>>26292816Yeah! Well alright, prepare yourself and ...
>Fuck I didn't thought she would stop and waitY-You ... uh ... dimwitted, dumb smelly boring looking excuse of a boy. Uhh ... hiding his ugly face in the shadows and his grotesque timid body under poor mans linen robes that smell like the broken dreams of your parents. You are so boring and hideous that you got accidentally picked up by the trashmen on garbageday. When you got lost one day your parents celebrated with a party but cried themselves to sleep when you returned. The stench you give up is enough to make entire buildings collapse and the surrounding area inhabitable for the coming years.
>Seija takes in a deep breathAnd you're not even cute.
>>26292886A bit of sass you got there, hm "sister"?
Ha, don't make me laugh, your insults are smalltime. As small as your frame and even smaller than your chest.
And what even are those horns? They look like someone tried to cross a human with a goat and got you as a result.
>Seija pointed to her own hornsNow this is a horn.