>>1821436> Why maids? I'm not complaining, but do you draw anything else?I did do this /qa/-tan (
>>1819339 ) yesterday, so it's not that I can't draw anything else, although I still know I am rusty, rough, and my skills aren't booru-acceptable yet. But since I really like these OC-threads and wanted to contribute to them (despite my lack of OC creation on other boards), I opted to try to think up something related to /qa/, if only tangentially, so I can keep the thread going without it just being me drawing whatever.
As to why I picked maids for this:
1. People who are passionate about certain meta topics on their boards are sometimes mocked as being wannabe Janitors. Anthropomorphizing /qa/ anons (Or at least my idea of them) as maids is a way of calling users wannabe-janitors in nice, rather cute way. Nicer at least than stuff like Brainlet Wojak, Amerimutt, etc.
2. While I stopped by /qa/ from time to time before (Enough to see some ponies and drawthread-threads), I only really became a regular about a month or two back, when the /jp/-spinoff spam was strong. So with the state of the board, maids seemed appropriate.
Also the maids are blue because they're worksafe, since I don't draw porn.
I used to have more work to show off, but some stuff happened and I lost it all, and I only started drawing regularly again around three weeks ago. I should be getting a tablet soon. I've been doing all my drawings on phone thus far, so it may mark me branching out a bit more. With all that said: the maids are fun.