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'06 Anon here. /a/ was my home for a long time, but with the fall of anime into moetrash around 2011 or so an /a/ becoming
/a/ - anime idols
, plus mods killing off a lot of the old board culture there, I just left. Now I hang out mostly on /biz/ and other chans, like the land of Lain and HIFFWE.
It's sad to see it all go, but the Billy Herrington threads brought back a little hope. I think the user base just changed too much. We went from cat memes and shoe on head set to chiptunes, to a site filled with kids with me-me-me-me-me ITS ALL ABOUT ME! social media brains and a need to self gratify by screaming about DEM JEWS AND NIGGERS in every thread. A lot could be done, but with Hiro totally absent, unlike moot and Snacks, who were active members of the community, the site is just kind of falling to shit.