>>5529866It is as easy as imagining barbaric tribes who lived despite civilization, they didn't discuss "social classes", they didn't have static structures. You worked, you had a family, you were better or worse at something and you followed a leader, not a boss. Slaves weren't slaves because the "metaphysical body of the the ethnic group" stated that they are, they were slaves because they were like livestock. Druids and Kings weren't elected by static structure of power and "class consiousness", they were put there either by force or because they were leaders, actual leaders. People actually knew how to survive by themselves, they were social but they weren't dependent. Not like nowadays where every 3rd job is invented and is actually useless.
Come home white man, no more bullshit about how you need to live, no more bullshit about putting yourself in a group and having to live and die for it, no more niggers. The only things you have to care about is your family, friends, and yourself. Not people who live 100km away from you that say you need to pay them taxes because of potholes and cars. Not people that say you need to rebel in group against your boss because they want to have vacations. Become your own master, your own leader, be independent from leeches and faggots. Eat meat and live. Kill. Breed.