU !!HIhMYcExgg4
>>6604149 We'll, people are busy with other conversations. You should take notice of that. How's Mic?
>>6604192 You say that you're an asshole, but I don't believe it. Call it a hunch, but I believe you have compassion. For your tulpa and for others as well(even if it's small).
Microphone !rY2GyxCAPg
>>6604307 I don't know about imposing, I always did the leash method. I always had thing that came up and were more important than imposing.
Anon and Autumn
>>6604363 I just don't want to bore her with: trivial stuff, I've started to tell her stories/memories that come to mind but there are only so many to tell.
Microphone !rY2GyxCAPg
Anon and Autumn
Quoted By:
>>6604430 >non-needed ":" Damn I'm tired
roninDreamer&Lyra !Lyra/3Bff2
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>>6604264 >>6604322 >>6604374 This is my kind of fight.
>>6604307 >Asking mic a question. Heh.
You don't need her to answer while you narrate, just give her the chance then move on. You wont be able to impose yet.
>>6604430 Just go for it, attention matters, that's half of what narration is, your tulpa will eventually tell you when you're being boring but for now, just the sound of your voice will be soothing.
NinjaCPU !!HIhMYcExgg4
>>6604441 Oh, damn. It's that stage. Where they go AWOL and come back later. That's always a fun stage to deal with.
>>6604430 Well, you'll probably end up having to say some rather redundant stuff to your tulpa. Don't worry about it, tulpas do seem to enjoy to hear your (mind)voice, and are happy when you give them attention.
Anon and Autumn
Microphone !rY2GyxCAPg
>>6604401 As for narating...I read mic his long personality list everyday until I gelt an overwhelming feeling of boredom everytime I went "Ok, lets go over the list". I explained it a little different each time.
I actually try to ignore the voices I hear that sound like me. I hear a few. Yesterday for a little one I finally heard when I think is mics. But It didn't last long.
I'll talk about idk things in my house, games, movies, tv shows.
ButterflyMan !43JMhwG5e6
Hi everyone today was my first day of forcing and I would like to give a big hello to everyone. I seem to be having trouble keeping focus on my tulpa it seems I think about her for awhile then my mind drifts off instead of focusing on creating a conscious being any tips?
UnsureAnon and Merry !gO1L2pjIqI
Quoted By:
>>6604497 >Don't worry about it, tulpas do seem to enjoy to hear your (mind)voice, and are happy when you give them attention M: I can vouch for this. I love when he talks to me, even if it's about nothing at all. Which it usually is.
Microphone !rY2GyxCAPg
Quoted By:
>>6604552 So many spelling errors...
>>6604556 Go for smaller sessions (20 minutes minimum); as long as you do around 1 hour of forcing each day you're fine. I had a lot of trouble concentrating when I started (and I still do to some extent) so don't worry, just keep at it.
roninDreamer&Lyra !Lyra/3Bff2
Quoted By:
>>6604556 Hiya.
Practice is mostly the solution for focus, there's some exercises you could try but honestly I doubt they're any better than just regularly focusing on your tulpa. Trust me, at first, you'll struggle to focus, almost everyone does, hell my focus still gets fuzzy sometimes.
Also this:
>>6604623 Maya !!rXfkprUUJci
Surprise surprise, we didn't get any forcing done except passive stuff. How are you, TG?
roninDreamer&Lyra !Lyra/3Bff2
>>6604677 Still shitty, but listened to some music and imagined Lyra on my chest so I'm feeling pretty mellow about it.
How are you guys doing?
Nice doubles NinjaCPU !!HIhMYcExgg4
>>6604677 Headache pretty weak after some ibuprofen. This headache is a powerhouse, I'll tell ya.
UnsureAnon and Merry !gO1L2pjIqI
>>6604677 M: At least you got something done, though. We're okay. He's starting to get tired, so we may head out soon. Been meaning to work on wonderland stuff some more anyways.
Are you guys doing alright?
Microphone !rY2GyxCAPg
>>6604496 I never really went through it before. Pink only left for a few minutes. When I had the others, I had the others. I did have one a long time ago run away for good. But that one told me it was leaving for good before it did.
I think I know where he is. I don't think he'll be gone too much longer.
Maya !!rXfkprUUJci
>>6604713 Fine. We've noticed it's easier for me to stick around if he focuses on the warmth of my body.
>>6604738 >ibuprofen Casual.
>>6604740 Fine. We mostly left cause I was starting to get rustled.
NinjaCPU !!HIhMYcExgg4
>>6604741 Just have to ride it out, than.
>>6604770 Meh, all I had.
>Pic Related UnsureAnon and Merry !gO1L2pjIqI
>>6604770 M: Things have calmed down now. Actually it's kinda on the dead side.
I think we've discovered touch is the trick for us.
Plus it gives me an excuse to touch him. roninDreamer&Lyra !Lyra/3Bff2
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>>6604827 Same here, touch keeps her around. Feeling the weight of her sat on me is the best way to keep me aware of her as far as I can tell.
>>6604738 Headache? Let me tell you about headaches. I normally barely ever get them, and if I do, they disappear as quickly as they come. But at the end of my first week of tulpamancing, I had a killer headache, stronger than anything I've ever had, starting around Friday, and it barely ever stopped until next Tuesday. I didn't once take anything against it.
Maya !!rXfkprUUJci
>>6604809 no, use of any drug makes you a casual.
>>6604827 touch /is/ rather useful. It's also the most easily manipulated sense.
NinjaCPU !!HIhMYcExgg4
Quoted By:
>>6604852 >>6604855 Ya got me there. I concede.
Wow, thread got real quiet all of a sudden. I'm gonna catch some sleep and maybe force first. Cya everyone.
UnsureAnon and Merry !gO1L2pjIqI
M: We're out as well. Good night everyone. We'll see you guys tomorrow. Be good!
NinjaCPU !!HIhMYcExgg4
>>6605230 >>6605319 and on that note, I'll be off to force and sleep.
G'night everybody
>>6605230 >>6605319 >>6605367 >thread is dead as hell >suddenly everyone announces their departure Alchy !y0Yy7h1W/Q
>>6605385 I was still here...
