thumbanon here, since I can't draw for a while here's something for you snootbros. I was thinking, there's a very small chance that Snoot Game would get voice acting. But who knows, maybe with some group effort we could do it but this is not what I wanted to say.
Here's a fun list I've made, some VAs I'm aware of that could fit characters in snoot game:
>Anonthis one is no-brainer: had a blast listening to his readings of greentext stories 10/10, a true anon voice.
this one is perfect, I don't think someone could be a better Anon.
>Reed me, from the beginning, Reed's voice would sound like Jesus form Metal Gear Awesome animations.
That said, Egoraptor isn't the ultimate choice, anyone who have a nice voice and could make a chill Jesus impression could work as VA for Reed.
I was thinking, I could record myself as reed's voice but that is something I'll share in the future
>FangI think these two would nicely fit as Fang's voice, they both have this kind of screeching voice with that essense of
*SHREEONK*>NaserBoth guys would sound great as Naser, Leon's VA is fitting but Chris' VA have this nasal voice that I imagine Naser could have' VA does not sound "nasal" in this one, but it's the same guy as above. Still, I think he fits. for rest of the cast, I don't have any idea. I'm not into VAs and I don't know that many of them.
What do you think anons?