[Pirate Heist Fuck Off Ep 3]
https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/44083636/#44136524>What a strange little creature...“Who said anything about begging?
Is that really the goal here?”
>Well, if she wants to struggle snuggle...>Eden sighs as Idriana's tail slips between their cheeks and enters their abdominal cavity.>It's less of a closed tube and more of a storage area for tentacles and bioalchemical organs of Eden's design.>The chimera reaches down to the queen who's serving as their throne and begins to rub her ears with earnest as their, 'guts,' rub back at Idri's tail.>An accomplished alchemist themself, Eden has been tasting the oils the fairy dragon had her pixies spread on her skin, analyzing compounds and how they interact with their partner's nervous system as they fuck, their own biology subtly changing to entertain their guest.>Dinner and a show...>Idri's tail thrusts and feels around inside Eden, and Eden feels right back at it; her numbed state making it difficult to notice Eden inject something at the tip as she thrusts.>A few moments later, the gorgon dryad moans as they firmly grasp Idriana's ears, slick fingers slipping into place as the ground beneath them shifts slightly to allow tendrils to rise up and pinch at the queen's royal nipples.>At the same time, Eden pulls Idri's tail forward into themself, letting it part the leaves of their skin just below the belly button like growth node above their [Lovers Lab] mark.(1/?)