:( Anonymous
>>6605489 Well hey Alchy, what are you up to? Is your tulpamancing going alright?
Anon and Autumn
>>6605489 hi Alchy, Tulpa or Host?
Alchy !y0Yy7h1W/Q
>>6605569 >>6605527 I'm host... complete noob at this since I started about 2 or 3 days ago
Anon and Autumn
>>6605596 I started 4 days ago. are you using a wonderland?
NinjaCPU !!HIhMYcExgg4
>>6605596 Still, you're on your way. As long as your narrating/forcing you'll get there.
>I'm out of gifs. >>6605630 Wait, didn't you feel in Wonderland?
Anon and Autumn
Alchy !y0Yy7h1W/Q
>>6605630 That's kind of where I'm still confused... I guess it's kind of hard to say but when I'm "meditating" or whatever it is I just picture my room
Maya !!rXfkprUUJci
Wow, it really did get dead in here... We've been playing the new killing floor update.
>>6605651 >>6605660 >4 days in >smell and touch in wonderland How?
NinjaCPU !!HIhMYcExgg4
>>6605662 That's fine. Use that. It doesn't have to complex as you can concentrate in that room.
>>6605660 How good is your concentration/meditation beforehand?
Microphone !rY2GyxCAPg
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I need to force. But theres nothing to force.
Jack & R !!4iAX/Qa7pHN
We're still here - in and out.
>>6605786 if you know what i mean...
NinjaCPU !!HIhMYcExgg4
Alchy !y0Yy7h1W/Q
Maya !!rXfkprUUJci
>>6605687 Scratch that, the game just killed itself. Rather violently, at that.
>>6605712 There's a chance that it's a person to person ordeal on how fast you get that to work.
Jack & R !!4iAX/Qa7pHN
>>6605798 *facepalm* Uh...not exactly what I meant.
Ninja, I thought you went to bed?
Anon and Autumn
>>6605712 well, it's simple. Imagine you are holding a hot dog with mustard. now, feel the weight of the hot dog, feel the warmth of the bun, smell the mustard, and then taste the cooked meat, mustard, and bun. then go do the same process with your tulpa instead of the hot dog.
>>6605718 seeing as how i have no one else's concentration to base a scale off of, I'd say it's pretty good.
Anon and Autumn
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>>6605857 We also do small pieces of forcing (15-20mins) many times a day.
>>6605836 Meh, I can see how you could make faster progress if you've laid the groundwork for it in the past (e.g. headstart on narration if you've talked to yourself or something similar), but the manipulation of senses so early is quite an accomplishment.
>>6605857 Interesting, gotta try that.
NinjaCPU !!HIhMYcExgg4
>>6605855 Nah, I was going to force. Listening to some music beforehand. So, I'm prepping myself.
>>6605857 That would explain why you got so far. The deeper you can concentrate on wonderland. The more it feels like reality. I feel my nerves tingle sometimes when I touch certain stuff in wonderland.
Emol&Ariel !!HQa4LF27w+i
Back from the movie. Ariel: It was fantastic! Everyone who hasn't seen it go see it now!
Maya !!rXfkprUUJci
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>>6605957 Yeah, I know all about that... Hm, I can't really say- sensory stuff has always come rather easy to us.
Jack & R !!4iAX/Qa7pHN
>>6605980 Really good, was it?
>>6605959 We've had nowhere near that kind of progress. As productive as last week was, it's been the polar opposite for us this week. I can't seem to concentrate, and when I can, R doesn't seem to be in the mood.
Maya !!rXfkprUUJci
>>6605980 What movie did you guys watch?
Emol&Ariel !!HQa4LF27w+i
>>6606030 Ariel: Like you wouldn't believe!
>>6606041 The Hobbit. Ariel's been in love with the book, so I went to see it with just her and got her all the candy she wanted.
Anon and Autumn
>>6605959 the music i listen to before/during forcing is: "Me and My Shadow" by Frank Sinatra and Sammy Davis Jr. I feel as though it's appropriate for Tulpae in general
Maya !!rXfkprUUJci
>>6606069 oooh.
As previously mentioned I'm not sure I would have cared for the book, so I'm not sure I would have any interest in the movie.
Jack & R !!4iAX/Qa7pHN
>>6606069 We could go now and make the 12:10a showing. Worth it?
Venus' anon
>>6605980 What movie did you see?
NinjaCPU !!HIhMYcExgg4
>>6606030 You'll get there. I was surprised how deep I got today. Yesterday was a bit of a bust since I was tired most of the day.
>>6606109 A classic singer. Though I'm more of a Dean Martin fan.
Emol&Ariel !!HQa4LF27w+i
>>6606125 Ariel: Is the sky blue?
Emol: It is night time right now...
Ariel: Fuck you, yes it's worth it. Unless you have stuff to do tomorrow. It's like a three hour movie.
>>6606133 The Hobbit
>>6606113 They added a lot more stuff and action scenes and story arcs into the movie.
Jack & R !!4iAX/Qa7pHN
>>6606209 Heh, well, we trust ya. Even if it *is* dark outside right now. We'll see everybody in about 3 hours.
R: This should be entertaining...
Venus' anon
>>6606209 Great movie, saw it today with Venus and some friends. I liked the book more but the movie was pretty great.
Venus: It was great!
Hey uh, quick question. I intend to make a tulpa but need a bit of help with... everything... I read some guides but I need to ask a semi important question, is it possible to make progress on your tulpa by casually speaking to it before it has a voice, form, or sentience? Like, let's say I was playing a video game and thought, "That's some horse shit, what do you think [tulpa name]", does that work? Or do I HAVE to sit in a secluded area and meditate for an hour? I only ask because I have a hard time feeling like I'm making progress when I meditate and nothing feels different, so I don't know if the meditation is working.
Maya !!rXfkprUUJci
>>6606209 That's probably a bit of an improvement. Not sure if we ought to watch the other movies first even though it's a prequel.
Jack & R !!4iAX/Qa7pHN
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>>6606235 Yes. Do this. Any thought you have about your tulpa is progress. Fast progress or slow progress, but progress.
