>>26293183Bitch, hold the fuck up.
"God-empress of HG, slayer of newfags, Lord of the Seven Oldfags, best roleplayer in the world and hivequeen of the Lizardmen Yuno?" You cannot be serious right now. If you have to invent titles for yourself to make you look cooler, then you might have a problem. I told myself that I'd refrain from this kind of behavior, but when I see bullshit like the kind you're spouting right now, I'm sorry, I have to call it out. Please step the fuck down from your high horse and realize your place here. I want you to name some things you've contributed to this place recently. Actually, how about I do it for you -
* baited people with fake games, then calling it a "misunderstanding" because of the super funny 24 meme (haha!)
* prided yourself on being a "chillfag" when in fact you're just a pompous ass who thinks people owe him respect because he's a host of a code with 10 events (fun fact - respect is earned, not given)
* mouthed off to people you don't like when you don't even realize you're the biggest cockroach out of anyone here
* had shit RP
Seriously, man. I'll give it to you that you may have energized this place a bit with your hosting, but doing one good thing does not excuse you from the fact that you're just a lazy piece of shit out of his prime that was 2 years ago (!), with nothing to do besides grasp at memories that have long since faded away. Meanwhile, I'm here living it up, basking in the glory while you're sitting in the corner, shitting your diapers and waiting for some other OOC shitter to clean it up for you.
Fuck off.