>>788760>moot fucked with /pol/ AFTER gamergate, dumbassThis is the first reason I can tell you're a newfag. Moot fucked with /pol/ at least four times a year since its inception. The fact you only saw it once when he invited tumblr for the ride doesn't mean that's the only time it occurred you fucking shit.
>Containtment doesn't contain at allBut it does, provably. Before /mlp/ ponyfags were running riot, they were an unstoppable menace, so a global ban on ponies was attempted. Didn't work. Everyone went full Barneyfag against them, but it still didn't work, so /mlp/ was made. You have the occasional incidents, certainly, but it's a non-issue compared to how it was. The same is true of /pol/. /new/ came and it built its base, and after its deletion it was all-out war. /pol/ served as the ceasefire, and everytime Moot's decided to fuck with /pol/ it's always been some other board (mostly /tv/) who gets fucked over by it. If you leave them alone they'll wander, certainly, but compared to how it is otherwise they're basically a non-issue too.
>a politics board doesn't belong ona hobby websiteThis isn't a hobby website though anon, it's an anime website that spiralled out of control. If you want to use that argument to justify your dumb shit then you should also be campaigning for the deletion of almost every board after /a/.