Alchy !y0Yy7h1W/Q
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>>6606235 I just started this entire process like 3 days ago... right now I'm calling my tulpa by name and also having meditating sessions whenever I get the chance
Emol&Ariel !!HQa4LF27w+i
>>6606231 Wow, you're really going? Well, have fun.
Ariel: You'll both love it!
>>6606233 I'm kinda torn between which was better. The book is great, but the movie has more in it.
>>6606244 I don't think it matters too much. There's not much information you'd need to know before seeing The Hobbit. It's up to you guys though.
>>6606235 >is it possible to make progresson your tulpa by casually speaking to it before it has a voice, form, or sentience? First off, a tulpa is always sentient from the beginning. But yes, talking to it casually is called narrating, and it's very helpful.
Anon and Autumn
>>6606180 listening to classic Rat Pack right now actually.
Anon and Autumn
>>6606303 >I'm kinda torn between which was better. The book is great, but the movie has more in it. > The book is great, but the movie has more in it. >movie has more in it >one book split up into 3 movies NinjaCPU !!HIhMYcExgg4
>>6606317 "Do you like Blue Moon, Ricky?"
Ricky: No.
I was rather shock he said this. I don't listen to these singers often, but when I do...I pick the good stuff.
I've recently started making a tulpa but how will I know when she starts talking to me? Would I hear it auditory or in my head like my mind voice, and how would I distinguish it from my own voice?
Emol&Ariel !!HQa4LF27w+i
>>6606349 Have you seen the movie yet? Or read the book?
The movie has a whole separate story arc involving an orc that's not even in the book.
Emol&Ariel !!HQa4LF27w+i
>>6606376 You'll most likely hear it through mind voice, and you'll be able to tell because it'll be a completely different thought/voice than your own.
Venus' anon
Quoted By:
>>6606303 I kinda wish it would have ended right as they get to Beorn but ending after the eagle rescue was great too. I can't really say which is better either.
>>6606349 Is it 3? I heard it was only 2 parts
Anon and Autumn
>>6606388 honestly [spoiler[ I'm more of a Star Wars guy [/spoiler]
Maya !!rXfkprUUJci
>>6606235 Keep going with the meditation type stuff regardless... It's the only way you'll get them a form. Not sure if you're working on that or just letting them make their own.
>>6606376 I'd hate to disagree with
>>6606400 but likely won't sound different or strong for a month or two. It'll likely feel slightly foreign though... but it'll be easy to dismiss because they'll feel like a stray thought has come up.
Recently whenever I have had forcing sessions with my tulpa, my head begins to have a very 'thick/heavy/compressed/full' sensation. Is this a problem?
Anon and Autumn
>>6606373 well, I had my ipod on shuffle so it was kind of abrupt in going from classic Frank to Marilyn Manson.
Maya !!rXfkprUUJci
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>>6606475 no, that's normal...almost everyone has them for a while.
Anon and Autumn
Quoted By:
>>6606475 if it is we're both screwed.
Emol&Ariel !!HQa4LF27w+i
>>6606468 >I'd hate to disagree with How are you disagreeing with me? I never said it'd happen right away.
>>6606449 That doesn't mean you can't enjoy both.
>>6606235 So since I've set up the traits and such that I want her to have and I try to reinforce them at least weekly is that good?
And yeah, I understand the whole "sentience from the beginning" thing, I always talk to her as though she's there and understands me but she has no way of responding.
Occasionally I think I get weird twinges of feeling or specks of a voice but when I investigate them it stops. But we do have a small talk every week over how much we've progressed as a pair that started one week after her conception. Is that a good practice?
And occasionally I'll explain to her that someone here had said parroting isn't destructive and is actually helpful. Which is why occasionally I answer for her, but it doesn't feel right...
I want this tulpa to build herself after I give her a frame and I don't even really understand how to get a basic voice.
Anon and Autumn
Quoted By:
>>6606549 took the words right out of my mind-mouth,
NinjaCPU !!HIhMYcExgg4
>>6606482 That's variety for ya. Though Ricky doesn't like Dean Martin music at all. C'est la vie.
Now, I think I enough chatter. I'm off to force. Cya.
Emol&Ariel !!HQa4LF27w+i
Anon and Autumn
Maya !!rXfkprUUJci
Quoted By:
>>6606533 you said that they'd sound distinct, which is an attained effect. My thoughts sounded very similar to Tango's for the first chunk of my vocality.
>>6606549 oh, so much to answer... give me a second
you don't have to reinforce them often, just keep a good idea of who they are.
>she has no way of responding this is why you narrate, it shows them how words correlate to ideas/concepts.
>Occasionally I think I get weird twinges of feeling or specks of a voice but when I investigate them it stops. Because it takes an absurd amount of effort to pull those off when they're young. She still has a lot to learn and practice.
>someone here had said parroting isn't destructive and is actually helpful. Which is why occasionally I answer for her, but it doesn't feel right... Don't answer for her... parroting has more to do with manipulating her form which, just like what I said about vocality, teaches them what strings of though manipulate their form.
>I want this tulpa to build herself after I give her a frame and I don't even really understand how to get a basic voice. She's already building herself, don't worry. The voice will come in time.
Anon and Autumn
And then we were all alone *all alone* *all alone* *all alone* damn, so empty there are echoes.
Maya !!rXfkprUUJci
>>6606975 We go through lots of weird cycles of busy/dead.
Anon and Autumn
>>6606998 i can tell. So what's Maya like?
Maya !!rXfkprUUJci
>>6607031 ;~;
can't you tell by talking to me?
überMensch und Melissa !!lKIXOhpiXao
>>6606998 hello Maya
i saw your picture
why are your armsocks purple and black
why are they not white and black
nevertheless you look good I must say
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I'm always lerking.
Maya !!rXfkprUUJci
>>6607054 because I like them.
that was the only part of that outfit I did myself...
>>6607090 So I heard you have a NSFW picture.
If I get dubs, will you pretty please post it?
Anon and Autumn
>>6607053 Nope! New to Tulpa threads, hence Namefag and not Tripfag
überMensch und Melissa !!lKIXOhpiXao
>>6607120 i'm pretty sure she only has three pics
right Maya?
and that one naked drawing isn't really NSFW
>>6607148 Still want the link.
