>>368935I agree with you, but I think the reason you see here so much praise for Newz here is exactly because it's being phased out in favor of stuff like DB. The audiences like Newz more, but the investors like DB more, so the audience looses.
It's not the show itself, but what it represents. A path of potential she has been talking about going down for years, and now seems to be giving up on. I doubt she ever really saw the value in her own content that her viewers did.
I think she really could have "destroyed all the stereotypes" in a sense, or had the potential to be the face of it, up until early last year, I still believed it. Females online are mostly embarrassing to the gender, and those who are cool are usually unsuccessful. Dodger had the character, style, and the numbers behind her to take that role, and did for a little bit, leading to her getting all kinds of huge bumps from TB, Felicia Day, and so on.
I still kinda like her, watch coffeh and all, but ya know, different paths yo.