>>5833007Unironically, go exercise. Eat a healthy diet, go to bed at a decent time, and force yourself out of bed. Don't look at social media often, 4chan included. Go make friends, do something productive and, by that, I mean something productive for yourself (aka: not getting into a 9-5 job in a corporate hellscape). Look forward to things, work towards them. Clean up your dwelling, shave your face, and comb your hair. Understand that whatever horrible habits you've created are gonna take a long time to break, so have patience with yourself. Understand, also, that whatever goals you want are gonna take effort to achieve and some are not going to come as quickly as you want. Don't go sleep with random women, it'll instill a hunger you'll never be able to satiate and the headache of the chase just isn't worth it. Make money, but don't make it your end goal. Fight tooth and nail to get whatever it is you desire. There's many times life may knock you out, but the real winner is whoever can tough it out till the end. Take care of yourself, anon. Whether it's the result of the chaotic will of evolution and natural chance or by the artistic touch of something divine, you have a life to live and you may as well enjoy it.