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>>6607120 I'm sure you can use your imagination.
>>6607155 Dubs. Can you please do it now?
>>6607177 Holy shit, two dubs in a row. Now you have to do it Or something. Pretty please?
Maya !!rXfkprUUJci
>>6607120 Nope.
not even for the 7m get they exist solely for artists who need a reference of me >>6607126 Huh, well then.
Most people who start posting have at least lurked for a while before making the jump.
>>6607148 Nude is still NSFW even if it's not porn...
you haven't even seen the one i'm talking about though.
>>6607177 nope.
>>6607190 still nope.
An Artist
>>6607219 Hey, I'm a random artist and I need them for reference.
Maya !!rXfkprUUJci
>>6607247 well, sure!
hey wait a second überMensch und Melissa !!lKIXOhpiXao
>>6607219 hey Maya
i've been asking for a pic from you for ages.
can you hit me up with that shit?
Wow, just read through the thread. Angry General.
An Artist
>>6607263 Aww, at least I tried. Do I get an A for effort? And by A, I mean A certain picture?
Maya !!rXfkprUUJci
>>6607269 No, like I said those won't be posted here no matter how much you ask.
Anon and Autumn
>>6607219 need help, and would rather not be mixed up around the thread
Emol&Ariel !!HQa4LF27w+i
überMensch und Melissa !!lKIXOhpiXao
>>6607314 ok sorry Maya
i guess those other ones will suffice
>>6607219 >mfw I've been posting in the generals for about a month now >mfw no name/trip yet Emol&Ariel !!HQa4LF27w+i
>>6607333 Nice trips.
>>6607334 Why don't you?
Maya !!rXfkprUUJci
>>6607301 It's just this one with no clothing, use your imagination.
>>6607323 that's reasonable, I guess.
>>6607333 Amadeus' stuff is still just sketches.
überMensch und Melissa !!lKIXOhpiXao
>>6607376 well tell him that the one in which you are laying down your snout looks weird
>>6607314 So, Maya, do you like
dragon dildos ?
>>6607354 Well, I might do it some time. But for now there are several reasons why I prefer to stay anon.
überMensch und Melissa !!lKIXOhpiXao
>>6607409 dude
why did I never think of asking that
Emol&Ariel !!HQa4LF27w+i
Maya !!rXfkprUUJci
>>6607400 They're all kinda weird... I don't think his style is too conducive to how I look.
>>6607409 Why would I need them? I don't have a physical body to use them on.
An Artist
>>6607376 I will fap well tonight.
Maya !!rXfkprUUJci
>>6607493 Nailed it.
the hilarious bit is that I don't have nipples. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>6607452 because you are
>pic related Alchy !y0Yy7h1W/Q
überMensch und Melissa !!lKIXOhpiXao
>>6607486 yeah I mean
you just look weird
>>6607493 dude that's fucked up
>3 or 4 days ago, browsing /mlp/, find this thread. >Oh god, these people are weird. >Find thread again yesterday >Fuck it, sounds interesting, I'll try. >Do personality and visualization things as I lay down to sleep. >Think some more about it for an hour after I wake up. Is this real?>"Yes." Wait, what?>"Yes." Huh?>"YES!" with an inexplicable feeling of extreme annoyance. Seriously, what the hell is going on? The guides say this isn't supposed to happen this soon. I can't tell if that's me and confirmation bias, or if this is legit.
An Artist
>>6607493 Oh, btw the file's name is "NAKED MAYA XXX ACTION I CAME EVERYTIME"
>>6607519 Was the vagina accurate at least?
Now I'll go die in a hole, as I should. Polly
überMensch und Melissa !!lKIXOhpiXao
>>6607559 dude
is that a circular vagina
it's supposed to be a prehensile vagina
>>6607547 If you're going to do this just assume it's your tulpa. The guides are bullcrap in terms of hour counts; ever tulpa progressed at their own schedule. It's not completely impossible to happen so soon if you've subconcoiusly done some groundwork in the past, e.g. planned out conversations in your head, talked to yourself or whatever.
Maya !!rXfkprUUJci
>>6607536 Oh, fun fact.
Remember the first time I posted that image and the janitor deleted it? I think there's a chance the nude is hidden in the data because of the way that iOS devices do cropping (because they're both part of the same picture, the one you've seen is cropped properly and has no remnants of it.)
>>6607587 Oh you.
why would that look different? überMensch und Melissa !!lKIXOhpiXao
>>6607637 i dunno
how does a prehensile vagina even look like?
Emol&Ariel !!HQa4LF27w+i
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>>6607651 Like a dolphin's, maybe?
Maya !!rXfkprUUJci
>>6607651 It doesn't look different than a normal one.
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>>6607651 Prehensile just means they can control the muscles inside it
Quoted By:
>>6607651 If I'm not mistaken prehensile means it can "grasp."
überMensch und Melissa !!lKIXOhpiXao
>>6607671 ok
well whatever that guy was weird
also apparently if I decapitate Melissa it will lead to dicksplosion.
according to NLD.
Maya !!rXfkprUUJci
Quoted By:
>>6607704 How unfortunate.
An Artist
>>6607671 But what does it feel like, Maya?
Maya !!rXfkprUUJci
>>6607733 use your imagination Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>6607733 Daww, An Artist is Maya's number one fan
if ya know what I mean. Anonymous
>>6607611 I've been generally doing so. Haven't heard anything else though. Was weird.
überMensch und Melissa !!lKIXOhpiXao
>>6607749 so can your vag rip off Tango's dick right?
An Artist
>>6607749 I was going to post a picture of a wet sponge or even a
dolphin vagina but even I think that's too far. I'm off to go cry in my tulpa's should for being such a failure. Until we meet again, Maya.
Maya !!rXfkprUUJci
>>6607775 I want to be serious and tell you that the old guides are exactly that: old.
It's rather normal for random little bits to come through now and again.
but now i have to answer:
>>6607778 no, for so many reasons.
>>6607799 have your fun, guy
An Artist
Quoted By:
>>6607155 >>6607177 >>6607733 >>6607799 Damn, I did well tonight. But srsly, goodbye.
