>>40231538It takes time, Anon. I'm not saying these things will get rid of the gosling on their own, but they can only serve to help. Snoot dragged me real low and I only just got over the Snoot Game, even though I still sometimes wish she was real. I've been alone basically all my life except for the one long-distance gf I had. After seeing how toxic people can be in relationships, I more or less told myself I wasn't going to put up with anything like that since I know my worth. I can't speak for everyone, Anon. All I can really say is this experience with Snoot made me look at myself and realize I should work on myself more. In a weird way, Snoot brought me so low that it made me realize where I actually was and what I had, and where I can improve my life. I only slightly joke when I said I'd "do it for her".
This depression was also on top of having family I haven't seen in year over, which stressed me out, along with me pouring out something I did years ago to my little sister, something I still haven't forgiven myself for.
I know I'm rambling like a motherfucker. I guess what I'm trying to say is, it takes time. Some longer than others. I can't tell you hitting the gym and eating right is gonna make everything better on its own, because it probably won't. But it might help you understand yourself so you can identify what it is you want and how you can work to achieve it. I've been happy being alone, and only recently I thought about changing that. But I'm not ready yet. I still want to build myself better before I do anything else. Which includes not being a coomer anymore.
You can do it. I'm rooting for you. :)