>>793988Because of the anonymous nature of 4chan, you can post whatever you want and even if you get a bad reaction, it won't change anything in your life. You can just go to another thread or stay in the same thread if the board doesn't have IDs or flags, and you'll still be anonymous and no one will ever know you looked like a moron in the last thread. That's the crucial difference.
Another difference is that the voting system determines how comments are sorted. Upvoted comments will be at the top, so it incentivizes people to make dull, "approved" comments that you know will get upvotes and le ebin karma, and downvoted comments will be hidden from view. There is no such incentive or system on 4chan. Also people need to actually come up with a retort, they can't just mindlessly click the arrow on their screen, they have to think up a response to your stupid posts.
And not wanting downvotes prevents some comments from "existing in the first place" on rebbit too, except in the case of rebbit your post will be hidden or deleted, or you will be banned if you do end up posting. On 4chan, you'll get called a faggot, the only thing stopping you from writing that post is that you don't want to be called a faggot, that's on you.