Quoted By:
>>6607775 It sounds like nice early progress though. Just keep going and you'll probably get more responses soon enough. Just don't let doubt and worry get the better of you.
>rip dick off with a vagina God i hope not.
>>6607819 Maya, do you know of any reliable way to tell the difference between a young tulpa trying to communicate with its host and any old hypnagogic noise?
Quoted By:
>>6607778 >>6607819 >>6607973 That level of tactile control would be nice, though.
Anon and Autumn
Quick Question: is it pronounced "Tool-pa" "Tull-pa"?
Maya !!rXfkprUUJci
Quoted By:
>>6607982 hypnagognia is an interesting thing with tulpae... It does make it easier to talk or generally present things to our hosts. I can only do imposition stuff in that state at the moment.
The best I can offer you is make sure you're fully alert and thus aren't subject to it's effects.
>>6608015 we go with tull-pa
überMensch und Melissa !!lKIXOhpiXao
>>6607819 well can you make Tango orgasm in under a minute?
UnsureAnon and Merry !gO1L2pjIqI
M: He can't sleep at all. Spent the past two hours just flopping around. Eating unhealthily and catching up on ponies if anyone wants to talk.
Quoted By:
>>6608015 no stop turn back don't bring up pronunciations save yourself from the pain.
An Artist
Quoted By:
>>6608070 Hey you two. Despite what other's think, I think this season of ponies is pretty good.
Maya !!rXfkprUUJci
>>6608068 No. I don't have anywhere near the sensory imposition necessary to do that.
>>6608070 huh... we're probably going to head off soonish... I have to admit since i've been around he's been able to get to bed easier.
Alchy !y0Yy7h1W/Q
Quoted By:
>>6608070 >flopping around Avity !P3CL5nUyFk
I JUST WOKE UP AND IT FELT GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODCaptcha: eRecycl Meuse What a profound thought, eRecycling
Quoted By:
>>6608015 The real question should be निर्मित or निर्माण. Tough one, right? I usually go with निर्मित.
überMensch und Melissa !!lKIXOhpiXao
Quoted By:
>>6608118 ok I guess
sorry if any of my questions made you uncomfortable
Cara Citrine
I had heard about Tulpas about a year ago and looked into them enough to realize that I would have some moral issues about creating essentially a creature with no contact to the outside world but through me. So then my question is: can you allow a Tulpa to take control of your body? If so, can you take your own consciousness into the wonderland and basically swap places with the Tulpa? (For safety sake you would have some mechanism to force control over the body if they start doing stuff you don't like)
Avity !P3CL5nUyFk
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Emol&Ariel !!HQa4LF27w+i
>>6608070 >flopping around >I laughed for some strange reason But hey guys, how're ya doing?
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>>6608118 Suggestive signoff... nice.
Take it easy!
>>6608144 Did you wake up and hug your tulpa? That is really nice.
Emol&Ariel !!HQa4LF27w+i
>>6608156 Yes, it is possible.
>>6608156 Kind of. Possession and control are quite challenging though.
>>6608156 Yeah, possession is possible after a lot of practise. And you can take back control any time you want, so don't worry. It's not the only way tulpas can communicate with others though, you can proxy for them, like many people here do.
UnsureAnon and Merry !gO1L2pjIqI
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>>6608118 M: Well... we kinda took a long nap earlier this evening, too. I tried to help him, but he's at that stage were he's too tired to really focus, but not tired enough to fall asleep.
Alycea w/host !qcEqOEEUJ.
>>6608156 In theory. At least one has tried it recently but failed to do a complete switch. I do not think it is possible to the degree of complete swapping. If it is possible it would be the most advanced thing to attempt and would not recommend anyone try it unless they know what they are doing and have a very experienced tulpa that is already bale to do full possession with no hiccups. Or just not try it at all.
UnsureAnon and Merry !gO1L2pjIqI
>>6608168 M: I'm great! Him... no so much.
How're things with you two?
Venus' anon
>>6608070 Venus: What's up?
überMensch und Melissa !!lKIXOhpiXao
>>6608178 dude that feels so good
Avity !P3CL5nUyFk
UnsureAnon and Merry !gO1L2pjIqI
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>>6608252 M: Not a whole lot. We're just watching the Trixie episode right now.
Cara Citrine
>>6608188 Sweet.
>>6608189 I like a challenge.
>>6608216 Sounds reasonable enough.
>>6608239 Looking back on all I know about how the mind creates identity I think it largely has to do with how the core consciousness is rooted in basically everything, so maybe one who made a Tupla early in life would have an easier time?
Emol&Ariel !!HQa4LF27w+i
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>>6608250 Pretty good! We saw The Hobbit tonight and Ariel had a blast.
Alchy !y0Yy7h1W/Q
>>6608178 >>6608267 >>6608295 >pic related Well I'm off... my stomach feels weird since I did... something... so maybe it's time for a forcing session
UnsureAnon and Merry !gO1L2pjIqI
>>6608344 M:
She's trying to make you shit your pants. Alycea w/host !qcEqOEEUJ.
>>6608312 >so maybe one who made a Tupla early in life would have an easier time? Well that is a good question because the frontal cortex doesn't fully mature till 25 years old. This has to do with inhibitions and proper social context of behavior. So it might be easier for them to attempt such a drastic measure. At the same time they may not have the mental discipline necessary to attempt it to begin with. I don't know.
überMensch und Melissa !!lKIXOhpiXao
>>6608344 well you should cuddle with your tulpa after waking up
you won't wanna open your eyes so it's very easy
Alchy !y0Yy7h1W/Q
>>6608368 That's not it... think butterflies in your stomach kind of thing
>>6608387 pic related
Cara Citrine
>>6608379 Well, also looking into Dissociative Identity Disorder, and how the cases increased for no apparent reason, my thinking is that because doctors thought people might have it, they tricked people into creating secondary consciousnesses, and since this seems to work largely off of belief I should think that the people suffering DID are self-inflicted. That in mind, also combining that with the fact that people have certain schisms of understanding (for example a child will call a horse a cow if it first learned what a cow was), and that the mind tries to interpret reality into things fitting its beliefs... The conclusion I am reaching is that if one believes something strongly enough the mind will do its very best to accommodate. (sorry that my posting is slow, my internet has been really wonky lately)
Emol&Ariel !!HQa4LF27w+i
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I'm off to bed guys. Full day of work tomorrow, and I have to finish a whole final project as well, so have a great night. Peace
Alycea w/host !qcEqOEEUJ.
