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Marxist threads being constantly deleted on /pol/

No.862061 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm going to start off by saying that I'm not a marxist, leninist or leftist in case accusations of "shill" or "lefty/pol" get tossed around in here. I'm right wing, but have always thought that /pol/ should be a place with a free exchange of ideals.
Recently (just now) the marxist generals have been deleted without warning one after another. By the time one is seen in the catalog and I go on there to shitpost it's already gone. I know it's not because of the fact that the thread is a general. Brit/pol/ /sg/ Trumpgeneral, marine lepen general, etc. have been popping up but only the marxist/leninist generals are being deleted.
This shouldn't happen, /pol/ is already all too often falsely accused of being a circlejerk for the right wing. There's no reason for those threads to be deleted but other generals to be left up.
Yeah they're a magnet for shitposters, just like every other fucking thread. They're largely harmless, and old/pol/ back when the board was first added, and even back on /new/ had communist threads often, it's not breaking any rules so what's the deal?