>>61783573>>61783742that's not how it works you simpleton
the entire point of 'it's okay to open up' means that it's okay for you to share your insecurities or problems, it's not okay to make it a personality trait
and this goes both ways, most guys, you faggots included if you ever find a girl that is, will be fine with their woman crying about something stupid a few times or maybe every now and then, say being insecure about her small tits or the way her pussy looks or whatever stupid shit you want, it doesn't matter here, and most guys will be more than okay and happy to help her through that and make her understand that they're here for that
if she makes it a personality trait and constantly fucking whines about it and starts crying about it the second you're not there reassuring her of the opposite, then that becomes a clear annoyance, or a redflag even
you faggots don't even realize that those things aren't fucking binaries, I know you enjoy being called robots, but you're not literal robots you dumb fucks
they don't function in a vaccum, they're not either set to 0 or to 100%
>b-but I'm insecure about my height or the size of my cock uwuif she's with you then it doesn't fucking matter you stupid nigger, stop making a big deal about it