>>30383173Oooh, I know a direct dive would be stupid.
Something I remember fairies doing with particularly troublesome anthills, is to start a fire inside of their tunnels. It sounds crazy, but you can burn up all the air and suffocate what's inside- she'd have to escape!
>>30383339>>30383313If she wasn't running like a chicken- I'd have gotten her. Need to hit hard and fast with all you've got...
>Though her voice was calmed, Cirno was looking the most upset out of everyone of the idea that Harlyn was escaping.Not even her biggest attack could stop me...
>>30383255Keep your trail on her! We're gonna make them gasp at us in awe. And suffocation!
>Cirno raised her wings to try and generate a reverse Instant Freezing Beam, but her wings had warped too much to focus one!>>30383302Oh. Can anyone else here start...like, a mega-big fire?