>>2109695That's it, I'm done with this board.
The community here is cancer. Everything is being swallowed by copypastas. The comments section of every post is slowly degrading into a shitfesty circlejerk. Even this is going to end up as a copypasta, I guarantee it.
I'm an [s4s] regular, and it's supposed to be a pisstake of the reddit circlejerk. this isn't a board for serious discussion. It's a board for shitposting
all you nerds do is circlejerk over namefags and anime, add e to the end of words, and steal content from ylilauta int
OC, which this board is IRONICALLY devoid of. [s4s] claims to love memes and creativity; it actually hates it unabashedly. This is a board dedicated to autistic, unfunny roleplaying and hating original content by mocking those who were creative enough to have their content unintentionally go viral. If you point this out to them, they scream HURR 4CHAN IS FOR LE WEEBS ONLY and then they continue to roleplay and circlejerk each other--at least what's left of them. And they know it's true--I used to post here regularly; it wasn't *always* this way, but that's what [s4s] is now.
ITT this board: namefigs circlejerk each other while [s4s] burns.