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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 5

/aco/ General Drawthread

No.7960412 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Provide references and keep them to one image/post.
>Keep requests /aco/ related and keep them concise.
>Be patient and take it easy!
>Don't forget to check the boorus to see if your request was filled.
>Drawfriends, don't hold back.
>Post a sample of your art when "taking X requests".
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>Keep art critiques short.
>To make the new drawthread, wait for page 10 at the bump limit.
>No one is entitled to a request delivery.
>Don't bump or "second", "third", etc. requests. They eat up the post limit.
>Don't fight spam with spam.
>No begging.
>No AI deliveries, no AI discussion. Take them where they're wanted.
>Have fun!

>Collection of Deliveries:

>Drawfriend Gallery List:
rentry DOT co SLASH txf8t

Color/Edit Thread: >>7900957
Previous Thread: >>7920653
369 posts and 242 images omitted

/aco/ General Drawthread

No.8387930 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Provide references and keep them to one image/post.
>Keep requests /aco/ related and keep them concise.
>Be patient and take it easy!
>Don't forget to check the boorus to see if your request was filled.
>Drawfriends, don't hold back.
>Post a sample of your art when "taking X requests".
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>Keep art critiques short.
>To make the new drawthread, wait for page 10 at the bump limit.
>No one is entitled to a request delivery.
>Don't bump or "second", "third", etc. requests. They eat up the post limit.
>Don't fight spam with spam.
>No begging.
>No AI deliveries, no AI discussion. Take them where they're wanted.
>Have fun!

>Collection of Deliveries:

Color/Edit Thread: >>8336829
Alt /d/rawthread: >>8380759
Previous Thread: >>8378402
309 posts and 268 images omitted

Youtuber/STA Thread #35

No.6748130 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
If there's no porn of it, it will be made.

Story Time Animators and Youtuber art. Any Youtube Content Creator is welcome.
No real life pics.


Previous thread: >>6721089
If it exists or can be imagined, there is porn of it.

Remember to yell at Pastebin Anon in case you got any Stories or Greentexts for the Pastebin.
298 posts and 106 images omitted

Female Bondage Thread Part CLXXXIX

No.8455600 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
1. Post a bondage image when you request. Ignore requests without images.
2. Post female bondage only. Male bondage posters, you have your own thread, use that.
3. Don't feed trolls, ignore them. Ignore and report their posts for being off-topic. This includes off site drama bullshit, rumors, and politics.
4. If you post AI bondage be sure to say so either in the post or the filename.

Have fun!

143 posts and 134 images omitted

DALL-E 3 General 656

No.8466802 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

- "Content warning" message = text filter
Many of these in a row may lead to a ban, reword prompt

- Dog = image filter
Be more descriptive, add visual noise, neon lights etc

- "Can't submit any more prompts" = daily limit
Create new disposable account or wait 12-24 hours

- Designer and Bing share boosts, daily limit
- Filters are NOT the same: prompts that work on Designer may not work on Bing and vice versa
- Designer stores images in OneDrive

- Instant "Images couldn't be generated" yellow message = text filter
- "Images couldn't be generated" yellow message appears after a while = image filter

>Azure DE3U proxy access (slightly less censored):

Quick guide:

>Download latest Bing, Designer, Cici AI Slop tools here:

>Image prompts and tips

>DALL-E 2 Prompt Book (v1.02.pdf)

>webm converter with crop function

1. This general is exclusively for images made with (DALL-E 3). Report off-topic posts.
2. NO LOLI / SHOTA / FURRY, cartoons allowed and welcome.
3. Use disposable accounts.
4. May use multiple browsers, logged on different accounts.
5. Filters are regularly updated: share prompts and tips to bypass them.
6. No SD/Flux 1/MID/Low Quality Gens.
7. No flaming / no fighting.
8. Requesting a prompt? Post an image/prompt and use your manners.
9. No discords.
10. Animated Dall-E 3 images are fine.

Remember, this thread is an exile from /tv/ (television & film), celebs WILL be posted. Happy genning. Good luck.

