The Sam Adams Guides as of 17th April 2020:
Part 1 - Yehdoo, Waggytail, Carpdime, Foxhoarder - 2 - Gowdie, McGonagall, MarcusMaximus, Fluffus - 2.5 - Muffin - 3 - Buwwito, AIDS, FierceDeityLynx - 4 - GRANPA156, Pumpiikin, Squeakyfriend - 4.33 - EmotionalSupport Fluffy - 4.66 aka the April Fools Day Special - Fluffsplosion, Inkiepie, Fillialcacophony -
You are a friend of the esteemed Samuel Adams, aka Sam or Mr Adams. A retired real estate mogul, Sam is currently devoting his time to the pro-fluffy organization he has started known as the Advocacy for Biotoy Adoption as Pets, or ABAP. Being a fluffy enthusiast yourself, and looking to own a new fluffy as a pet, you have been following Mr Adams on a seires of adventures, as he has shown you 19 breeds of fluffies so far.
Along the way, however, you have learnt that some fluffies, namely those like Gowdies and Foxhoarders, have demonstrated an ability to break the laws of physics when unobserved. However, you have now come to learn that Mr Adams has been using a fluffies to achieve a form of teleporation. However, as you have learnt, with teleportation comes side-effects, and on one day, reality has started to fall apart.
You have been cornered by three escaped fluffies, which Sam had deemed as 'impractical' - a Fluffsplosion, an Inkiepie, and a Fillialcacophony. As the three fluflies attack you, the wooden door that was behind you shatters, as it collapses into a black hole, dragging you with it. As your body encounters spaghetiffication, and numbness overcomes your body, brain, mind and senses. You hear that unearthly word S W A G, as you await your fate.....