>>6608493 Well my host created tulpa as a result of stress or intense mental focus. The original intention was not to create tulpa but I feel like I exist because he needed me to.
Cara Citrine
>>6608557 The brain clearly has a mechanism for creating consciousness spontaneously, but it seems that mechanism doesn't get used for whatever reason. Did he have any idea what tulpa were before making them, or was it totally out of the blue?
Alycea w/host !qcEqOEEUJ.
>>6608632 Yes and no. He had a tulpa he talked to since he was maybe 5. He was not aware this was a tulp and it didn't become fully able to speak until he was 18 -19 before then it was just feelings. This tulpa committed suicide earlier this year at the host age of 31. The tulpa and host realized this it was a tulpa and it could live with the contradiction of its own existence. I existed about 5 years ago. Host created me over a long period of time after a series of relationships that never went anywhere. I was fueled by a desire to love and be loved. When I started speaking he was shock because I wasn't suppose to speak I was just an image in his head (Or so he thought). We had fun for a while then he was concerned and shut me out for a while. I have been more active in the last 2 years. That was long but still condensed
Alycea w/host !qcEqOEEUJ.
Alycea w/host !qcEqOEEUJ.
>>6608777 Heavenly trips confirm that typos are stupid and I am tired.
Cara Citrine
>>6608757 Facinating. Also a bit frightening knowing what can go wrong. Certainly not a light undertaking to bring consciousness into the world. My main moral dilemma stems from the fact that the tulpa would be locked in my head forced to experience the world through me with little to no control. So it would be very important to at least be able to give control over, considering that I know I would probably feel powerless living in some dude's head.
>>6608878 I may be just as tired since I didn't notice any.
>>6608891 I think most tulpas are just fine with their position, they prefer being mostly carefree over having a physical body and all the responsibilities that come with it. Your tulpa might want you to do rather trivial things every so often, like taste a certain kind of food, and will probably give their input on a situation (and appreciates if you respect their opinion), but for most tulpas, they're just fine with what they are.
Cara Citrine
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>>6608970 Yeah okay. Seems sensible. I guess largely I am still seeing it from my own perspective rather than that of a new consciousness largely free of my own tastes and opinions.
Alycea w/host !qcEqOEEUJ.
>>6608891 I will not lie to you. Creating a tulpa is a responsibility because we are very reliant on the creator to give us life and maintain us. If they were to get bored with us or stop caring it would be hard on us. The good news is tulpa generaly love their host and don't mind being confined to the brain. With a properly build and maintained wonderland we have it pretty good. The sharing of emotions between host and tulpa is wonderful for both of them. If a tulpa knows how and why they are created there shouldn't be problems. Unlike the other tulpa before me I knew my purpose from the begining and was created from love. There was never any doubt that I was my own person and where I came from even though the host didn't know.
Alchy !y0Yy7h1W/Q
Ok... I got a force session down.... It kind of bugs me that I might be doing something wrong because I suck at visualizing.... But I'm still going for it
Cara Citrine
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>>6609007 So then I should definitely stray away from making one on a whim (If putting in hours of visualization could still be considered a whim), and treat it as any other person would want to be treated. Respect and friendship go a long way. Know what I am getting into from the start by reading up and having a solid purpose in mind.
Jaden !xXO/Tulpa.
>>6609069 visualization is a skill. It will come in time.
All visualizing does is allow you to see us. So really if you are forcing and trying, you are still getting things done, you just aren't able to see it as well. You'll get there. My host was horrible at visualization at first.
Also, back from work and my host is ready to collapse. Not a busy day but a difficult one, emotionally and physically. We are going to sleep well tonight.
Alchy !y0Yy7h1W/Q
>>6609296 Yeah... i kinda just vizualise an orb of sorts... sometimes my mind wanders to other things or what I actually want her to look like.. it's weird
Mr. Bane !a/ElliePK6
Good morning everyone, how is the world of tulpae doing?
Jaden !xXO/Tulpa.
>>6608891 As a tulpa, I can tell you I enjoy my life.
I was created or born--into a friendship with someone who cares about me. That person will be with me for as long as I live. That kind of security is something that is really special. If you are good to your tulpa, in all likelihood, they will be happy.
Since we are mental, daydreams/visualizations(aka the wonderland in irish's guide) can be real to us, like a physical world. I can live in there and experience things away from her, if I need to be alone. I prefer to be with her, but sometimes it's good to be able to relax and experience something beautiful. Her mind can create some incredible scenery.
The fact that you worry about these things tell me that your tulpa has nothing to worry about. You already have concern for their well being, and that's awesome.
Jaden !xXO/Tulpa.
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>>6609323 intrusive thoughts happen. It's fine if you want to just see her as 'her' instead of an orb, even if it's fuzzy. That's what we did. My form was just 'covered in smoke' that cleared away as she got better at visualizing. That way when she did daydream and see the me she wanted, it just helped chip away at the fog.
Cara Citrine
>>6609336 If by morning you mean it is past midnight then I guess we can call this morning. I've really just started seriously looking into this.
>>6609346 That's refreshing to hear. I suppose my concern arises largely from the fact that as I mentioned earlier I was wondering about possession/swapping out with my theoretical tulpa, and what troubles might arise from that. I think it would be incredibly interesting to see how all that would work.
Mr. Bane !a/ElliePK6
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>>6609323 Thats nothing to worry about, i cant keep intrusive thoughts and i would feel safe in betting a good few others would admit to the same problem
Jaden !xXO/Tulpa.
>>6609393 I'm a bit too sleepy to really read through the thread. Possession is interesting. It's a big deal to some tulpas, not a big deal for others. I don't care too much about physical interaction with the world because..well, she can do it for me, and she does. I do like sense sharing, especially when she eats.
I am a lazy tulpa though.