Previous: >>8464639
224 posts and 169 images omitted

Happy Harvest edition

No.8464639 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

- "Content warning" message = text filter
Many of these in a row may lead to a ban, reword prompt

- Dog = image filter
Be more descriptive, add visual noise, neon lights etc

- "Can't submit any more prompts" = daily limit
Create new disposable account or wait 12-24 hours

- Designer and Bing share boosts, daily limit
- Filters are NOT the same: prompts that work on Designer may not work on Bing and vice versa
- Designer stores images in OneDrive

- Instant "Images couldn't be generated" yellow message = text filter
- "Images couldn't be generated" yellow message appears after a while = image filter

>Azure DE3U proxy access (slightly less censored):

Quick guide:

>Download latest Bing, Designer, Cici AI Slop tools here:

>Image prompts and tips

>DALL-E 2 Prompt Book (v1.02.pdf)

>webm converter with crop function

1. This general is exclusively for images made with (DALL-E 3). Report off-topic posts.
2. NO LOLI / SHOTA / FURRY, cartoons allowed and welcome.
3. Use disposable accounts.
4. May use multiple browsers, logged on different accounts.
5. Filters are regularly updated: share prompts and tips to bypass them.
6. No SD/Flux 1/MID/Low Quality Gens.
7. No flaming / no fighting.
8. Requesting a prompt? Post an image/prompt and use your manners.
9. No discords.
10. Animated Dall-E 3 images are fine.

Remember, this thread is an exile from /tv/ (television & film), celebs WILL be posted. Happy genning. Good luck.

Previous: >>8462557
487 posts and 317 images omitted

DALL-E 3 General 653

No.8459845 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

- "Content warning" message = text filter
Many of these in a row may lead to a ban, reword prompt

- Dog = image filter
Be more descriptive, add visual noise, neon lights etc

- "Can't submit any more prompts" = daily limit
Create new disposable account or wait 12-24 hours

- Designer and Bing share boosts, daily limit
- Filters are NOT the same: prompts that work on Designer may not work on Bing and vice versa
- Designer stores images in OneDrive

- Instant "Images couldn't be generated" yellow message = text filter
- "Images couldn't be generated" yellow message appears after a while = image filter

>Azure DE3U proxy access (slightly less censored): (embed)

Quick guide: (embed)

>Download latest Bing, Designer, Cici AI Slop tools here: (embed)

>Image prompts and tips (embed)

>DALL-E 2 Prompt Book (v1.02.pdf)

>webm converter with crop function

1. This general is exclusively for images made with (DALL-E 3). Report off-topic posts.
2. NO LOLI / SHOTA / FURRY, cartoons allowed and welcome.
3. Use disposable accounts.
4. May use multiple browsers, logged on different accounts.
5. Filters are regularly updated: share prompts and tips to bypass them.
6. No SD/Flux 1/MID/Low Quality Gens.
7. No flaming / no fighting.
8. Requesting a prompt? Post an image/prompt and use your manners.
9. No discords.
10. Animated Dall-E 3 images are fine.

Remember, this thread is an exile from /tv/ (television & film), celebs WILL be posted. Happy genning. Good luck.

Previous: >>8457296
495 posts and 304 images omitted

DALL-E 3 General 652

No.8457296 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

- "Content warning" message = text filter
Many of these in a row may lead to a ban, reword prompt

- Dog = image filter
Be more descriptive, add visual noise, neon lights etc

- "Can't submit any more prompts" = daily limit
Create new disposable account or wait 12-24 hours

- Designer and Bing share boosts, daily limit
- Filters are NOT the same: prompts that work on Designer may not work on Bing and vice versa
- Designer stores images in OneDrive

- Instant "Images couldn't be generated" yellow message = text filter
- "Images couldn't be generated" yellow message appears after a while = image filter

>Azure DE3U proxy access (slightly less censored):

Quick guide:

>Download latest Bing, Designer, Cici AI Slop tools here:

