>>1634022I used to occasionally post on dudchan before it was bought out by Jim Watkins and everything went to shit, so I'm probably more familiar with their community tjan most others here, and I remember talking to someone on an imageboard that I will not name (I don't want it flooded by retards) who seemed to be knowledgeable about this.
If you were around during the initial flooding of spam & /pol/shit frogs that began around February and went on for a while on this board, and remember that "8gag" group that was raiding us, you'll recall that this "fugthelug" person @road2serfdumb was ALLEGEDLY one of the people behind it, if 'it' existed at all and wasn't just one guy intentionally trying to get attention. Apparently it's a group, or at least more than 1 individual, and they used to organize somewhere called NAP Violating Lewd Voyeurism along with some guys from the milliondollarextreme/NRx/kantbot2k/"frog" part of twitter. Basically /pol/tards and fascist-leaning ex goons, misc. forum/blog users. So Fugthelug was big on writing posts or blogs or something on how to moderate imageboards, so they (a confirmed she, apparently, although I can't back this up) teamed up with some other people within their micro-community that existed mainly in small offshoot imageboards like endchan,
8ch.pl, 32ch possibly, judging from the fact that nanotech knows them, etc. to do something(?). Somebody or some group from outside, whom they were trying to prevent knowing about this, found out about this Something, so they internally within their moderation chose /qa/ as a board to fake-raid as a vessel for spreading disinfo and revisionist history, I.e. so that the first thing that'd appear in the google search results was this fake info. I can only guess about any of the specifics.
I can't confirm any of this، so treat it as speculative, but I'm pretty confident that it's the best posthumous explanation we're ever gonna get for that whole mess. Take it with a grain of salt.