>>576359Hmmm... I dunno... If I was a rich sheik or royal or uber billionaire, I'd figure why pigeon hole myself to having only 1 thing.
Yeah, I could have a harem of girls to service all my needs...but maybe I get my kicks utterly destroying men, especially westerner pretty boys...
Sssssss, that's a lot of folks... I mean you gotta hose 'em off every now and then, and then there's the smell from all that slop they're scarfing down...
What to do? What to do...?
WAITTAMINUTE...what if I COMBINE the fun?
Yeeeeeah! I can turn the men into women to do my every bidding and destroy them at the same time! YEEEEEEEEAH!
HAH! Its good to be the king! Or sheik. Or heck, just super snooty rich and hopped up on power! HAAA-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-HAAAAAAAA!!!!
COME to me ALL you sissfied little BITCHES!!!!
You're all like Doritos to me!!!