Why is the /a/ mod such a belligerent and obstinate fucktard? Like, you literally can't reason with or even talk to the current /a/ mod. If you attempt to talk to them and tell them how they are doing something wrong, they won't hesitate for a second to ban you from the irc channel. And this might not be so much of an issue if the mod wasn't propagating and protecting shitposters who openly say they are trying to ruin threads and boards.
The following posts are just one example.
>>>/a/176636460 >>>/a/176636388 >>>/a/176636341 >>>/a/176638115>>>/a/176635028 >>>/a/176634883 >>>/a/176637685 >>>/a/176638366This person is a well known ban evader, and someone is blatantly trying to attack and harass people.
You can go to the thread and point out how the OP is trying to "troll" and is ban evading, and literally the only thing that will happen is you get yourself banned for evasion. Go to the irc channel and tell the mod he's ban evading, get yourself banned from there.
It's out right impossible to make the /a/ mod actually act fairly, and I don't understand what would make him act like this.
Wouldn't it be much less work to ban the person who's openly trying to ruin threads and attack people. Rather than banning everyone who tells him to stop.