>What's a Winter Ball?It's a minor 4chan event where each board spits out content for their own board's avatar of sorts, and where we have some cross-board shenanigans.
>What's going to happen this year?Big meet-up in
plug.dj / cytube style room where we chill and listen to music. There's some talk of getting a dj to do a live set for the event, no promises though.
Also, you'll generally see drawfags come out of the woodworks to make OC and ficfags spitting out smut faster than RWBY's general ever could.
>Who's /g/ going out with?/r9k/. Take as you will and figure out your own reasoning or justification for it, I won't waste time doing it here.
>Who'd we go with last year?/lgbt/.
>Why don't I see threads about this on /g/ or /r9k/ when I'm on?Mods are rather zealous on /g/ and there's a mutual apathy towards this whole thing on both boards. I still believe there should be a place for the fags who are interested in this to talk.
>Where can I find out more?>>293950