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Additional planned maintenance will occur with downtime the entire day of 3/15.
Friendly reminder that spinoffers are the cancer that is destroying /qa/. Long before they came here, this was a wonderful board. It was all sunshine, rainbows, flowers, birds chirping and users holding hands. As soon as they found out a a community managed to create a self sufficient, self moderating board with extreme quality in terms of thoughtful, interesting and fun posts, they decided it was time to leech off the board like parasites. Unlike previous users who were easily repelled since they came individually, spinoffers came in flocks. With them they brought all of the cancer: avatarfagging, logical fallacies, attentionwhoring, circlejerking, tripfagging, copypastas, outsider jargon, thread derailing, spam, low quality threads and replies, lack of creativity, overused content and, perhaps more importantly, their obnoxious, childish, insufferable and cancerous mentality. They openly make threads saying this is a 2D/Random board, they want to force users to assimilate to their culture even though they are the Invaders, they believe this place should be their colony board on 4chan, even though they have so many spinoffs already, they will openly say they don't care about rules and will evade any attempts at reasonable discussion. Whatever they say about /pol/ or anything else leaking, forcing board culture on others, being assholes in general etc applies to themselves. To this post, they will either ignore it, spam it, shitpost it, or purposefully post fallacies. /qa/ was a slow, comfy board, full of quality, made real by anonymous users who kept true to the imageboard quality spirit after all these years, but like any good imageboard there's always a bunch of retards who find about the sekrit club and ruin it. Exponentially, the good users like me just leave, going back to watching anime and playing with VR, leaving the little, angry autistic kids to their own company. You will reap what you sow.