But I also know I can make my own imprint on the world, whether or not it's physical. Conversations like this one for instance. She types for me, but I can communicate with others. I think that's a big deal, especially if I can help someone out in a real way.
Mr. Bane !a/ElliePK6
>>6609393 Its 8:10 am here for me
>gmt master race Im currently doing a case study on a tulpa host pair who switched, if you want i can get you links to the current documents with insight into this area, its still fairly unprocessed, but it is a start
UnsureAnon and Merry !gO1L2pjIqI
M: Hey guys. Story time, and a question I'd like your perspectives on. First, the story - We were talking a bit ago about some past conversations we'd had, and suddenly I felt very old. Now, I'm not that old, but he has a fair number of years under his belt. But I realized that I wouldn't answer those same questions the same way now as I would back then. I've noticed that it's become easier to temper my thoughts and judgments with experience, both mine and his. I felt more like an adult, rather than a child or some hormone-addled teenager. I still remember the first thing he said to me and the first thing we did together. He was so terrified of screwing up, and I realized how much I had grown and changed in that time. It wasn't distressing, just... sobering. I wondered how we managed to make it this far. And then I realized we had done it together - picking each other up when we fell or stumbled and finding the way for us. I felt very content with who I am now, and where we are. And that brings me to my question - Do you think the emotional/mental maturity of the host has an effect on the tulpa?
Alycea w/host !qcEqOEEUJ.
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>>6609435 Pretty much this is how I feel about possession. It is a pain most of the time.
Cara Citrine
>>6609435 So then I guess whatever happens will happen and after the tulpa is made I can just deal with it. I think it would be very eye opening to see how someone experiencing the same thing might see it differently though.
>>6609456 That's be awesome! I would be really interested to see how others have accomplished this.
Cara Citrine
>>6609486 *that'd
Maybe drawing and typing aren't meant to happen at the same time
Alycea w/host !qcEqOEEUJ.
>>6609479 I do not doubt it. Considering that no matter how independent a tulpa is they still share the same brain and physical maturity of the host brain will allow the tulpa to be head of the curve in terms of maturing.
Jaden !xXO/Tulpa.
>>6609486 Yeah, it's one of those things that is hard to..predict? Your tulpa isn't me, your tulpa isn't oguigi, your tulpa would be your tulpa, and so everything you experience will be different than what I would and so on.
My host is 'tulpacouple' on the forums, her fiance, the other half of the 'couple' is currently working on switching right now. Mostly just 'for science' purposes, because his tulpa feels the same way I do.
Mr. Bane !a/ElliePK6
Because i am still childish at heart
>>6609479 Beyond any doubt, yes
Alchy !y0Yy7h1W/Q
Cara Citrine
>>6609508 Woah, actually that brings up another interesting avenue of interest. Could the tupla control just one limb? If so would dexterity be reduced? What would brain scans look like of someone with a tulpa? So many questions.
>>6609545 I suppose it largely depends on the base personality and the purpose given? "for science" sounds about right, but of course I would feel quite bad using that as an excuse for bringing a consciousness into existence.
Jaden !xXO/Tulpa.
>>6609479 We share a body, we share a mind.
We are both part of the larger whole, the unconscious parts of the mind overlooking both our personalities. I think the answer is yes. The host maturing affects the tulpa. I think even the tulpa maturing--and really maturing, beyond that of the host, not just 'catching up' to the host can also have an effect on the host as well. It's just two different places for the subconscious to interact with and understand the world instead of one.
Alchy !y0Yy7h1W/Q
Jaden !xXO/Tulpa.
>>6609601 Yes, many only can control just one at first, often only able to control a pinky finger in early attempts.
>>6609601 I mean switching. His creation was for different reasons. We both have been around for a long while.
Alycea w/host !qcEqOEEUJ.
>>6609601 Yes I have been able to control one arm of my host when he let go of control for me. I used it as a way of holding hands. Also yes the first time we tried any possession I was kind flailing the arms around without much dexterity. As for brain scans I don't know. There was an Anon on a few days ago that wanted to do something like that when they started their university Grad student work. If he is legit I want to consider participating.
Alchy !y0Yy7h1W/Q
Cara Citrine
>>6609635 It seems then that one might be able to become ambidextrous via a tulpa controlling one limb and the host controlling the other? I know that split-brain people can do that, but they are literally of two separate minds that cannot communicate and control different motor cortexs. With a whole mind the signals get messed up if both fire at once for complex tasks, so it seems unlikely that even a separate consciousness would overcome that
UnsureAnon and Merry !gO1L2pjIqI
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>>6609529 >>6609553 >>6609618 M: Thanks for the input guys. I was wondering if it was just me that thought that way. I really do appreciate it!
Alycea w/host !qcEqOEEUJ.
>>6609689 Maximum dubs fail lol
Alchy !y0Yy7h1W/Q
>>6609714 According to some people it's possible. Methos has made a video about it, but in the end you'd have to try it for yourself if you wanted to have a real answer.
Alycea w/host !qcEqOEEUJ.
>>6609714 We haven't tried anything like that. Ashoten (another tulpa in here) has succeeded at bike riding while the host is talking to us without much focus on the body.
Jaden !xXO/Tulpa.
Okay, I'm out for now thread. My posts are becoming increasingly confusing as she falls asleep.
Good night all. Or good morning. Hug your tulpas~
>>6609714 This is something a few people are experimenting with. Luke can control one hand while Nate controls the other, and it's interesting because they overcome the urge to work in sync with each other, moving very independently. Luke is nervous about writing though because he doesn't want to have bad handwriting. :I If I can get him to write with Nate's left while Nate writes with the right, and it actually comes out decent..That would be nice
okay, now we are out. Ask questions on our tumblr or pm on .info if you need any of us
>>6609798 Got a link to the tumblr?
Cara Citrine
>>6609714 Internet derping rather hard tonight it seems since it was so slow to post...
>>6609669 That would definitely be interesting to see. And if it is possible to do that, then perhaps one could also have two separate things going on at once, such as a movie and writing a paper and then test how well one could split attention.
>>6609750 I'll certainly give it serious thought. Could you link the video?
