>>28769135You dragged trans bullshit into an argument where it was irrelevant and parroted the strawman that anyone right of Bernie's left testicle wants the legal right to execute trans people in the street.
What we want is to not be fired for telling you to go fuck yourself whenever you're being a belligerent cunt.
Newsflash, nobody actually cares how you feel, and they certainly don't care about what you do to your genitals.
Transphobia doesn't exist. Being fed up with fed up with obnoxious trannies throwing social media tantrums whenever life isn't going there way, does.
Being told to grow up and act like an adult is not violence.
Being told to leave your emotional issues at the door like everyone else, is not discrimination.
Being told it's inappropriate to make everything about being trans when it's plainly irrelevant, is not hatred.
Measures to protect real women and trans men from sexual assault or harassment in public restrooms or biologically unfair competition in sports from people falsely claiming to be trans, is not de-personing.
It's telling you to behave like a respectable member of society, regardless of what's in your head or between your legs.