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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 108

/stg/- Slave Trainer General

No.654079 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
CHOOSE edition

This is a general about slave trainer games and the creation of games where you play as a male and dominate women. Discussion about games not being created here is also acceptable as long as it's related to the topic at hand(ie playing a male and dominating women).

If you're working on a game and want to list a pastebin here speak up please.

Major Versions of the game (BT is necessary for mods):Silver edition and Russian edition are the most active
Each of these is a standalone game, not a mod for any of the others. BASICALLY the links to download the games are in this pastebin.

Maverick wrote a guide for scripting. Shows how to write/structure scenes for coders. Good for idea-guys & script-writers:

Info on character generators:

Links to other games

Witch trainer dress up thing(back by popular demand)

Korra Trainer/Breaking Bat/Incredibles trainer/Tifa trainer/Momcest trainer/Ben ten trainer/bitch breaker(Anon projects not related to Witch Trainer)

Contact info for major contributors:
Some of these people are looking for writers and artists. If you're interested mention it

Report & ignore shitposters, people that scream proxyfag/samefag/waifu/waifufag, people that post beast and hamplanet attention whores
345 posts and 41 images omitted

/stg/- Slave Trainer General

No.645478 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What could she do with all of those hands edition

This is a general about slave trainer games and the creation of games where you play as a male and dominate women. Discussion about games not being created here is also acceptable as long as it's related to the topic at hand(ie playing a male and dominating women).

If you're working on a game and want to list a pastebin here speak up please.

Major Versions of the game (BT is necessary for mods):Silver edition and Russian edition are the most active
Each of these is a standalone game, not a mod for any of the others. BASICALLY the links to download the games are in this pastebin.

Maverick wrote a guide for scripting. Shows how to write/structure scenes for coders. Good for idea-guys & script-writers:

Info on character generators:

Links to other games

Witch trainer dress up thing(back by popular demand)

Korra Trainer/Breaking Bat/Incredibles trainer/Tifa trainer/Momcest trainer/Ben ten trainer/bitch breaker(Anon projects not related to Witch Trainer)

Contact info for major contributors:
Some of these people are looking for writers and artists. If you're interested mention it

Report & ignore shitposters, people that scream proxyfag/samefag/waifu/waifufag, people that post beast and hamplanet attention whores
417 posts and 56 images omitted

TG/Rule 63/Genderbend Thread

No.636331 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Drawfags and Writtefags welcomed.

Thread on /d/ - >>>/d/6867388
306 posts and 111 images omitted

No.637286 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
A portal has opened in /aco/. Lines between reality and fiction have been blurred, and we precious few who were browsing the fated board have been granted a seat of great power: We have been chosen to form the Council of Shadowy Figures to create our kingdom from the ground up, and rule it as we see fit.

We do not know what the world outside or kingdom is like--the serene landscape and nearby woodlands populated by sprites and such would suggest a fantasy setting, but distant lights in the night sky indicate that this is a world of technology as well.

This kingdom will have one Queen who will serve as figurehead, while the Council will each be granted Kingly perks, such as arms (weapons/armor), convoy (steeds/chariots), etc.

As the council, we may will anyone at all into any vacant position, and that character, factual or fictional, will be added to your kingdom. Knowledge, powers, and personality of the characters you add to our kingdom will remain.

To fill a position, post a profile picture for the character, and state the name and position you wish them to fill. First come, first serve. I'll periodically update and re-upload the chart to show the progress, and list vacant positions.
256 posts and 184 images omitted

/weg/ - Western Erotic Games

No.633819 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Daily Planet Edition

Western Games in Development / Demos / Betas:

Western RPG Maker Games / Betas

Full Games / Old Games

Previous: >>626293
435 posts and 62 images omitted

/stg/- Slave Trainer General

No.634924 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Persona? edition

This is a general about slave trainer games and the creation of games where you play as a male and dominate women. Discussion about games not being created here is also acceptable as long as it's related to the topic at hand(ie playing a male and dominating women).

If you're working on a game and want to list a pastebin here speak up please.

Major Versions of the game (BT is necessary for mods):Silver edition and Russian edition are the most active
Each of these is a standalone game, not a mod for any of the others. BASICALLY the links to download the games are in this pastebin.

Maverick wrote a guide for scripting. Shows how to write/structure scenes for coders. Good for idea-guys & script-writers:

Info on character generators:

Links to other games

Witch trainer dress up thing(back by popular demand)

Korra Trainer/Breaking Bat/Incredibles trainer/Tifa trainer/Momcest trainer/Ben ten trainer/bitch breaker(Anon projects not related to Witch Trainer)

Contact info for major contributors:
Some of these people are looking for writers and artists. If you're interested mention it

Report & ignore shitposters, people that scream proxyfag/samefag/waifu/waifufag, people that post beast and hamplanet attention whores
441 posts and 52 images omitted

/stg/- Slave Trainer General

No.598230 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Cross over edition

This is a general about slave trainer games and the creation of games where you play as a male and dominate women. Discussion about games not being created here is also acceptable as long as it's related to the topic at hand(ie playing a male and dominating women).

If you're working on a game and want to list a pastebin here speak up please.

Major Versions of the game (BT is necessary for mods):Silver edition and Russian edition are the most active
Each of these is a standalone game, not a mod for any of the others. BASICALLY the links to download the games are in this pastebin.

Maverick wrote a guide for scripting. Shows how to write/structure scenes for coders. Good for idea-guys & script-writers:

Info on character generators:

Links to other games

Witch trainer dress up thing(back by popular demand)

Korra Trainer/Breaking Bat/Incredibles trainer/Tifa trainer/Momcest trainer/Ben ten trainer/(Anon projects not related to Witch Trainer)

Contact info for major contributors:
Some of these people are looking for writers and artists. If you're interested mention it

Report & ignore shitposters, people that scream proxyfag/samefag/waifu/waifufag, people that post beast and hamplanet attention whores
126 posts and 19 images omitted

/weg/ - Western Erotic Games

No.626293 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Whore Edition

Western Games in Development / Demos / Betas:

Western RPG Maker Games / Betas

Full Games / Old Games

Previous: >>621023
427 posts and 33 images omitted

/aco/ Fat Thread 19

No.611932 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Previous thread: >>586296

Fatties of all shapes and sizes welcome.
304 posts and 217 images omitted

/weg/ - Western Erotic Games

No.621023 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Nice Edition

Western Games in Development / Demos / Betas:

Western RPG Maker Games / Betas

Full Games / Old Games

Previous: >>616285
584 posts and 48 images omitted