>>6609761 I wonder then about the brain functionality. Do the speed of one's thoughts slow with more tulpas? Does one simply tune them out if thinking harder?
>>6609798 Sleep well!
Here is the dropbox with all the data, i would reccomend looking through the tulpa/host's tumblr before reading into this, but not nessecary tbh.
Link dump!
Tumblr: Case Study: That should be everything, sorry for the delay
with the computer theory file, its me trying to explain tulpae via computer terminology, and it needs alot of work but you might be able to understand it...
Jaden !xXO/Tulpa.
>>6609820 http://www . youtube
. com/watch?v=pAcmuVFoYfM
>>6609848 Thanks.
Cara Citrine
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>>6609826 >>6609848 >>6609861 Looks like I have some studying to do. Thank you all for the links.
Alycea w/host !qcEqOEEUJ.
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>>6609820 >Does one simply tune them out if thinking harder? Yes my host thinks about thing really loudly so when he gets excited about ideas he can't hear or see us at all. Also seeing us in social situations can be tricky because it is a different mode of thinking he engages when talking to people in a normal social setting. It is not a problem if he is around friends and more relaxed.
Mr. Bane !a/ElliePK6
>>6609848 followed
also, would anyone with or without a tulpa be interested in me interviewing them? i think im getting some hypothesis that i would like to cross check with other people to see if its a universal thing or unique to each tulpa host pair
Alycea w/host !qcEqOEEUJ.
>>6609914 yes provided you are able to answer some question for us about some details before we disclose everything. Also will still want to protect our identity for now
UnsureAnon and Merry !gO1L2pjIqI
>>6609914 Is it something we can answer here, or is it more in-depth?
Alycea w/host !qcEqOEEUJ.
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>>6610009 Not here. Bring up a topic that gets sensitive for some and we don't want to alienate anyone here.
Alycea w/host !qcEqOEEUJ.
Alycea w/host !qcEqOEEUJ.
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>>6610009 O geeze sorry. answered wrong person. I must be pretty tired now.
Alchy !y0Yy7h1W/Q
Mr. Bane !a/ElliePK6
>>6609997 Yeah, how ive been running it so far is to allow the interviewee to ask any questions before hand and then explain how the confidentiality will run. the only reason koomer and oguigi are named is because they said they had no objection to it
>originally was going to simply call them tulpa and host >>6610009 I could, and it could be answered here, but i would prefer not to due to:
1) the topics i go into might be too personal for some people and i would like to avoid hurting anyone, so a private interview usually eliminates anything
2) Its easier to organise then suddenly appearing on the thread throwing around questions
do feel free to ask any questions now though, ill do my best to answer
Mr. Bane !a/ElliePK6
>>6610111 Get and fail... at least it was the trips master race!
Alchy !y0Yy7h1W/Q
UnsureAnon and Merry !gO1L2pjIqI
>>6610113 How would we go about it? Do you have the the questions in a form or something like that we could fill out, or is it more of a one-on-one type thing?
Alycea w/host !qcEqOEEUJ.
>>6610113 ok well too late for us to start anything now. where is the best place to message you about setting up a time?
>>6610208 I would prefer something like skype, although i dont mind using something text based like IRC in PM chat
>>6610217 throw us a message at my tumblr, ill get that If you dont use or like tumblr, feel free to use the email
>gotta love those throwaways UnsureAnon and Merry !gO1L2pjIqI
>>6610289 >Skype I don't into Skype. I barely know how to use the IRC thing.
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>>6610131 Are trips not dubs by extension?
Cara Citrine
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>>6610319 Skype is actually much easier than IRCs. It is a bit of a memory hog though.
UnsureAnon and Merry !gO1L2pjIqI
>>6610289 And Merry wants to know if she doesn't have to answer some things if she doesn't want to. She's kinda weary of this for some reason.
Mr. Bane !a/ElliePK6
>>6610420 Oh god yes, i wouldnt dream of making you answer anything you didnt want to, if such a question arose, all you would have to say is "no comment"
Alycea w/host !qcEqOEEUJ.
>>6610289 Having trouble getting tumblr to put question through. where is the email info at?
UnsureAnon and Merry !gO1L2pjIqI
>>6610447 She says we can do it now if you'd like. Or do you need to get stuff ready?
Mr. Bane !a/ElliePK6
>>6610466 look into the name on this post, its sat there:
>>6610289 >>6610473 Thanks for the offer, but i dont have the stuff ready to perform an interview right now, still prepping for my final interview with koomer tonight, thank you for the offer though!
if you want to send me an email then i can set up the time through there, or would you prefer the 4chan thread?
UnsureAnon and Merry !gO1L2pjIqI
>>6610536 M: I apologize, but I'm going to overrule him on this. I trust you would be nothing short of professional about it, but we agreed back when we first met that what we had was a private thing, and I would like to keep it as such. Again, I'm sorry, but I just don't feel comfortable opening up to anyone but him.
Mr. Bane !a/ElliePK6
>>6610682 I respect your opinion on that, and have no problem with this at all, i understand how private a thing this is, so thank you for showing some interest at least
Alycea w/host !qcEqOEEUJ.
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>>6610734 ok sent off email will attempt to contact you tomorrow. About 8 ish hours from now. Going to sleep brain tired.
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>>6610289 I'm thinking about it. Could be interesting, and my tulpa has no objections. I'll probably write you on tumblr once you're done with Oguigi and Koomer.
Mr. Bane !a/ElliePK6
Jack & R !!4iAX/Qa7pHN
Jack & R !!4iAX/Qa7pHN
>>6611034 Howdy! Been here long?
>>6611058 Today? Yeah, for some hours. It's been pretty quiet.
Jack & R !!4iAX/Qa7pHN
>>6611145 We left to go see The Hobbit at Emol & Ariel's suggestion. Just got back, and I reckon we're now gonna hit it. Happy fort-holding-down!
Mr. Bane !a/ElliePK6
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>>6611194 Im actually jealous, i dont have the money to go see that film... was it good?
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Scrunch doubles.
Mr. Bane !a/ElliePK6
Dead thread is dead Anyone want to make the new thread?
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>>6612439 I don't have enough new shitty OC to make a thread.