>Image prompts and tips

>DALL-E 2 Prompt Book (v1.02.pdf)

>webm converter with crop function

1. This general is exclusively for images made with (DALL-E 3). Report off-topic posts.
2. NO LOLI / SHOTA / FURRY, cartoons allowed and welcome.
3. Use disposable accounts.
4. May use multiple browsers, logged on different accounts.
5. Filters are regularly updated: share prompts and tips to bypass them.
6. No SD/Flux 1/MID/Low Quality Gens.
7. No flaming / no fighting.
8. Requesting a prompt? Post an image/prompt and use your manners.
9. No discords.
10. Animated Dall-E 3 images are fine.

Remember, this thread is an exile from /tv/ (television & film), celebs WILL be posted. Happy genning. Good luck.

Previous: >>8454749
500 posts and 304 images omitted

DALL-E 3 General 650 (bing only)

No.8452487 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

- "Content warning" message = text filter
Many of these in a row may lead to a ban, reword prompt

- Dog = image filter
Be more descriptive, add visual noise, neon lights etc

- "Can't submit any more prompts" = daily limit
Create new disposable account or wait 12-24 hours

- Designer and Bing share boosts, daily limit
- Filters are NOT the same: prompts that work on Designer may not work on Bing and vice versa
- Designer stores images in OneDrive

- Instant "Images couldn't be generated" yellow message = text filter
- "Images couldn't be generated" yellow message appears after a while = image filter

>Azure DE3U proxy access (slightly less censored):

Quick guide:

>Download latest Bing, Designer, Cici AI Slop tools here:

>Image prompts and tips

>DALL-E 2 Prompt Book (v1.02.pdf)

>webm converter with crop function

1. This general is exclusively for images made with (DALL-E 3). Report off-topic posts.
2. NO LOLI / SHOTA / FURRY, cartoons allowed and welcome.
3. Use disposable accounts.
4. May use multiple browsers, logged on different accounts.
5. Filters are regularly updated: share prompts and tips to bypass them.
6. No SD/Flux 1/MID/Low Quality Gens.
7. No flaming / no fighting.
8. Requesting a prompt? Post an image/prompt and use your manners.
9. No discords.
10. Animated Dall-E 3 images are fine.
11. cici is using flux now.
Remember, this thread is an exile from /tv/ (television & film), celebs WILL be posted. Happy genning. Good luck.

Previous >>8450056
448 posts and 296 images omitted

DALL-E 3 General 649 ( keep posting)

No.8450056 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

- "Content warning" message = text filter
Many of these in a row may lead to a ban, reword prompt

- Dog = image filter
Be more descriptive, add visual noise, neon lights etc

- "Can't submit any more prompts" = daily limit
Create new disposable account or wait 12-24 hours

- Designer and Bing share boosts, daily limit
- Filters are NOT the same: prompts that work on Designer may not work on Bing and vice versa
- Designer stores images in OneDrive

- Instant "Images couldn't be generated" yellow message = text filter
- "Images couldn't be generated" yellow message appears after a while = image filter

>Azure DE3U proxy access (slightly less censored):

Quick guide:

>Download latest Bing, Designer, Cici AI Slop tools here:

>Image prompts and tips

>DALL-E 2 Prompt Book (v1.02.pdf)

>webm converter with crop function

1. This general is exclusively for images made with (DALL-E 3). Report off-topic posts.
2. NO LOLI / SHOTA / FURRY, cartoons allowed and welcome.
3. Use disposable accounts.
4. May use multiple browsers, logged on different accounts.
5. Filters are regularly updated: share prompts and tips to bypass them.
6. No SD/Flux 1/MID/Low Quality Gens.
7. No flaming / no fighting.
8. Requesting a prompt? Post an image/prompt and use your manners.
9. No discords.
10. Animated Dall-E 3 images are fine.
11. cici is using flux now.
Remember, this thread is an exile from /tv/ (television & film), celebs WILL be posted. Happy genning. Good luck.

Previous >>8448413
450 posts and 305 images omitted