>>71570650>But please also tell how you're doing mentally and how it made you feel, having sex with her for the first timeFirst time was pretty confusing, it happened at a moment I didn't expect. It was honestly a bit overwhelming, I mean I have never cum so hard in my life, but sex has been more "fun" with her later. The first sex was so intense that it almost felt violent.
>How did your relation change after having sex?At first it felt like nothing changed, but after we started talking about it a few times later, it feels a lot more free and open to be with my mom. I can just say what I'm thinking and hear her thoughts too. I had no idea she had thought about everything so much. We haven't talked too much about the deeper reasons or anything, the word incest has never been said or anything like that. But it was wild to hear her say that I turn her on and she sees me as hot. We've mostly talked about the sex itself and what to do together and stuff.
>How has the relation been since starting doing it regularly?Pretty similar to before, mainly we just spend more nights together now. We still don't see every day, we have our own lives too.
>What did your mother think about you having sex?Us having sex sort of send her deep into being horny. She said she feels like a teenager again, like learning what sex is. We had the same kind of what the fuck just happened after the first time, our "real" first time was a lot simpler and she liked it more too. So far she hasn't said anything negative or show regret or anything that sort. We did agree to talk seriously about the sex stuff and how to go forward after new years.
>What are you two doing when not banging?Same as before. Talk, cook, watch tv, sauna, have some drinks, do puzzles, read books, whatever. Before we had sex, my mom started coming over to my place a lot and we did more stuff outside, like went out to eat. Hadn't done that stuff before really with her, so it's been a big change.