>>68027762https://www.gov.uk/universal-credit/what-youll-get>Single and 25 or over 324.84>If you have limited capability for work and work-related activity 343.63LHA is Local Housing Allowance, the amount depends on the area of the country you live in
Receiving PIP/LCWRA entitles them to 1 bedroom rate instead of shared room rate
Lowest 1 bedroom rate is 324.98 in Durham, Scunthorpe, up to the max of 1283.97 in areas of London
https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/local-housing-allowance-lha-rates-applicable-from-april-2020-to-march-2021Common PIP entitlement is Higher care/Lower mobility ->
89.60 + 23.70 weekly = 113.30 per week, it is paid 4 weekly so 453.20, 13 times per year
In total the absolute minimum a person with PIP/LCWRA will receive is 993.45 monthly from UC and 453.20 4 weekly from PIP, in total in a year this is 17813
The maximum, is 1952.44 monthly from UC + 453.20 4 weekly from PIP, totaling to 29320.88
Remember the benefit cap does not apply to persons with LCWRA or PIP
Also note that someone living in areas of London could simply not pay their rent, the eviction process could take several months, and they could easily find yet another slumlord to house them with little or no deposit/rent in advance and repeat the process
Not to mention the additional amounts UC provides to a) couples, b) persons with children, c) persons with disabled children