>>834829It's always nice to see representatives of quality on 4chan resort to shitposting when their stupidity is noted. Let's be brutally honest for a moment.
All of you fighting spam and shitposting just do it because you literally use 4chan for absolutely nothing else but to combat problems both perceived and imagined here on /qa/. You would have no fucking idea what you'd do with yourselves if any of the rules or changes or people you'd wanted to see implemented or banned were put into effect.
If you put more effort into investing into the community instead of complaining about people who don't invest into the community with anymore more than shitposting, you might find that it gets easier and easier to ignore shitposters and their ilk, and that the community and contributing to it beyond playing lawyer all God damn day matters more than your petty little offenses that you see.
/qa/'s starting to become a depressing haven of people who don't do anything more than take this whole fucking site a little too seriously, and that wouldn't be a problem were it not for the fact that they're enormous hypocrites to begin with.
I'm not saying that spamming is "fun" or "good" and neither is shitposting, but there comes a time when it's obvious that there are people who come here, and solely here, to wage some stupid war on shitposters and who do nothing but bitch and gripe all day instead of just bothering to invest in their interests here on 4chan. Then again with enough examination you start to see that maybe that's all these people have on 4chan now, bossing everyone around and shaming everyone who disagrees with them by calling them Reddit or some other form of outsiders.
If the shitposters didn't exist, these people would be here finding or even making up more problems from nothing because that's all they have now, they can't enjoy 4chan with everyone else anymore.
Nice shitpost by the way, that totally deters me from my original point. Cunt.