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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 117

TG/Rule 63/Genderbend Thread

No.377340 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Drawfags and writefags welcomed. No Futa Please.

/d/ TG Thread >>>/d/6672205

Last Thread >>343854
308 posts and 142 images omitted

/stg/- Slave Trainer General

No.398376 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Purple edition

This is a general about slave trainer games and the creation of games where you play as a male and dominate women. Discussion about games not being created here is also acceptable as long as it's related to the topic at hand(ie playing a male and dominating women).

If you're working on a game and want to list a pastebin here speak up please.

Major Versions of the game (BT is necessary for mods):Silver edition and Russian edition are the most active
Each of these is a standalone game, not a mod for any of the others. BASICALLY the links to download the games are in this pastebin.

Maverick wrote a guide for scripting. Shows how to write/structure scenes for coders. Good for idea-guys & script-writers:

Info on character generators:

Links to other games

Witch trainer dress up thing(back by popular demand)

Korra Trainer/Breaking Bat/Incredibles trainer/Tifa trainer/Momcest trainer/Ben ten trainer/(Anon projects not related to Witch Trainer)

Contact info for major contributors:

Report & ignore shitposters, people that scream proxyfag/samefag/waifu/waifufag, people that post beast and hamplanet attention whore
521 posts and 46 images omitted

Helen Parr / Elastigirl game thread - Part 2

No.397833 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Back on the horse.

I finalized the face. Now I'm moving on to animating facial expressions. Feel free to post different expressions and I'll try to replicate them with Helen's face. I need to prepare all the expressions beforehand so I can compile them all and use it in the game.
2 posts and 1 image omitted

ZONE TREAD: UPDATE ON Extreme Ghostbusters

No.261014 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>over 12 minutes
>won’t be able to publish as a swf because it has over 16,000 frames
> He's going to be showing more previews of this project exclusively to members of the site as production continues.
Fuck off, we're discussing porn here.

So, what do you guys think?
133 posts and 35 images omitted

/stg/- Slave Trainer General

No.392738 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Tropic did a thing edition

This is a general about slave trainer games and the creation of games where you play as a male and dominate women. Discussion about games not being created here is also acceptable as long as it's related to the topic at hand(ie playing a male and dominating women).

If you're working on a game and want to list a pastebin here speak up please.

Major Versions of the game (BT is necessary for mods):Silver edition and Russian edition are the most active
Each of these is a standalone game, not a mod for any of the others. BASICALLY the links to download the games are in this pastebin.

Maverick wrote a guide for scripting. Shows how to write/structure scenes for coders. Good for idea-guys & script-writers:

Info on character generators:

Links to other games

Rogue-like by Oni

Witch trainer dress up thing(back by popular demand)

Korra Trainer/Breaking Bat/Incredibles trainer/Tifa trainer/Momcest trainer/Ben ten trainer/(Anon projects not related to Witch Trainer)

Contact info for major contributors:

Report & ignore shitposters, people that scream proxyfag/samefag/waifu/waifufag, people that post beast and hamplanet attention whore
457 posts and 77 images omitted

wedgie thread - /wedg/

No.373388 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Will post more.
158 posts and 95 images omitted

No.292045 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Can we have a latex thread?
102 posts and 70 images omitted

/stg/- Slave Trainer General

No.108314 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Silver beta Edition

This is a general about slave trainer games, and the creation of games where you play a male and dominate women etc. Discussion about games not being created here is also acceptable. This Op is a work in progress.

If you're working on a game and want to list a pastebin here speak up please.

Major Versions of the game (BT is necessary for mods):
Each of these is a standalone game, not a mod for any of the others

Mods available for BT. Install Maverick or Mo's mod (NOT BOTH): Silver edition and Russian edition are the most active

Maverick wrote a guide for scripting. Shows how to write/structure scenes for coders. Good for idea-guys & script-writers:

Info on character generators:

Random links to content(will be updated as content is actually posted for me to add)

Rouge-like by Oni

Korra Trainer/Breaking Bat/Incredibles trainer/Tifa trainer (Anon projects not related to Witch Trainer)

Contact info for major contributors:
goo dot gl/e7VdoI

Report & ignore shitposters, people that scream proxyfag/samefag/waifu/waifufag, people that post beast and hamplanet attention whores
303 posts and 16 images omitted

No.147694 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Halo thread guys.
118 posts and 53 images omitted