What being a woman is like: Imagine a life where you have never been great at anything, never felt the urge to be great at anything, never felt that magnetic admiration to someone who was great at something, wanted to imitate and then ultimately defeat. Just nothing. Literally all you do in life is exist. Occupy space, pass the time. You're a woman.
You're bored, as usual, tweeting about your fucking hair and not even feeling any kind of happiness from it, just soothing your constant need to be bitter and cunty and petty toward other women. Every single thing you've done in the past year was mundane, shallow, and boring. You spent the last six hours reading kinda-interesting Reddit stories about people who made interesting Halloween hats for thier kids or some stupid bullshit that you think is interesting and you may say is interesting but you're not really sure if it's really interesting. You're just fucking sitting there, gestating, fermenting, with a moist hole between your legs that guarantees you'll at least never have to get up and move around and work to support yourself.
And then you see men, over in some corner, having fun. You've never seen this before. What are they even doing? Instead of their consciousnesses merely sitting in their thick skull and revolving around itself much like yours, they are pouring thier conscious energy and intentionality into external objects, crafts, goals, or projects.
And your gaze then turns back on itself, yourself, and you realize you've never had that. You can never have it. You're just a stupid cunt.
So naturally, you get up, walk over there, and fucking ruin everything. Just ruin the whole fucking thing. The five seconds of attention you get will be worth the destruction. Because you are a woman.