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Planned network provider replacement will occur with downtime the entire day of 2/16 or 2/17.
[92 / 0 / 43]

No.2062549 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>[02:31:32] <chappy> hiro fucking fix your shit
>[02:31:38] <chappy> 4chan has been periodically broken for the past 2 months
>[02:31:52] <&hiro> 4chan went over bandwidth limit and I had to disable images
>[02:31:59] <&hiro> I'm sorry
>[02:32:09] <&hiro> It will be back next month

Now that we know that image posting was disabled because 4chan got throttled for going over its bandwidth limit, ITT we try to figure out ways to fund 4chan so that Hiro doesn't have to shut this place down.

My ideas:
¤ Make posting images or creating threads pass exclusive (most of the traffic is image related)
¤ Make posting in general pass exclusive for five days a week, keep free weekends (passes bring in a lot of money compared to ads)